Meeting of the CCPS Membership

14 June 2012 at 10.00am, Discovery Point, Dundee


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Suzanne Abbate / Deafblind Scotland
David Baird / Kibble
Hazel Brown / Cornerstone
Yvette Burgess / HSEU
Martin Cawley / Turning Point Scotland
Val Culley / Inspire
Charlie Dickson / Bield
Brian Docherty / Glasgow Housing Association
Ann Marie Docherty / Fair Deal
Ruth Dorman / Deafblind Scotland
Bobby Duffy / SAMH
Elizabeth Hay / Crossreach
Claire Hay / Crossreach
Linda Headland / ELCAP
Nigel Henderson / Penumbra
Rob Hughes / Inspire
Alan Ingram / Gowrie Care Ltd
Elaine Johnston / LinkLiving
SallyAnn Kelly / Barnardo's
Anthony Kramers / L'arche
SallyAnn Lakeman / Leonard Cheshire Disibility
Muriel Marshall / Options for Independence
Neil Martin / Real Life Options
Steve Mayes / SAMH
Margaret McArthy / Unity Enterprise
Stephen McCullough / Hanover Scotland
Damian McGowan / Gowrie Care Ltd
Dorry McLaughlin / Viewpoint
Angela Morgan / Includem
Brian Murphy / CIC
Marlene O'Donnel / Kingdom Housing Association
Norah Smith / Kingdom Housing Association
Sam Smith / C-Change
Austen Smyth / Richmond Fellowship Scotland
Emma Soanes / Affinity Trust
Wendy Spencer / Turning Point Scotland
Maria Ullibarri / Carr Gomm
Jock Welsh / Blackwood
Susan Williamson / Barony
Megan Wilson / Sense Scotland
Rebecca Wilson / Barony
Andrea Wood / KEY Community Supports

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In attendance:

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Nancy Fancott / CCPS
Annie Gunner Logan / CCPS
Caroline Scott / CCPS
Annette Bruton / Care Inspectorate
Frank Clark / Care Inspectorate
Brian Slater / Scottish Government

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1.  Apologies

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Tricia Donnelly / The Mungo Foundation
Kirsten Hogg / Camphill Scotland
Anne Houston / CHILDREN 1st
Lorraine McGrath / Glasgow Simon Community
Jack McVey / Options for Independence
Una Munro / The Mungo Foundation
Dana O’Dwyer / Capability

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2.  Minutes of the meeting held on 15 March 2012
The minutes were accepted as an accurate record of the previous meeting.

3.  Matters arising
There were no matters arising.

4.  Director’s update on key developments
AGL updated the members CCPS’ work on the freedom of information requests to local authorities. The raw data had been dealt with as sensitively as possible and two reports and had now been circulated – one for the consumption of CCPS members, the other for public consumption. There wasn’t a great deal of press coverage as yet but TFN planned to run an article shortly. One of the most important issues to arise from the FOI work was the difficulty in obtaining the relevant details from some local authorities, either indicating a reluctance to share the information but more likely that the relevant details were not available.
Some members felt it would be useful to carry out similar FOI work on an annual or biannual basis to track any trends. Others felt it was important not to loose sight of the issue of quality of care by focusing in too much on costs.
AGL also indicated that this year’s CCPS Conference was due to take place on Wednesday 28th and Thursday 29th November. The main themes for the Conference would be a response to the Christie Commission’s four pillars of Prevention; Integration and Collaboration; Workforce Development and Performance Improvement.

5.  Membership update
WRVS have joined CCPS since the last meeting. Stepping Stones for Families have reluctantly had to resign their membership due to financial pressures.

6.  CCPS representation on working groups/committees

AGL has been invited by the cabinet secretary for infrastructure and capital investment, Alex Neil, to feed into the Sustainable Procurement Bill.

7.  AOCB

There was no other business.

8.  Date of next meeting

The next meeting will take place on 13 September in Glasgow

Future of Care Regulation and Scruitiny

The members heard from Annette Bruton, the new Chief Executive of the Care Inspectorate, and its Chair, Frank Clark. They outlined the future direction of the Care Inspectorate and highlighted key developments of interest to providers.
Health and Social Care Integration

Brian Slater from the Scottish Government Health and Social Care Integration Directorate highlighted the key elements of the health and social care integration proposals and sought views, questions and comments from the members. Links to the consultation paper, and to CCPS’s evidence on integration, are available online at

Brian Slater’s presentation is available online at

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