Instructor: Gwynne Middleton English 101, Section 06

Peer Revision Response

This peer revision response assignment offers you the opportunity to read a peer’s writing with the critical writer’s eyes that we are honing from our class readings.

Please address the following questions when reading your peer’s essay:

Response Questions

1. Does this essay say something of consequence? How do you know? Provide examples with pages numbers from the essay to support your opinion.

2. Does this essay address a specific audience? If so, who is the intended audience? How do you know? Provide examples with page numbers from the essay to support your opinion. If not, provide suggestions on how the writer can make the intended audience known.

3. Does this essay demonstrate a specific purpose (as revealed through a clear, specific, arguable thesis)? If so, what is the specific purpose, and how do you know? Provide examples with page numbers from the essay to support your opinion. If not, explain how the essay can be revised to reveal its purpose. In other words, what’s missing from the current draft that prevents the purpose from being clear?

4. Effective writing is clear, well-organized, economical, grammatically acceptable, and contains no spelling errors. How well does this essay achieve these goals? What suggestions can you offer to help the writer develop weak areas?


You need to respond to these questions in your peer response, which you will have in hand for this week’s peer workshop. The nature of these revision response questions do not allow for one sentence answers, so expect to write 1 ½ -2 full pages.Explain your statements, and support your statements with evidence from the peer essay.

Use your peer response as a way to guide your discussion during the workshop. I encourage you to write your initial thoughts about the writing (what you like, what could be changed, grammar corrections) on the actual hard copy of the manuscript as well. This is helpful to the writer when he or she looks over the copy later. In addition, such written suggestions allow you to make points as you read, and these points can help you when you sit down to write the peer revision response.

Please type your response. Be sure to double space between lines, to use 12 point Times New Roman font, and to number each page of your response. Don’t forget to type your name, date, class, and title of assignment on the response so that I can give you credit for the work. Submit two copies, one to me and one to your peer.