The Mason-Dixon Line The Official Newsletter of the MDGSP Club Mason-Dixon GSP Club Web Site:
Deadline for July newsletter is July 8, 2007 June, 2007
Recent Events:
Rescue Chairperson (acting): Rob Loew,
Mason – Dixon GSP Club uses and supports Mid–Atlantic GSP Rescue as part of our by–laws and as part of our membership as a club in GSPCA. They are looking for volunteers to do home checks, transport, and foster.
Donations in cash or sale of Mid–Atlantic calendars go directly to Mid–Atlantic GSP Rescue.
Sales of club Rescue items go to our rescue fund for vote on distribution.
Mid Atlantic GSP Rescue Reunion
The Rescue Reunion was held May 19th with 45 dogs and60 people. The weather was great, dogs behaved, and there were many reunions with adopted dogs. Potential adopters were introduced to the breed and were able to see the dogs available and talk with the foster parents. One adoption took place and 3 more are awaiting home checks. All things considered it was a successful session. There are still 14 dogs being fostered and 3 awaiting space to come into rescue. If you know of someone interested in adopting, please have them fill out the form at or contact Rob Loew
Rescue Memorial’s:
Breyman, a 12 year old male in Rescue, was diagnosed with prostate cancer in January. Breyman had been fostered for a year after his family divorced and decided that he was excess baggage. Breyman found and pointed a bird at the training day March 11. Breyman was euthanized April 4 because of organ failure.
Office & Chair Reports:
Presidents Report:
~~Club Address~~ As a first term club president over the past two years, I'll be the first to acknowledge …. ”I've learned a lot!” Thanks for the support and commitment of so many, both “old” and “new” members, who are contributing toward rebuilding MDGSPC.
Mason-Dixon GSP Club's mission is promote the breed, provide information and activities for owners and their dogs, which along the way, also fosters interaction and relationships among our members and other dog clubs. This past year, our club has hosted 2 AKC Hunt Tests, 2 AKC Field Trials (horseback), an AKC Confirmation Specialty Show, January Business Dinner Meeting with Awards Presentation and June Business Meeting at our annual Crab Feast Picnic. In addition, an AKC Walking Field Trial was “reincarnated”, after a 3 year void absence, and 2 Field Training Days.
Other activities, primarily by individual members, included Mid-Atlantic GSP Rescue, Agility Competition, Obedience, Rallies, Tracking and Water Trials. As a Club, we need more direct Club commitment in these activities, to nurture member involvement, member interest and more actively promote our Club's mission and goals.
The life blood of all special interest clubs, like ours, is NEW MEMBERS, current MEMBER RENTENTION and CLUB ACTIVITIES. To this end, I would like to challenge each and every member (particularly those long tenured, and more experienced) to: 1) reach out and ask prospective members to Club events, 2) make an effort to call newer members to encourage them to come and get involved in club activities…..let them know they are welcome and valued as part of the club, 3) Step forward to assume leadership with current club events and assume responsibility for events, not current promoted by the club, that members might be interested in promoting.
To this end, I am asking the Board at our June Meeting to appoint a Program Chair, whose responsibility it will be to foster this member participation, coordinate current club events and define what other events/activities that would benefit the club's growth. …….PLEASE, BECOME INVOLVED!
Thank You,
Pat Dady, President
Field Trial Chairperson: Paul Synder,
The MDGSP Club held its Spring Horseback Field Trial in Petersburg, DE on April 20th, 21st & 22nd, 2007. There were 61 dogs entered, for the weekend. There were 6 stakes that ran. ALGD was not run & our OGD drew a 5 point major. We placed 18 dogs, 4 dogs took home points & 7 of the 18 placed were club members!
I would like to thank those who helped make this trial run well: My judges- Bob Amato, Mike Glass, Al Lucas,
Steve Henrikson, Mike Mullineaux & Howard Shultz; Friday gunners-Jamie O’Donnell & Ken Huyser & Pat Dady for gunning on Saturday; dog wagon driver, Jamie O’Donnell, Ken Huyser for planting birds, Nancy Huyser for running her kitchen, & my wife Steph.
