Scott Gross

Scooby-Doo, Where Are You?

The Case of the Mineral Bath Mummy


There's a Mummy in my Mineral Water!


Panel 1: Wide shot looking up at a second-story bedroom window of the MG's suburban house.

SFX: Yeeeeeeeek!

Panel 2: Inside the upstairs bathroom, Daphne's head peeks out from behind the shower curtain. She is soaking wet and furious.

DAPHNE: Hey!? Who used up all the hot water?

Panel 3: Wide shot, downstairs in the kitchen. Shaggy and Scooby sit in a large bath tub in the middle of the kitchen floor surrounded by puddles of sudsy water. A rubber hose leads from the sink faucet to the tub. Shaggy holds a long-handled scrub brush. A yellow rubber ducky floats in the water.

SCOOBY 1: Rorry Raphne!

SHAGGY 1: Scooby was due for his monthly bath. Like, last monthly.

SCOOBY 2: Reee ree ree ree

SHAGGY 2: Out with the old fleas, in with the new. Like, am I right?

Panel 4: Wide shot, outside the house. The front door swings open. Velma and Daphne march out defiantly in their spa outfits -- floppy hats, sunglasses, sweats, flip-flops, carrying tote bags full of towels, magazines, brushes and lotions.


DAPHNE 1: That's it!!

DAPHNE 2: I am TRYING to wash my hair and begin an exhaustive regimen of conditioners and moisturizingand there isNO hot water!?

DAPHNE 3: C'mon Velma, we're going to the day spa.

VELMA: I do relish a bath before I scrub my heels.

Pages 2 and 3 are a 2-page splash looking down on the art deco tile floor of Happy Day Women's Wellness Spa. Towel-wrapped ladies mingleon the marble benchrunning along the wall leading to a Turkish-style water fountain and cistern. The title/credits are in the upper-left of Page 2. Below them spa owner Ms. Cho and her masseur Rosario welcome customers (and the reader) to the spa. Ms. Cho narrates several small insert shots overlaying both pageswhich show Daphne and Velma visiting each of the spa's colorful wellness rooms. The corner of a circular pool with bathers sitting around the edges peeks into the background of P3. The final panel at the bottom of P3 sets up the action on P4.



Below the T/C on Page 2 stand Ms. Cho and Rosario. Ms. Cho is a diminutive, sixtyish Korean woman with a short hairdo, track suit and Crocs. Rosario isa tall, svelte, well-groomed masseur with a tight, clean white outfit and pencil-thin mustache. He folds his arms and turns his nose up in a haughty posture.

MS. CHO 1: Welcome everyone, to the Happy Day Women's Wellness Spa. I am Ms. Cho and this is my assistant Rosario.

MS. CHO 2: Rosario is a quadruple certified orthopedic massage therapisttrained in the jungles of Chile. And a Capoiera master. His appointments are every thirty minutes.

ROSARIO: Eh-please, be on time.

MS. CHO 3: The thermal baths at Happy Day are fed by natural underground springs, making our water rich in minerals that nourish the skin and rejuvenate the body.

MS. CHO 4: Be sure to visit our wellness rooms. Each offers unique healing technologies you won't find anywhere else...

Panel 1: Ms. Cho narrates as Daphne and Velma peek into the Aromatherapy room, which is filled with several feet of dry leaves and twigs. A mist of debris clouds the air. Ladies' towel-covered heads poke out from the leaf pile. Velma sneezes and her glasses go crooked.

CAPTION: For instance, you can indulge your senses in the essences of Eucalyptus, Hibiscus, Ginger and Rose in our Aromatherapy Room.

VELMA 1: Aaaa--cHOO!

VELMA 2: I think I'm allergic to essences.


Continuation of the splash from P2. Three insert shots are arranged above a background of the tiled spa interior and a sprinkling of guests.

Panel 1: Insert shot, narrated by Ms. Cho in a caption. Velma and Daphne tiptoe into the Hypersaline room where women in bathing caps lay ABOVE a pool of water, literally levitating in the air.

CAPTION: To exfoliate the pores I recommenda dip in the Hypersaline Bath. This pool is so salty, your body floats on top of the water.

DAPHNE: I'm craving cucumber slices right now.

Panel 2: Daphne and Velma peek into the UV room, which is entirely bathed in purple light. The guests are lying on lounge chairs covered in sheets of aluminum foil with only their feet showing. Velma questions one customer, who peeks out from under her blanket wearing tiny green swim goggles.

CAPTION: Our Ultraviolet Room will blast you with healing energies tuned to your body's vibrational frequencies.

VELMA: I thought too much UV light was bad for you.

GUEST: That's why they give us this foil.

