Example of “Front-page”

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System Safety Program Plan (SSPP)



Change No / Date of Change / Description / Sign



1.Purpose and scope

2.Description of the system

2.1Technical description

2.2Conditions of operation

2.3Disposal procedures

3.Organisation, responsibility and authorization etc.

3.1The organisation of the supplier etc.

3.2The organisation of the subcontractors etc.

3.3The organisation of the collaborating partners etc.

3.4FMV organisation


4.1General documentation

4.2Governing documentation

4.3Product-related documentation

5.Materiel supplied by FMV

6.System safety work on behalf of the supplier

6.1Description of the activities

6.2Description of the documentation

6.3Execution of the system safety progress reviews

6.4Connections in the preparation of the user info./manuals

7.System safety work on behalf of the subcontractors and collaborating partners

7.1Description of activities

7.2Description of the documentation

7.3Execution of the system safety progress reviews

8.Evaluation of the hazards

9.Measures to eliminate/reduce the hazards

10.Closing of the risks

10.1The handling of and regulations for hazard number forms

10.2Regulations governing the closing of the hazards by the supplier

11.Amendments to the SSPP or to other system safety-related documents

Examples of appendices


Hazard list

Risk list

Requirement analysis

Safety-critical materiel

Dangerous substances

Hazard number forms

Minimum number of obstacles

Time schedule incl. a milestone index

Minimum number of obstacles

Time schedule including list of milestones


This section defines the terms and abbreviations which are used in the SSPP and which may be difficult to understand by both parties. It is not necessary to define the terms, which are already employed in the System Safety Manual. Remember to list the abbreviations of the suppliers and organisations, which will be used throughout the documentation.

1.Purpose and scope

The purpose of this SSPP is to regulate all system safety activities during the study, development, maintenance and/or disposal of the materiel. The SSPP will guarantee that FMV and the supplier in question will have/receive the necessary facts and figures underlying decisions at the different points of time during the project. The SSPP does not have to include all the different phases at the same time, but can be amended/updated as the project proceeds.

The SSPP will describe the activities and conditions between system safety activities and other activities within the project. All system safety activities, which are described in other sections of the specification of requirements, should also be stated in the SSPP. This is to prevent repetition.

The supplier shall draw up the SSPP in a way, which will enable both FMV and the supplier to comprehend how activities are run in order to achieve the specified requirements. In addition to this, the supplier’s internal requirements on activities will be added to the SSPP, even if these are not expressed explicitly in the specification of requirements.

The SSPP will describe routines for identifying, analysing and evaluating the hazard risks. It will also provide regulations for eliminating/reducing the hazards to a tolerable level. This will also be undertaken with regard to the materiel supplied if so stated in the contract.

2.Description of the system

2.1Technical description

This section will provide a brief general description of the main parts of the system, the basic design, its function, whether it is part of a larger system or whether it comprises other subsystems, as well as any collaboration with other systems.

Particular emphasis should be placed on safety-critical systems/subsystems.

Furthermore, a specification of potential safety risks and accidents should be included. Reference can be given to an appendix.

2.2Conditions of operation

This section will provide a short description of how it is anticipated that the system will be used operatively and in accordance with FMV requirements (TTEM/TEMU). It can be useful to define whether the equipment is designed for use in peacetime, international operations/emergencies and/or crises/war. It will also describe the necessary personnel including the education/training, the conditions of use and which auxiliary systems are available etc. Reference to other existing descriptions can be given.

2.3Disposal procedures

This section will provide a short description of how it is anticipated that the system will be disposed of in accordance with FMV requirements (TTEM/TEMU). Define whether corresponding subsystems, in principle, could be re-used in other applications, if the system is of modular design, if plastics should be marked, and the procedures involving the handling of dangerous substances etc. Furthermore, a description will be given of the personnel, including education/training, needed to dispose of the system. Reference to other existing descriptions can be given.

3.Organisation, responsibility and authorization etc.

3.1The organisation of the supplier etc.

In this section the supplier (or FMV when inspecting existing materiel) will present its administrative and technical organisation for the system safety work, the different areas of responsibility (development, design, production, operational safety and maintenance work, operations and supply work, preparation of documentation, and training activities) with regard to the system safety work and the forms of collaboration within a possible parent SSPP. This section will also define responsibility, authority and procedures for decision-making in system safety-related matters.

The names, addresses, telephone and fax numbers of the companies/persons involved can be listed in a separate appendix.

3.2The organisation of the subcontractors etc.

In this section the supplier (or FMV when inspecting existing materiel) will present the administrative and technical organisations of its subcontractors for the system safety work, the different areas of responsibility (development, design, production, operational safety and maintenance work, operations and supply work, preparation of documentation, and training activities) with regard to the system safety work and the forms of collaboration within a possible subsidiary SSPP. This section will also define responsibility, authority and procedures for decision-making in system safety-related questions.

The names, addresses, telephone and fax numbers of the companies/persons involved can be listed in a separate appendix.

3.3The organisation of the collaborating partners etc.

In this section the supplier (or FMV when inspecting existing materiel) will present the administrative and technical organisations of its collaborating partners for the system safety work, the different areas of responsibility (development, design, production, operational safety and maintenance work, operations and supply work, preparation of documentation, and training activities) with regard to the system safety work and the forms of collaboration within a possible auxiliary/subsidiary SSPP. This section will also define responsibility, authority and procedures for decision-making in system safety-related questions.

The names, addresses, telephone and fax numbers of the companies/persons involved can be listed in a separate appendix.

3.4FMV organisation

In this section FMV (not with regard to the inspection of existing materiel) will present its administrative and technical organisation for the system safety work, the different areas of responsibility with regard to the system safety work and the forms of collaboration within a possible auxiliary/subsidiary SSPP. This section will also define responsibility, authority and procedures for decision-making in system safety-related questions. A description of any connections to other system safety-related work will also be given here.

