The Written Packet with your NHD Project

A packet of these materials must be included for each project—not each student. These materials must be typed and stapled together in the top left corner. Do not enclose them in a cover or binder.

1. A Title Page is required as the first page of written material in every category. Your title page must include only the title of your entry, your name(s), your category, the words Junior Division and your word count(s).

2. A Process Paper is a description of 450 to 500 words explaining how you conducted your research and created and developed your entry. All categories (except historical paper) must include a process paper with their entry. The process paper should include the following four sections:

Explain how you chose your topic.

Explain how you conducted your research.

Explain how you selected your presentation category and created your project.

Explain how your project relates to the NHD theme.

3. An AnnotatedBibliography is required for all categories. It must include at least TWELVE sources. Each source must include a description of how you used the source and how it helped you understand your topic.

Basic Format Rules for the Annotated Bibliography

Write Bibliography centered on the top of the page.

Write Primary Sources on the left margin of the next line.

After your last primary source, write Secondary Sources on the left margin of the next line. You do not need to start a new page.

Double space through the entire Works Cited list. Do not single space any line.

Begin each source at the left margin.

Indent the second and further lines in each source five spaces (or hit the Tab key once). (This is called a “hanging indentation.”)

Begin your annotation (your description of what you learned from the source) directly after the source information. You do not start the annotation on a new line.

Alphabetize the sources by looking at the first item in each source. Usually this is the author’s last name. Do not use the words A, An, or The when you alphabetize.

You should alphabetize all the primary sources together, then the secondary sources together.

If you have two or more works by the same author, give the author’s full name for the first source. For each additional work by the same author, instead of the author’s name use ---. List these works in alphabetical order by the title of each book.


Primary Sources

Fulcher of Chartres. “A History of the Expedition to Jerusalem.” Readings in Medieval History. Ed. Patrick Geary. Orchard Park, NY: Broadview Press, 1998. Fulcher of Chartres was a Crusader Knight during the First Crusade. This book is a compilation of primary source documents, which includes the writings of Fulcher. His description of the conquest of Jerusalem at the end of the crusade showed that the attackers cared little for the Muslim inhabitants of the city.

Grim, Edward. "The Murder of Thomas Becket, 1170." 1997. EyeWitness to History. November 15, 2009. < Grim was a monk who witnessed the murder. His opinions of Becket are not neutral, but his basic description of the events can be trusted.

Secondary Sources

The Crusades: Crescent and the Cross. dir. Mark Lewis. The History Channel, DVD. 2005. This documentary summaries the Crusades. What was particularly interesting was the reenactments of battles, from which I learned about their weapons, tactics and strategy.

“Queen Elizabeth I.” 2006. Renaissance Faire. December 16, 2009. < >. The annotation for the source would be here. You would write two to three sentences describing what information you learned from the source.

Reston, James Jr. Warriors of God. New York: Random House, 2001. The annotation for the source would be here. You would write two to three sentences describing what you learned from the source.