SFX: crinkle

Panel 3: Daphne and Velma stand in their towels outside the entrance to the steam room, a mighty wooden door with a large, fogged-up glass window in the middle. A bulbous red light with a metal cage around it (like you'd see on a submarine) blares above the door, and wisps of steam escape around the edges. Daphne giggles.

CAPTION: And of course, your troubles are invited to melt away in our Steam Room.


VELMA: What's that noise?

DAPHNE 1: I don't know -- hee hee hee.

DAPHNE 2: It sounds like a herd of buffalo.


Panel 1: Wide shot, the red light blares like a hockey goal light, the great wood door bursts open with a plume of steam and a herd of towel-turbaned women stampede out shouting in fright, hands flailing in the air. Daphne and Velma are caught in the middle of the fracas.




CROWD 2: It's a mummy!

CROWD 3: Run!

VELMA: Jinkies!

DAPHNE: A mummy in the steam room?

Panel 2: The chaos continues in the background. Daphne and Velma hide inside a towel cart.



DAPHNE: Does this mean my massage is canceled?

Panel 3: This shot is framed by the fogged-over edges of the steam room door window. Inside are billowing clouds of steam and the roaring mummy's hazy silhouette rising up with his arms out. His details should not be clear enough to make out behind the vapor.

SFX: ...ssshhhhhhhhhhhhhh...



Panel 1: CU Rosario, eyes tight shut, shaking his head NO.

ROSARIO 1: Eh-no.

ROSARIO 2: I not gonna work in a haunted house.

Panel 2: Wide shot of the day spa main room from P2 in the aftermath of the melee. Towels, toilet paper rolls, pools of water and other debris fill the floor. Rosario continues to shake his head and wave his hands. Ms. Cho is distraught. Fred, Shaggy and Scooby have just arrived. Velma and Daphne are still in their towels and flip-flops. In the background we see some yellow police tape and officers writing reports.

MS. CHO 1: That settles it, then. Happy Day is out of business.

MS. CHO 2: I can't run this place by myself, with no masseur and a mummy in the mineral water.

SCOOBY: Rummy?

FRED: What do you mean? I thought you girls were getting pedicures or something.

SHAGGY 1: Yeah, did you like,throw down?

SHAGGY 2: With like, brass knuckles made from toe spreaders and loofas for lightsabers?

Panel 3: Medium shot, Velma and Daphne.

VELMA: No. Something in the Steam Room started a stampede.

DAPHNE: Did anyone actually see a mummy? Or did they just get scared and start running?

Panel 4: CU Velma.

VELMA 1: I have my doubts too, Daph.

VELMA 2: Ms. Cho, with your helpMystery Inc. is going to unwrap this mummy mystery and save theday spa for everyone.


Panel 1: Wide shot, street level outside the day spa, early morning. A banner announces 'Grand Re-Opening!'

VELMA 1: OK gang, remember our game plan.

VELMA 2: We need to keep the spa running and the bathwater bubbling long enough for the mummy to come out of hiding.

Panel 2: Medium shot, the MG assembled inside the spa's art deco entrance room. Everyone is costumed like Rosario on P2, in clean white pants, shoes and short sleeve collared shirts. Daphne holds a tablet and scrolls through everyone's duties with her index finger.

DAPHNE 1: Everybody has a job.

DAPHNE 2: Velma and I are going to handle the front desk, guest services, and making the ladies feel all luxurious.

Panel 3: Medium shot, Shaggy. A towel flies in from OS and smacks him in the face. Daphne's voice shoots in from OS.


OS: Shaggy, you're on towel duty. Wash'em. Fold'em. And keep'em coming!

Panel 4: Long shot, Scooby stands at attention like a soldier, holding his mop like a musket with a bucket on his head.

OS: Scooby, grab a mop and start swabbin' the deck. Don't leave any puddles on the floor, and that includes drool.

SCOOBY: Ress Ra'am!

Panel 5: Medium shot, Daphne turns to Fred.

DAPHNE: And lastly, I guess we need someone to step-in for Rosario. Fred, do you think you can manage givingmassages all day?

FRED: It won't be easy, Daphne, but I'll take one for the team. Someone has to make the sacrifice.


Panel 1: Wide shot of the day spa. A crowd of customers stretching out the door line up at the ticket booth.

CROWD 1: Ugg. My knees are cashing checks I wrote back in high school volleyball.

CROWD 2: OOh girl, you telling me? Mypainsgot pains.

DAPHNE 1: Welcome everyone, to the Happy Day Women's Wellness Spa.

DAPHNE 2: Everyone will get a ticket. No need to push.

Panel 2: Long shot, Scooby merrily mopping a hallway of lockers. From around the corner we hear the girls handling customers.

