Minutes of the Village of Sparta Planning Commission

Rescheduled Meeting of Tuesday, September5, 2017, 7 pm

Sparta Township Hall, Sparta, Michigan

2017 Village of Sparta Planning Commission Members

Vacant (2018), Jamie Christie (2019)

Commissioners Village President Kristi Dougan (2018), Village Council Member Jayne Paasch (2019),

(Robert Liscombe) (2017), Rose Frederick (2018),William Hayes (2018), Chad Fisk (2019), Jon Braybrook (2017);

Recording Secretary Toni Potes; Capital Improvement Plan Committee (CIP): Fisk, ChristieBraybrook

Present:CommissionersJon Braybrook, Chad Fisk, Rose Frederick, William Hayes, Robert Liscombe,and Jamie Christie

Also Present:Village Manager Julius Suchyand Recording Secretary Toni Potes

Absent:Kristi Dougan, Jayne Paasch

1) / 2) Call to Order / Pledge of Allegiance: The meeting was called to order at 7 pm by Acting Chairman Hayes followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

3) Roll Call: Formal roll call was taken. Members present are noted above.

4) Introduce New Planning Commission Members:

Suchy introduced Jamie Christie and Bob Liscombe who are new members to the PC. Suchy informed the commission that Hudson Miller had verbally resigned from the board prior to the meeting.

5) Minutes

a) Approve Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of July 18, 2017: Motion by Braybrook, second by Fisk, to approve the Minutes. Motion carried unanimously.

6) Additions or Corrections to the Agenda — Approval of Agenda: Motion by Liscombe, second by Frederick, to approve the Agenda. Motion carried unanimously.

7) Public Comment on Agenda Items: None.

8) Communications: None.

9) Public Hearing: None.

10) New Business

a) Introduce Ordinance #17-06 – An Ordinance to Rezone 49 Loomis & 300 Gunn Street.

Manager Suchy explained the rezoning request and indicated that these parcels were left out of a rezoning the Village did in 2009 that rezoned 95, 105 and 115 Loomis Street from R-1 to R-2 zoning. By rezoning these two parcels it will eliminate spot zoning and allow the lots to more closely match the neighborhood characteristic. Planning Commission indicated they had no issue with the rezoning and consensus was to move forward with scheduling a public hearing for the October 2, 2017 Planning Commission meeting.

b) 2018-2023 Capital Improvement Plan Timeline & Committee

Manager Suchy discussed the memo detailing the timeline and that three people need to serve on the CIP committee. Jon Braybrook, Jamie Christie and Chad Fisk all volunteered to serve on this committee. Once the CIP has been submitted and reviewed by Village staff a meeting will be scheduled with the CIP committee.

11) Unfinished Business

a) 2nd Review Ordinance #17-02 – An Ordinance to Amend Section 82-112 Fences and Walls

b) 2nd Review Ordinance #17-03 – An Ordinance to Amend Section 82-63 Definitions

c) 2nd Review Ordinance #17-04 – An Ordinance to Amend Section 82-113 Intersection Visibility

Manager Suchy provided an update on these three ordinances together since they are all interconnected. They deal with corner lot fences and the most recent update was to change the intersection visibility at a driveway/sidewalk intersection from 10 feet to 5 feet.

d) 5th Review of Sign Ordinance #17-05 – An Ordinance to Amend Code of Ordinances Article VII “Signs”, Section 82-466 “Off-Street Parking & Loading” & Section 82-386 “Special Land Use” for Language Related to Signs

Manager Suchy provided a brief history of why the Planning Commission started the sign ordinance review and update (Reed v. Gilbert Supreme Court Case) and indicated the public hearing would be held on Monday October 2, 2017.

12) Public Comment:None.

13) Commission Comment:

Rose Frederick indicated that there are still two cats left to catch on her neighbor’s property and she plans on issuing a bill to the property owner for the cost of fixing the cats.

14) Next Meeting – The Sparta Village Planning Commission will reconvene on Tuesday, October2, 2017, at 7 pm.

15) Adjournment:Motion by Liscombe, second by Braybrook, to adjourn the meeting at

7:51pm. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Julius Suchy

Acting Secretary


Village of Sparta Planning CommissionSeptember 5, 2017