TUESDAY, JUNE 21, 2016
1 The regular City Council meeting was called to order by Mayor John Clemons at 7:02 p.m.
Councilmembers present:
Mayor John Clemons Allan Rose
Fred Salsbury Mark Christiansen
Ann Fitch Daren Arndt
Les Tlougan
Staff present:
Danny Lenz, City Manager
Shelly Kolling, Finance Director
Mary Buenzow, Records Secretary
2 A moment of silent meditation was observed. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited.
3 Mayor Clemons stated he wished to consider items 5b and 5c ahead of 4a.
It was moved by Tlougan, seconded by Rose, to approve the agenda as amended; the motion carried 7-0.
Mayor Clemons informed the audience that the Council held a closed session at 6:00 p.m. this evening to discuss possible sale or purchase of property by the City. The City Councilmembers and four staff members were present.
4a Carolyn Jackson, Coalition of Greater MN Cities – 2016 Legislative Update
Carolyn Jackson, CGMC, updated the City Council regarding the 2016 Legislative Session. She explained the issues that were approved and those that remain unresolved, and she distributed a handout report of the 2016 legislative session.
5a Resolution No. 16-29 – Amending Conditional Use Permit to Hoehn Properties, LLC
Ed Hoehn, on behalf of Hoehn Properties, LLC, is requesting a Conditional Use Permit Amendment to allow an additional ten units to the existing 15 unit apartment building on property zoned B-3, Neighborhood Transition Business District. The property is located at 609 South State Street. A Conditional Use Permit was granted in May of 2013 to convert an existing
Minutes – Regular Waseca City Council meeting – June 21, 2016 – page 2
vacant school building to a 15 unit apartment building. The approval of this Conditional Use Permit Amendment would increase the total units in this building up to 25 units.
The property currently has 42 designated parking spaces with room to stripe an additional eight parking spaces. Seven standard parking spaces and one handicap/van accessible parking space will be added to meet the required amount of 50 spaces.
A 25’ landscape buffer shall be required on the east property line. A minimum six-foot high opaque fence shall be required along the full length of the east property line with approved plantings to soften the barrier.
The Planning Commission held a public hearing on the request on June 14, 2016. Based on seven findings, the Planning Commission voted to recommend approval of the Conditional Use Permit amendment with five conditions (5-0).
It was moved by Tlougan, seconded by Fitch, to concur with staff and Planning Commission recommendations and adopt Resolution No. 16-29, A RESOLUTION OF THE WASECA CITY COUNCIL APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AMENDMENT TO ALLOW AN ADDITIONAL TEN UNITS TO BE ADDED ON PROPERTY ZONED B-3 AT 609 SOUTH STATE STREET; the motion carried 7-0.
5b Temporary On Sale Liquor License – Waseca County Ag society for Waseca County Fair
(This item was considered prior to item 4a)
The City has received applications from Waseca County Ag Society for two (2) Temporary On Sale Liquor Licenses, to be used in conjunction with the Waseca County Fair July 13-17, 2016.
MN Statutes allows the City to issue 1, 2, 3, or 4-day temporary liquor licenses in any combination, for a maximum of 12 days per year. The Ag Society has indicated they wish to sell liquor at the Beer Garden for the entire length of the fair, thus two applications have been submitted to cover the duration of the 5-day fair.
The Police Department conducted background checks on the individuals listed on the application and have no concerns with the applicants. A member of the Ag Society will discuss security and safety concerns with the Police Department. As in previous years, the Ag Society will obtain Liquor Liability insurance coverage during the event.
It was moved by Rose, seconded by Fitch, to approve Temporary On Sale Liquor Licenses to Waseca County Ag Society for the Waseca County Fair as presented; the motion carried 7-0.
5c Temporary On Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor License – American Legion Beer and Food Stand
(This item was considered prior to item 4a)
American Legion Post 228 has submitted an application for a Temporary On Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor License to be used in conjunction with their beer and food stand at Waseca County Fair July 13-17, 2016. City Code states that a temporary license may be granted for a period not to exceed ten (10) days. The five-day Waseca County Fair qualifies under this provision. The American legion Club carries liquor liability insurance, and a Certificate of Insurance is on file with the City.
