Do not throw this away!

Biology Classroom Information and Policies 2016-17

Mrs. Hansen

Voice Mail: 846-7721 Ext. 7679

Classrooms: H210 & B205 on gold days


Course Requirements:

1.  Materials:

·  Textbook

·  3-Ringed Binder (2-2 ½ inch rings/ LG. size) with loose leaf paper

·  Dividers for the binder *(package of 5 or 6) LABEL THE DIVIDERS with Names on the LAST PAGE OF THIS SYLLABUS

·  Colored Pencils*

·  Pencil and Pen


2.  Test retake policy: Students may retake 1 Chapter Test per quarter if he/she earned a score below a 75%. 75% is the highest that he/she may receive on the test. The test must be retaken within one week of receiving the score on the original test. The students must show me the completed chapter review(s) and the completed notes for the chapter.

3.  Absences: Check Online! It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to get your make-up work. You receive ONE DAY for every absent day that you are gone. Please read the absent note on top of any handouts that will be in the back of the room. Tests and labs are to be made up during the next SRT after returning to school. Make arrangements during SRT for labs that you missed or for help on items that you do not understand.

At the end of quarters, there may be an extra credit assignments. There may be extra credit when completing a test or quiz. (kahoot or other review game)

Participate in class

·  The teacher may deduct points on grade of assignment or lab when a student is :

·  Not following lab safety rules such as messing around during lab time. You may be asked to sit down and you will be unable to participate or make up the lab which will then result in a zero.

·  Not participating in labs, class activities, videos, and class discussion.

·  Sleeping during class on a regular basis

·  Failing to clean up your lab station

·  Disrupts or interrupts class time

·  Texting or using phone during class time

·  Visiting another lab station/ wandering around the room distracting others after lab or activity

4.  Labs:

·  You will be assigned lab groups and/ or partners.

·  Labs may be graded as follows: as a group grade, as an independent grade, or given a lab quiz.

·  Discuss your lab with partner/s. That is why they are there! Communicate and understand what was just done in the lab. Listen to your lab group members in a respectful manner. Equal participation in labs is required.

·  Lab group member rubric and evaluation will be done per grading period.

5.  Your grade is weighted:

·  Tests 60%

·  Labs/ Activities/ Lab Reports/ Projects- 20%

·  Quizzes 10%

·  Homework- 10%

Grades will be updated online and students should keep track of their grades throughout a semester. All of the above items will be used to determine a student’s grade.

Biology is a Core 40 class and is required for graduation. If you do not pass a semester, you will need to re-take the course until you pass. Biology also has an ISTEP that is required. (in May)

6.  General guidelines for work:

·  If an assignment is not done, it will be shown as an “NHI” in the grade book. For the reading assignments, you will have a reading quiz instead. You will be able to use the reading guide on some quizzes.

·  Do your reading/ studying/homework for your Blue classes on blue nights and the same for your gold classes.

·  Fill in the notes and listen at the same time. Complete the study guides and chapter reviews.

School Wide Grading Scale:

A = 100-93 C+ =79-77 D-=62-60

A-  = 92-90 C =76-73 F=59 or below

B+ = 89-87 C-=72-70

B = 86-83 D+=69-67

B-  = 82-80 D= 66-63

7.  Cheating:

·  Don’t allow others to copy from you! (ON HOMEWORK OR ON TESTS/QUIZZES!)

·  Procedures for cheating

·  1) Conference with student

·  2) contact parents

·  3) academic dishonesty referral

·  4) provided with an alternative assignment

What do we Study?

How do I study for tests?

·  Always read the assigned readings per night. Study with a partner who is motivated to do well. Make flashcards. Use Quizlet. Use the online book quizzes. Utilize free tutoring in the Freshman Cafeteria on Late start Wednesdays. Ask Mrs. Hansen for a SRT pass and ask her questions. Complete all reading guides, chapter reviews, and assignments yourself. Organize a study group with snacks/drinks! Ask Mrs. Hansen to have a study session after school.

Tips for succeeding in Biology class

·  Remember why you are here; To LEARN BIOLOGY. You are not here to get a grade. If you remember that, you know why you need to read the assigned reading, make connections from what you are learning to real life, and not copy from another student. It will make your life so much easier if you truly learn the material. You will take more biology classes in the future and you may also take more in College depending on where you go to school. You may even end up having a career that requires you to major in biology and/or take science classes. You really don’t know what you will be doing with your life and career now so, it is best to try to learn as much as you can in every subject so you are a well- rounded individual.

NOT sure what careers involve a background in Biology? (not exhaustive)

1)  Dentist 15) Nurse

2)  See Doctor* #19 16) Physician Assistant

3)  Surgeon 17) Dental Hygienist

4)  Optomistrist 18) Radiologist

5)  Opthalmalogist 19) Doctor- OBGYN, G/I doctor, surgeon,

6)  Physical Therapist pediatrician, podiatrist, ENT, EMT,

Anesthesiologist, Primary care, endocrinologist, dermatologist

7)  Occupational Therapist 20) Physical Trainer

8)  Nutritionist/Dietician 21) Kinesiologist

9)  Orthodontist 22) Forest Ranger

10) Pharmacist 23) Botanist

11) Marine Biologist 24) Entomologist

12) Wildlife Specialist 25) Chef

13) Zoologist 26) Paleontologist

14) Food Scientist 27) Geologist


·  1st offense: give assignment to me next class!

·  2nd offense: email/call parents

·  3rd offense and all that follow: SRT visit/detention