The names, addresses, telephone and fax numbers of companies/persons involved can be listed in a separate appendix.


This section provides references, which are necessary for system safety activities and which must be used/applied.

4.1General documentation

Legislation, ordinances, standards, directives etc.

Reference can be given to the list of current legislation, ordinances, standards and directives etc.

4.2Governing documentation

Standards, manuals, directives etc.

An account of the applied standards and/or internal decisions, routines and methods, as well as available auxiliary equipment for the work should be given. This should also include the list of requirements proposed or determined by FMV on standards, methods and auxiliary equipment for use in the system safety work.

Reference can be given to the list of current legislation, ordinances, standards, directives etc.

4.3Product-related documentation

User info./manuals, drawings etc.

5.Materiel supplied by FMV

This section describes how materiel supplied by FMV shall be integrated in the system safety work. How should the underlying documentation for system safety be formulated?

6.System safety work on behalf of the supplier

The supplier will describe (or FMV when inspecting existing materiel) how the documentation will be formulated, including activities and regulations for the execution of system safety program reviews (SSPR). A time schedule including a milestone index will be enclosed.

6.1Description of the activities

The supplier will describe the activities (processes, verifications, validations etc.) which will be carried out and/or participated in, the actual method of execution, how they should be documented, and how, where and when they will be reported etc. The supplier’s internal system safety-related activities will also be described under this heading. The participation of FM/FMV in verification and validation activities regarding system safety will also be described here.

Each activity will be given a sub-heading.

The time schedule, including milestones for specific activities identified in SSPP, will also include any milestones listed by FMV for the system safety work in question. The milestones can, for example, include:

-System safety program reviews

-Verifications and validations

-Safety compliance assessment

-Formulation of safety directives, and directives for the handling and use for safety-critical functions and systems.

A time schedule including the milestone index can be presented in an appendix.

6.2Description of the documentation

The supplier will provide information on which document(s) will be drawn up, how it (they) will be formulated, which document(s) will be submitted to FMV, which document(s) will be filed at the supplier’s and how long the document(s) will be filed.

6.3Execution of the system safety progress reviews

This section will provide information on the regulations governing the summons, supporting documentation for the system safety progress reviews, the writing and checking of the minutes, and distribution etc. It will also describe any connection to construction inspections, maintenance inspections etc. for the system.

Any participation in the SSWG (System Safety Work Group) will be described here.

6.4Connections in the preparation of the user info./manuals

The supplier will describe the procedures for drafting the user info./manuals, and how they are connected to the system safety activities.

7.System safety work on behalf of the subcontractors and collaborating partners

The safety activities of the subcontractors and collaborating partners can either be included in this SSPP or can be recorded in a separate SSPP for each respective party. However, a diagram showing all the separate SSPP will be made available in this SSPP. The participation of FM/FMV in verification and validation activities regarding system safety will also be described here.

If several parties are involved, it may be necessary to alter the table of contents.

7.1Description of activities

The supplier will describe which activities (processes, verifications, validations etc.) will be carried out by the subcontractor or collaborating partners, or which activities they will participate in, the actual method of execution, how they should be documented, and how, where and when they will be reported etc. The supplier’s or collaborating partners’ internal system safety-related activities will also be described under this heading.

7.2Description of the documentation

The supplier will provide information on which document(s) will be drawn up, how it (they) will be formulated, which document(s) will be submitted to the supplier and FMV, and which document(s) will be filed at the subcontractor’s and how long the document(s) will be filed.

7.3Execution of the system safety progress reviews

This section will provide information on the regulations governing the summons, the supporting documentation for the system safety progress reviews, the writing and checking of the minutes, and distribution etc. It will also provide information on whether FMV will participate in any of the system safety reviews.

Any participation in the SSWG (System Safety Work Group) will be described here.

8.Evaluation of the hazards

The supplier will define (or FMV when inspecting existing materiel) the criteria for the evaluation of the hazards, so-called “hazard matrices”. Both quantitative and qualitative methods are described for both the consequences and probabilities of personal injury, property or environmental damage. It is important that the definitions, e.g. serious personal injury, property damage and/or damage to the environment, are added.

9.Measures to eliminate/reduce the hazards

The supplier will provide information on the methods used in the execution of the system safety analyses including proposals for concept/construction modifications in order to eliminate critical failure/hazard causes and to reduce system safety risks to a tolerable level.

The following order of priority is advocated:

1.Eliminate sources of hazards

2.Avoid dangerous situations

3.Design/Construction modifications

4.Safety devices

5.Warning devices

6.Instruction (incl. decals/signs)


10.Closing of the risks

Regulations governing the handling of hazard numbers will be specified here.

10.1The handling of and regulations for hazard number forms

This section describes the handling of the hazard number forms with regard to:

-which hazards should be documented on the hazard number forms
(see 10.2)

-matrix/form, who fills in which box

-drafting (including the formulation of the original document)

-referral procedures

-closing (including temporary closing with restrictions)

-filing of the original document and of the copies

-supplementing the SCA after the final closure.

10.2Regulations governing the closing of the hazards by the supplier

This section describes the regulations regarding the risks which do not need to be documented on the hazard number forms, and the risks which should be documented on the hazard number forms but can be closed by the supplier himself. The criteria are defined with the help of the hazard matrix.

11.Amendments to the SSPP or to other system safety-related documents

The SSPP is a document, which may need to be revised as the development of the object/materiel system progresses. This may be done after an agreement between the parties involved, as the SSPP is a contractual document. The section will describe the course of action, including the areas of responsibility, as well as the decision, implementation, and distribution procedures.

Furthermore, regulations for other safety-related documentation will be defined here.


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