It was moved by Arndt, seconded by Rose, to approve a Temporary On Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor License to American Legion Post 228 for their beer and food stand at Waseca County Fair as presented; the motion carried 7-0.
Minutes – Regular Waseca City Council meeting – June 21, 2016 – page 3
6 It was moved by Fitch, seconded by Arndt, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented; the motion carried 7-0 and included the following actions:
a. Minutes – Regular City Council meeting – June 7, 2016 – were accepted and placed on file
b. Partial Payment – 2016 Crack Seal/Seal Coat Project #2016-03 – was authorized for payment.
c. Payroll & Expenditures – June 2016 – were authorized for payment.
7a City Manager’s Report
The City Manager stated the Council has been invited to the Steele Waseca County Drug Court graduation ceremony on Thursday, June 20th at 3:00 p.m. at the Waseca County Courthouse.
The City Manager reminded the Council of the work session this Thursday, June 23rd at 6:00 p.m. in the Public Safety Building. Topics for discussion include sales tax, tobacco ordinance, leaf burning ordinance, special events and vending vehicles.
7b Commission Reports
Councilmembers provided reports of the following boards/commissions:
Airport Board – Councilmember Rose reported on activities of the Airport Board.
EDA – Councilmember Arndt reported a key topic of discussion was the CGI video.
Heritage Preservation Commission - Councilmember Tlougan stated the HPC is moving forward on the zoning map amendment, with the next step to go to the Planning Commission and then to the City Council.
Park Board – Councilmember Christiansen updated the Council regarding activities of the Park Board, including welcoming new member Mike Francis.
Planning Commission – Councilmember Salsbury reported the only recent Planning Commission item, Hoehn CUP Amendment, was considered by the City Council this evening.
Discover Waseca Tourism - Councilmember Fitch stated the DWT will be having a booth at the Fair and volunteers are needed to man the booth. The DWT is reviewing a number of items and past activities and is taking a “quality over quantity” approach.
Minutes – Regular Waseca City Council meeting – June 21, 2016 – page 4
8 The following announcements were made:
Councilmember Arndt commented he will be taking the Region 9 Bus Tour tomorrow.
Councilmember Tlougan stated he was recently involved with an event at Northeast Park and received many comments regarding how beautiful the park and new shelter are. People wondered how long the park has been opened and why they hadn’t noticed it before.
Councilmember Fitch thanked everyone involved in getting the risers to the Trowbridge bandstand in time for the Jammin’ in June event.
Councilmember Fitch reported she recently attended the League of MN Cities Annual Conference in St. Paul. She noted two key standouts were park and recreation amenities, which have become pillars of economic development to draw more people, and more people equals a better workforce. She stated another item of interest was a program in Coon Rapids called “Drab to Dreamy”, which assists residents in fixing up their homes. The program is kept simple for the homeowners. Councilmember Fitch also stated she received many great comments about Waseca from other conference attendees.
Councilmember Rose reminded everyone that Chautauqua will be held in Trowbridge Park on July 2nd.
Councilmember Salsbury reminded everyone of the Firemen’s Fish Fry this Saturday, June 25th.
Mayor Clemons commented he felt the Jammin’ in June event looked fun and was a good use for Trowbridge Park.
Mayor Clemons commented the City of New Ulm wants to extend their sales tax, and on their list is a $1 million renovation of a baseball field. He will bring this topic to the Council work session this Thursday for more discussion.
Mayor Clemons explained the Council recently met with the building designers for Tink Larson Field. There was a small group of citizens present, who provided good input. Within two weeks the design team will be bringing back 6 different conceptual designs. He encouraged the public to become involved in the process.
9 It was moved by Arndt, seconded by Rose, to adjourn the regular meeting at 8:00 p.m.; the motion carried 7-0.