Welcome to Oakley Elementary!
Back to School Night:
Thursday, August9, 2012, 5-6:30 pm
Meet the staff, visit classrooms,obtain informationon PTA, daycare, busing, school nutrition, etc.
WHEN: Monday, August 13, 2012
Start time - 7:40 am
Dismissal Time - 2:20pm
Parents and Students:
We, the staff of Oakley Elementary are excited to have you for the 2012-2013 school year. To stay on course for “Educating Our Children for the World”, we will continue to implement best practices in our instruction, enhance their learning through technology integration; analysis of and reporting of student progress regularly;provide rigorous and relevant strategies while implementing the Common Core Standards;and communicate with and involve all stakeholders in the decision-making process (PTA, LSAC, surveys, etc.).
We anticipate many extra curricular activities to enrich our students, as we do believe in educating the whole childwith opportunities such as: Jr. BETA; Student Council; Spelling Bee; basketball team; character clubs; school-wide assemblies; field trips; Spelling Bee;Robotics Club, school choir; Career Day;multicultural events; Safety Patrol; and much more. In collaboration with our wonderful PTA, you can look forward to our Trunk n Treat Night, Popcorn Tuesdays, Talent Show,parent education programs and yes-keep saving those “Box Tops for Education”.
It is going to be a fun, exciting, and rewarding year for us and we truly look forward to seeing and working with you all. Enjoy the rest of the summer break and see you August 9 for “Back to School” and/or the first day, August 13.
Your Oakley Elementary Staff
What to Wear:Dress for Success
We strongly encourage all parents to purchase school uniforms for their children. Check your local stores (Target, Wal-Mart, Optima Uniforms @ Camp Creek, JC Penney, etc.) for purchases. Our uniforms consist of:
- black or khaki slacks or shorts
- plaid, khaki, or black skirts, skorts or jumpers
- white, black,orbeige oxford and/or polo shirts and blouses.
- Oakley Elementary t-shirts and sweatshirts
Uniforms- make a statement of uniformity and keeps us all focused on the main thing- academic excellence. Please support this initiative.
What to Bring:
Suggested Back to School Supply List, 2012-2013:
- Pre-Kindergarten – No supplies needed
- Kindergarten - crayons, pocket folders, glue sticks, blunt scissors
- First Grade – glue sticks, scissors, crayons and crayon box, colored pencils, two pocket folders, pencils and pencil pouch, Kleenex, liquid soap, hand sanitizer, paper towels
- Second grade – two spiral notebooks, box of Kleenex, roll of paper towels, scissors, hand soap, crayons, markers, pencils, loose leaf wide rule paper, glue or glue sticks, box of gallon sized zip lock bags, pack of construction paper
- Third Grade – notebook paper, pencils, colored pencils, two spiral notebooks, colored markers, pocket folders, paper towels, Kleenex, hand sanitizer, liquid soap, crayons, glue sticks
- Fourth Grade – two packs of notebook paper, pencils, four pocket folders with the prongs, Kleenex, one ream of white copier paper, paper towels
- Fifth Grade – loose-leaf notebook paper, ten pocket folders with the three prongs, pencils, book bag, books for silent reading
Teachers may make other requests at “Back to School Night” on August 9.
Food Nutrition:
Healthy Alliance for Healthier Children
As stakeholders in the success of our children, we at Oakley ESencourage healthy eating for our children. We will do this, with your cooperation, by providing healthier foods for our children to eat. The lunches, snacks, and meals prepared at school and home for our children need to consist of fruits, vegetables, low fat, sugarless and low fat items (as opposed to sugary foods such as candy, cookies, hot fries, gum, sodas, etc.)for a balanced, nutritionally sound diet. You will notice a change in food offerings in the cafeteria and throughout the school- for our children’s sake. Therefore, when packing your children’s lunch, continue to be mindful of what you are having them to eat.Diet after all does impact their behavior and their learning. We, the staff of Oakley Elementary truly appreciate your support in this initiative - for kid’ssake.
The school participates in the school lunch and breakfast programs. The prices for the 2012-2013 school year are as follows:
Student Breakfast $1.05 Reduced Student Breakfast $.30
Student Lunch $2.10Reduced Student Lunch $ .40
Adult Breakfast $1.55 Adult Lunch $3.15
Milk and juice $ .50
Free and reduced meals are available for students whose families qualify financially. Free and reduced applications will be sent home with all students the first day of school. Those families that qualified for free or reduced lunch during the 2011-2012 school year in Fulton County Schools, must reapply for the 2012-2013school year. Returning FultonCounty students will maintain the previous year’s meal status for a limited time. So, please get those applications completed and turned in the first week of school. For students new to theFulton County Schools, parents/guardians will need to pay full price for their children’s meals until the household application is approved. The approval process will be completed within 10 days.
Additional information will be forth coming by Phone Messenger or please check our website regularly at .
Enjoy the rest of the rest your summer break!