OS 1: Kathy Katzensprung wants to bring her entire bridal party in twenty minutes.

OS 2: Tell Shaggy we need more towels, pronto.

SCOOBY:Reeree ree ree ree

SFX: ...mop mop mop mop...

Panel 3: Scooby spots the open doorway of a storage closet.

SCOOBY: RRrrrmmm?

Panel 4: Abandoning his mop, Scooby probes deeper into the closet and discovers on the floor several opened 40lb bags of clearly-marked Epsom Salts.

SCOOBY: ROoby-Racks?

Panel 5: Insert shot. A towel-turbaned woman with her back to the tiled Steam Room wallshrieks with fright.

WOMAN: AAAIIIIIGHHH! It's the mummy!


Page 8 shows one large, dramatic shot of the mummy in full bloom and three smaller insert shots of him causing mayhem in the spa's various facilities.

Panel 1: Long shot, the mummy emerges in the steam room amidst a haze of vapor, arms outstretched, roaring with might. Although large, he is a rather sloppy mummy, entirely wrapped in day spa towels except for his menacing eyes. In the background women flee for the exit.

SFX: ...ssshhhhhhhhhhhhhh...



Panel 2: Insert shot, the mummy bursts into the Aromatherapy room holding a leaf blower and blasts everyone in the face with wind and leaves.


Panel 3: Insert shot, the mummy flips on the natural in the UV room. The people lift up their foil and poke their heads out, disgruntled.

SFX 1: click.

PEOPLE: Hey, what gives?

SFX 2: crinkle

Panel 4: Insert shot, the mummy's arm reaches out and pours a small water bottle into the hypersaline pool causing the levitating bathers to come splashing down.

SFX 1: drip. drip.

BATHER: Ohnooo, we've lost buoyancy.



Panel 1: Wide shot, the spa at ground level. A herd of feet, ankles, robes and flip-flops at different depths run across the page in flight. The mummy's angry roar echoes behind and between the running legs.



WOMAN 1: Run for your lives!

WOMAN 2: Oh this is horrible! Dr. Feldman said I needed to be immersed twice weekly. Or did he say 'nursed?' I can't hear a thing anymore.

WOMAN 3: I think you have my towel.

Panel 2: Fred, Shaggy and the girls regroup and peek out from behind a corner, seeing only the fluttering ends of the mummy's towels.

FRED: There it goes, down the hallway.

SHAGGY: Like, has anybody seen Scooby?

Panel 3: Thin CU, Scooby's eye peeks out from within the dark closet. It's sagging and droopy -- he looks sick.

SCOOBY: rruuuggghh....

Panel 4: Ground-level shot looking up the hallway. Green and nauseous from eating the Epsom Salts, tongue sagging, Scooby steps out into the hallway, opening the closet door with one outstretched paw and rubbing his sick belly with the other. The door is a large rectangle that juts into the hallway -- behind it is a mighty crash, the cause of which we can't yet see. Towels fly up into the air behind the door.

SCOOBY: Rrrri rot a rummy ache.

SFX 1: swing.



Panel 1: Wide shot, spa hallway. The MG look down at the towel-wrapped figure of Quintavius Quinine laid out on the floor. Stars circle his dazed head as he wakes up. Ms. Cho kneels before him, unwrapping the towels just enough to see his face. Scooby peeks out sheepishly from behind the door. It should be clear that Scooby opened the door just as the mummy ran by and knocked him cold.

FRED: Good work, Scoob.

DAPHNE: Look! That's dummy's no mummy -- it's a man.

VELMA: And not just any peeping Tom, I bet.

MS. CHO 1: Quintavius Quinine!?

SCOOBY: Rintavius Ri Rine?

MS. CHO 2: He owns a bottled water company here in town. For years he's been trying to buy the spa from me.

Panel 2: Medium shot Quinine, unwrapped and groggy.

QUININE 1: That's right. I want those mineral springs that feed your baths for my own boutique water business.

QUININE 2: Water for celebrities! For the stars! Not unknowns, like you peasants.

Quinine's dialog continues as VO for the concluding two small insert shots.

Panel 3: Insert shot, the steam room and entranceway turned upside down, towels everywhere, flip-flops, pools of water and debris on the floor.

QUININE 1: So I invented the mummy to scare away your customers. Your own massage guy let me in through the laundry room!

QUININE 2: In exchange I offered to make him 'Director of Carbonation.'

Panel 4: Small insert shot, the Aromatherapy Room. The leaf blower lies still on the empty floor on one side of the room. All of the leaves are blown into a tremendous pile on the other side, covering the wall reaching up to the ceiling. A lone woman's lone head pokes out from the pile, eyes wide.

QUININE: And I would have gotten away with it, if not for you Meddling Kids.