To our knowledge, all seem to have a nice time running their dogs, & no complaints were entertained. We look forward to seeing everyone in the Fall! Congrats to all owners & handlers for their wins & placements!
Paul A. Snyder, Field Trial Chairperson
Here is the link to the AKC web Site to see the Results from the Spring Field Trial: &cde_comp_type=&NEW_END_DATE1=&key_stkhldr_event=
Again congrats to all the participants for their wins & placements. And thanks goes out to all those that helped make this event fun, enjoyable & run smoothly!! Thanks and see you in the Fall! Dates & details for the Fall Field trial will be provided closer to the time of the event.
Hunt Test Chairperson: Jim Birdsall,
The Spring Hunt Test was held March 17 and 18 at Mckee Besher WMA at Sycamore Landing Rd. Entries were good. The event drew entrants for NC, NY and Northern Pa, most of whom said they were coming back in fall. The success of the event is the result of good planning, a strong committee, good and willing judges and volunteers for bird planting, gunning and marshalling. Having Somkin Ray’s cooking was also a plus. We would like to thank everyone that has helped us put on atop of the line hunt test , we hope you will continue to show your support.
Special thanks got to CindyStahle for filling in for the injured judge DaveStingl after an unfortunate accident with the mule. Dave was a littlesore, but OK.
The GSP rescue table did well by almost selling out of sweatshirts and T’s and also did well with donations. Thanks for supporting them.
The Fall Hunt Test will be held in late September, a training day will be held the Sunday before the Hunt Test. Dates & details for both will be provided closer to the time of the event. Thanks again & see you in the Fall.
We are asking for donations for the raffle table for the Fall Hunt Test. Items pertaining to health, field training, showing, agility & obedience or items useful & enjoyable for your dogs would be greatly appreciated.
Membership Chairperson: Dana Long,
If you have moved or have a new e-mail address or phone # please send me an e-mail with “update” in the subject line. Thank you!
The board has approved to send e-mail newsletters to members that have e-mail addresses.
The Club has a current membership of 91 members as of June 1st, 2007.
New Members: We would like to welcome the following new members for the 1st Quarter of 2007
Bob & Terri Bonneville Terry & Cynthia Brumbaugh
John & Laura Burke Wayne Clemmer & Amy Kaplan
Bill & Tina Evans Wayne & Carolyn Hall
Leo & Franceen Kahng Bob & Amy Kalgren
John & Debbie Naughton Rita & Ronald Oates
Keith & Audrey Patton Jr Michael & Susan Sands
Chris & Cathy Snyder Kenneth & Maranda Tennyson
Adelia & Victor Watson Stephanie & Ted Yatsko Skip & Vikki Crawford Faith Fields, MDGSP Rescue Gary & Karen Sommers Chad & Tricia Gordon
Tania Batkhan & Keith Shenk
We welcome our new members and encourage them to participate in & volunteer for club activities. Please feel free to ask some of our members for help or advice, we are more than happy to assist. Suggestions for new activities are welcome. Thanks for your support!
The club is required as a member of GSPCA and AKC to provide lists of our officers and members annually. If you do not want your name provided please contact Dana Long.
Please include your complete 9 digit zip code for the mailing list. Some times the USPS can’t read our printed labels for a complete address, the complete zip will help.
Show Chairperson & AKC Delegate: Dee Stelmach,
I spoke with our GSPCA Rep., re: the 2010 Nationals, following last week's Board Meeting. At the National Specialty the GSPCA Delegates voted to have the 2010 Nationalsin Lexington, Kentucky (a different site than where it was 2007). Indiana, Kentucky and some other states are now in the newly created zone (not sure of the exact name ?) in the Midwest approved by the GSPCA membership in the last election. The Board decided to have the 2010 National Specialty there since that location is considered to be in the "new" zone. In 2011 the Nationals will move back to the East Coast,so that if the MDGSPC is interested in 2011 we will need to present our bid at the 2008 Nationals.
The objection to the sites we offered were twofold. Both sites are a considerable distance from airports.The nightly rate for the hotel room was substantially higher for rooms in the East Coast facilities versus the midwest.(Rates quoted by both facilities that we submitted were $125 & $159 per night vs $79 & $89 for the Lexington, KY site which is also near an airport).
