The postholder will undertake the investigation, design, and procurement of improvement projects for both Consortiums’ Boards and possibly other external flood risk management organisations.

The postholder will also assist in the operation and management of the drainage and water level management network as well as providing an advisory role to the development control team.

The postholder will report to the Principal Engineer and will be expected to stand in for him when unavailable or absent.

The postholder will work alongside the existing Engineers and Ecologist in the Engineering Department.


1.  To undertake projects and investigations within the annual programme of improvement and refurbishment works to achieve best value for money for the Boards.

2.  To be proactive in securing all available funding to supplement the normal income streams from ratepayers and special levy payers.

3.  To assist in providing a development control service for the Boards to ensure that all development occurs to minimise flood risk and any impacts on the Boards drainage and water level management infrastructure and also allows the Boards to meet their environmental duties.

4.  To provide advice, guidance and information of technical and structural matters to colleagues in the Boards or Consortium.

5.  To promote and be involved in the preparation of Surface Water Management Plans with other drainage authorities

6.  To assist in compiling and maintaining an asset and watercourse register ensuring that the information is up to date and available to all interested parties.

7.  To undertake formal reporting to the Drainage Boards and their Committees both in writing and also verbally at their meetings.


1.  Being responsible for planning and undertaking investigations and improvement schemes in the Consortium Boards and other areas, from problem investigation via appraisal to completion and final handover to the operational team.

2.  Working with colleagues in the Consortium to provide them with technical advice on hydrological, and/or hydraulic, structural and CDM matters and to keep up to date with developments and trends in these fields.

3.  Working with local authority planners and engineers on the compilation of existing strategic plans as well as the formulation of new initiatives to carry forward integrated urban drainage initiatives.

4.  Working with other drainage boards, ADA, the Environment Agency and suppliers to help the Board adopt an asset management system that meets Board operational and planning needs as well as national data reporting requirements. The postholder will ensure that an asset register and any database for holding the information is populated and updated.

5.  Working with other officers to set up and run a system of development control and consenting that involves regular contact with all other planning authorities, developers and applicants. This work aims to promote the interests of the Boards through the reductions in flood risk that should be achieved by the implementation of the National Planning and Policy Framework

6.  The postholder will be expected to have regular contact with Board members and Catchment Representatives in the field as well as attending and providing written and verbal reports to all Boards and Consortium Committees. Some attendance at evening meetings will be required.

7.  The postholder will also be required to take part in stand by arrangements that are in place to respond to any out of hours incidents.