Soil and Water Relationship(SWR 2013)
EU Summer School organised by:
Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources(FAFNR)
Department of Water Resources (DWR), Professor SvatMatula
Kamycka 129, 165 21Prague 6, Czech Republic, EU,
Phone: +420224384636 / +420224382572,Fax: +420234381835,
Ondokuz Mayıs University (OMÜ) in Samsun,
Faculty of Agriculture,Department of Soil Science, Professor Coşkun GÜLSERand International Relations Office of OMÜ,
55139 Kurupelit-Samsun, Turkey
Phone: +90-362-3121919 (Ext.7222), Fax: +90-362-4576091,
Date and Place: From3rd June to 18th June, 2013 in Samsun University Campus
Prerequisites: Study fields (MSc, or PhD):Natural Resources/Water Sciences
/Water Management/Soil Sciences
Support: e-learningfrom 15thMay to1stJune
Credits:6 ECTS
Number of participants:maximum 20 selected students, first-in, first-served
Instruction language:English
Student´s share in the costs of SWR2013: 155TRY (or 65EUR) + accommodation in OMÜ campus (price for students)and transport to/from Samsun. NO fee, excursion is included in the share of costs.Please complete and send this form:
- Electronically, filled and scanned version with the signaturetoMrs.Dr. M. Mihalikova, , CULS, FAFNR, Dept. of Water Resources
- Electronically, copy of previous forms to:International Relations Office (IRO) of Ondokuz Mayıs University in Samsun, Mrs. Emine Bol Yazici, /
Detailed information about the school will be given to accepted participants via e-mail
Personal data
Family name:First name(s): / Male: / Female:
Date of birth:
(date/month/year) / Nationality:
Name of home university:
Name and address of academic contact Erasmus / IRO person at home university:
Current address
Street and No.:
Telephone No.: / Mobile phone: / E-mail:
Postal code and city: / Country:
Academic profile
Degree presently studied:
MSc PhD / Major field(s) of study:Month and year of enrolment:
/Student registration number:
Language proficiency in English:Indicate level: Moderate Good Excellent
Alternative/Parents address (in case of personal difficulties during stay in Samsun, June2013)
Name: / Relationship:Street and No.:
Postal code and city: / Country:
Telephone No. (incl. international prefix): (private/work) / Mobil phone: / E-mail:
Write here, please, motivation for participating in the intensive summer school. Describe shortly your present studies and academic background:
Signature of applicant
I wish to apply for the intensive SWR 2013 at the Ondokuz Mayıs University in Samsun.
I hereby confirm that the above information is correct.
Date: / Signature:
NOT filled by the applicant
Signature of Director of the Course, Prof. Dr. SvatMatula from CULS, FAFNR, DWRI hereby confirm the acceptance of the student for participation in the summer school.
Date: / Acceptance:
Yes No / Signature:
Number acceptance:
Department of Water Resources, FAFNR, CULS Prague, Czech Republic, European Union