It is difficult tofind a hotel near an airport with adequate facilities to accommodate us in an indoor venue. Adequate facilities include: -- a 10,000+ square foot ballroom
-- large block of rooms ON SITE
-- multiple dogs allowed in rooms
-- preferably a restaurant/bar on premises.
Although the two sites we presented (the Eisenhower Convention Center in Gettysburg and Host in Lancaster County) have these attributes, both are a little over an hour drive from the closest airport. I am certain that it would be preferred to have the 2010 East Coast show in the Northeast rather than the Southeast (one of the Florida clubs is interested). I would appreciate suggestions for other venues so I can
prepare a more attractive bid for 2011 if MDGSPCA is still interested.
Dee Stelmach, Show Chair
If you interested in becoming a national member (the Journal is great) or competing on the national level the application for membership is attached. Help advocate the breed by becoming a member. Remember you voice counts!! Southeast Region Chairperson: Hiram Stanfill,
Walking Field Trial Chairperson: Pat Dady, Our Mason-Dixon Walking Field Trial was held in grand style on Saturday, March 31st, after a 3 year “hiatus”. As my first event, I personally now have a much deeper appreciation for the efforts of all the past event chairs & secretaries and what it takes to put together a successful, fun event. I look forward to seeing everyone next Spring. Dates & details for the Spring 2008 Walking Field Trial will be provided closer to the time of the event. Thanks again for everyone’s help & participation.
Thanks, Pat Dady, Walking Field Trial Chair
website with photos
Upcoming Club Events:
Annual (June) Meeting & Picnic: Info. & Agenda:
Created & Submitted by: Ridgley Carr
“puppy” & “adult” …….prizes to be donated by Rollin’Ridge Farm
RSVP by Sunday, June 10th or 609-304-1093 for food count & bird count for dog training
Detailed Directions:
From Washington, DC:
Take I-270 (north or west, depending on how you look at it) toward Frederick. Take exit 22 & follow directions below to the picnic.
From Frederick and points north and east:
*Take I-270 South toward Washington.
*Take Exit 22, Maryland Route 109 South toward Barnesville/Poolesville (turn left off the exit). Go 5.2 miles.
*At stop sign turn right and then an immediate left to continue on MD 109 South (Beallsville Road). Go 3.6 miles.
*Stop light at intersection of MD Route 28 and MD 109 (landmark is “Staub’s Corner” and Beallsville U.S. Post Office on far right corner from the light)….take a right onto MD 28 at light and an immediate left onto West Hunter Road. Go 1.6 miles.
*West Hunter Road will end at Wasche Road, Turn left. Go 1.4 miles
*At stop sign, turn right onto River Road (MD Route 107 West). Go 3.9 miles.
*As River Road approaches White’s Ferry, bear left to stay on River Road (road turns to gravel). Go 1.3 miles.
*On right side, look for Mason-Dixon GSP Events sign. Turn right into farm lane crossing open turf field. On left you will see a pond and covered picnic pavilion, bear left at “T” and park on the far side of the Pavilion.
Officers and Chairpersons. The following is the meeting agenda for June 16th as I have received 6/6/2007.
The agenda calls for reports from officers and chairpersons.
If your report for events was included in the newsletters and you are happy with the report no action is required, the reports will stand. ( Ken pick a date and publish a report).
If you have new or additional information for the board and membership, I need your reports via e-mail prior to the meeting.
This includes schedules for the Fall events. The conformation events are scheduled and approved. A training day at Mckee, the Fall Hunt test and a Field Trialneed fixed dates and confirmation.
Having 2 business meetings a year has reduced discussion of issues that impact the club. Our attempts at e-mail discussions have been marginal since many of the replie have not been to the whole list it is hard to sort out a vote or discussion on issues.
The club objectives are to promote the breed through events and to encourage membership.
The newsletter seems to be our biggest draw. People become members for information and activities for their dogs. Some enter eventsgiven training and encouragement, some do not understand the events.
After 4 years as Secretary of the club, I have the honor of voting in the new slate of officers.