Project titles: “CORRIDOR Vc COMPLETION PROJECT” (in Republic of Croatia)

“CORRIDOR Vc PROJECT” (in Bosnia and Herzegovina)


Contract titles: Civil works of Svilaj bridge over river Sava (section in Republic of Croatia: Sredanci – Bosnia & Herzegovina border: bridge over river SAVA) and section in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Odžak – Republic of Croatia border).

(Construction of section Sredanci – Bosnia & Herzegovina border: bridge over river SAVA (in total length of 0,66 km) - Group of works II;


Construction and upgrading to motorway standard of motorway on Corridor Vc, northern border sections in Bosnia and Herzegovina – subsection Svilaj interstates bridge)

This Invitation for Tenders follows an updated General Procurement Notice for this project which was published on the EBRD website, Procurement Notices ( on November 13, 2012; on the “Development Business” website ( on December 11, 2012; “Hrvatske autoceste” website, Procurement notice ( on January 7, 2013; “Official Journal of European Union” website on December 4, 2012; in Croatian daily newspaper “Jutarnji list” on January 7, 2013; in Croatian Official Gazette “Narodne novine” on January 7, 2013.

“Hrvatske autoceste” d.o.o. (HAC) and Ministry of Communication and Transport of Bosnia and Herzegovina (MCTB&H) (hereinafter “the Employer”), intends using part of the proceeds of loans from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the European Investment Bank (the Banks) towards the cost of “Corridor Vc Completion Project” (in Republic of Croatia) and from funds ensured by the Ministry of Communications and Transport of Bosnia and Herzegovina towards the cost of ”Corridor Vc Project” (in Bosnia and Herzegovina) - (hereinafter “the Project”).

Tendering for contracts to be financed with the proceeds of a loans from the Banks and from

the funds ensured by the Ministry of Communications and Transport of Bosnia and

Herzegovina is open to firms and joint ventures of firms from any country.

1. Technical Specifications of the bridge over river Sava

The present contract contains the construction of the bridge over Sava river on the Corridor Vc Motorway on the northern border line between Republic of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, between Slavonski Brod/Bosanski Brod and Slavonski Šamac/Šamac border crossings.

In terms of plan view the structure is in the straight line and the bridge gradient is in a vertical curve R=10.000 m, with approach tangents of 2% grade. Openings of the bridge are 70,0+85,0+100,0+130,0+100,0+85,0+70,0 m=640,0 m between abutment axes. The overall width of the bridge is 13,5+2,0+13,5=29,0 m. Bridge superstructure is a continuous beam over seven spans with double composite cross section composed of steel box and concrete lower deck and deck slab. Total weight of steel boxes is around 5.000,00 tons.

2. Planned construction period of bridge is two years from the commencement date.

3. Qualification Criterias

To be qualified for the award of a contract, tenderers must satisfy the following minimum criteria:

3A. General Experience: The Tenderer shall meet the following minimum criteria:

(a) average annual turnover as prime contractor (defined as billing for works in progress and completed) over the last five (5) years of EUR 26.000.000,00 equivalent;

(b) successful experience as prime contractor in the execution of at least two (2) projects (each with a value of at least 23.000.000,00 EUR) of a nature and complexity comparable to the proposed contract within the last seven (7) years. The similarity shall be based on the complexity, methods/technology or other characteristics as described in Volume II.

(c) Joint Venture Requirements

Joint Ventures must satisfy the following minimum qualification requirements:

(i) The lead partner shall meet not less than 40 percent of all the qualifying criteria for general experience and financial position specified above.

(ii) The other partners shall meet not less than 25 percent of all the qualifying criteria for general experience and financial position specified above.

(iii) The Joint Venture must satisfy collectively the criteria for personnel and equipment capabilities and financial position stated above, for which purpose the relevant figures for each of the partners shall be added to arrive at the joint venture’s total capacity. Individual members must each satisfy the requirements for audited balance sheets and litigation.

3A.1. Specific experience: The Tenderer should have executed of a minimum of:

  1. annual quantity of the overall surface of constructed viaducts and bridges must be at least 5.000,00 m2 in any of the last 7 years;
  2. annual quantity of the execution of at least 3.200,00 t of steel constructions in any of the last 7 years;
  3. annual quantity of the execution of at least 2.000,00 m of deep founding with concrete piles in any of the last 7 years;
  4. annual quantity of the execution of at least 8.000,00 m3 of concrete pre-stressed works on viaducts and bridges or on similar constructions in any of the last 7 years;

5. annual quantity of the execution of at least 10.000,00 m2 of asphalt courses in any

of the last 7 years;

3B. Financial Position. The Tenderer shall demonstrate that it has access to, or has available, liquid assets, unencumbered real assets, lines of credit, and other financial means sufficient to meet the construction cash flow for the contract for a period of 3 months, estimated as not less than 3.500.000,00 EUR equivalent, taking into account the Tenderer’s commitments for other contracts.

NOTE: Required equipment capabilities, personnel capabilities and previous projects completed experience are stated in the Tender Documentation).

Tender documents may be obtained at the address below every working day from 8 am to 4 pm (following Croatian local time) starting on January 28, 2013, upon payment of a non-refundable fee in amount of HRK 750,00 or EUR 100 to the giro account (for all tenderers is the same) of the Employer opened at “Privredna banka Zagreb” d.d., number: IBAN: HR87 2340 0091 1100 2359 5 (domaći Ponuditelji - s naznakom “naknada za dok. za nadmetanje – Grupa radova II”/foreign Tenderers please state: “Fee for the Tender. Docs. - Group of works II"),

Upon receipt of appropriate evidence of payment of the non-refundable fee, the documents will promptly be dispatched by courier; however, no liability can be accepted for their loss or late delivery. In addition, if requested, the documents can be dispatched electronically after presentation by the prospective tenderer of an appropriate evidence of payment of the non-refundable fee. In the event of discrepancy between electronic and hard copies of the documents, the hard copy shall prevail.

All tenders must be accompanied by a tender security of 520.000,00 EUR.

Tenders must be delivered to the office at the address below on or before March 18, 2013 at 10 am (following Local Time) on the following address:

”Hrvatske autoceste” d.o.o.

Address: Širolina 4, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia

(Attn. Mr. Igor Guja, Head of Financial Market Division)

at which time they will be opened in the presence of those authorised tenderers’ representatives who choose to attend (tenderers are required to submit written authorisation before start of the public tenders opening procedure).

A register of potential tenderers who have purchased the tender documents may be inspected at the address below.

Prospective tenderers may obtain further information from, and inspect and acquire the tender documents at the following office:

Contact name: Mr. Igor Guja

Employer: "Hrvatske autoceste" d.o.o. and MCTB&H

Address: Širolina 4, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia

Tel: +385 - 1- 4694 - 436

Fax:+385 - 1 - 4694 - 542

E - mail: