Communit0y Development Minutes

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June 14, 2017

ATTENDEES; Don Kimes, Michael McKinnon, Vivian Gaines

GUESTS; Mary Gaziano, Paul Happach, Steve Sheider, Casper Manheim

  1. The meeting was called to order by Chairman, Vivian Gaines
  2. Don made a motion to approve the 4/19/17 minutes. Mike seconded this motion and it passed by voice vote.
  3. Public comment – Sally Bennett sat in for this part of the meeting. She requested that Community Development consider forming a Sinking Fund when the 2018 Budget process is begun. The Sinking Fund would be established to enable this committee to replace playground equipment as needed. This will be added to the Agenda for our next meeting.
  4. There was no conflict of interest disclosed.
  5. WCHS presentation = Steve Sheider told the committee what this society is doing, why it was formed and their goals.
  6. Code Enforcement Officer.
  7. We discussed with Casper the ICC codes that we have which are dated 2012. It is recommended by this committee that the Village adopt these Codes as well as purchase the booklets that show the changes between 2012 and 2015.
  8. He has been sending out letters regarding high grass infraction of our Ordinance.
  9. He is working with Lyle W. with regard to the appearance of his property on Pecatonica St.
  10. He is working with the Straley’s with regard to the trucking issue.
  11. Electrical Code – Paul left a copy of the 2014 Electrical Code with the Village.
  12. Walking path on the east side of Elida…… Mary wants to talk to President Eubank with regard to the latest information she has received before sending the packet to the property owner.
  13. Ordinance #400 & 94-3. Mary is going to call Casper before she authors the new Ordinance..
  14. IGA with Park District and School. Mary has a draft with a possible ordinance. Vivian needs to meet with President Eubank to get his input before we meet with the Park District and School.
  15. Medicine Recycle – September – not discussed.
  16. Trail Head – not discussed.
  17. What do about residents that flaunt ordinances? Refer to CD Minutes of 12/16, 1/17 and 2/17. Vivian is going to ask that Chief Stockburger attend our next meeting.

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  1. House Numbering Ordinance #325 – This Ordinance is still valid. We decided not to make any changes. This item will be removed from the Agenda.
  2. Inspectors, procedures & fees – not discussed.
  3. Improvements for Winnebago? Not discussed.
  4. Future tasks – not discussed.
  5. New Business – none
  6. Next Meeting – 7/12/17 @ 5 pm.
  7. Don made a motion to adjourn at 6:22 pm. Mike seconded the motion and it passed by a voice vote.


Vivian Gaines, Chairman