General overview of the sector External Trade Statistics

Rules have been developed electronic audit of a special program on the foreign trade data, which are brought from the General Customs Department in addition to the audit manual of office by the auditors in the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade to obtain the highest resolution possible in the foreign trade statistics.
Was also modified some of the customs procedures, which were excluded from the foreign trade statistics to be calculated from within the foreign trade statistics according to your system that is currently pending a quick solution for the application of public order.
With regard to the difficulties faced by the sector of trade in goods and services in the same previous difficulties almost except in relation to the country of origin to the origin of European Union, where we put instead of the origin of European Union countries of the European Union by relying on the experience and knowledge in the commodity and its origin, and that he was working an imbalance in the trade balance with EU countries, was reached with the Customs Department on the deal to the country of origin of the European Union instead of the Federation of European origin.
With regard to the services sector, we are now suffering from very availability of statistics related to the services sector as it is located on Trade in Goods of the availability of statistics at the level of the partner country and the type of service.
With regard to the amendments that have occurred on international trade statistics in terms of the availability of the country has custody of a commodity in addition to country of origin is available if the destination country has custody of a commodity is the country of export With regard to the value of imports on the basis of calculated S.A.I.F + F.O.B is also available through the existing data in the customs declaration.

The transition from the application of ASYCUDA Plus system to ASYCUDA World system, which is a global computerized customs system, aims at facilitating and simplifying customs procedures for the service recipients. It’s operating centrally through the Internet, so that the service recipient can prepare a customs declaration from anywhere in the world through access to the electronic customs department website on the Internet ( In addition, such system will contribute effectively to the transformation of the customs department to E-customs in order to achieve the concept of e-government.

Also, the old statistical system has been updated because it does not have the necessary flexibility to extract the required statistical reports to assist the decision-makers. It has been updated and developed through using a decision-support system and data-bank. This system is based on building an E-warehouse for customs declarations which contains all the major databases of the customs department (Database of ASYCUDA system, database of risks, database of cases, database of general revenue). Thus, the statistical system is now characterized by the ability to extract statistical reports according to the required information (tariff clause, the country of origin, the customs value, quantities, etc.), and making calculations and statistical processes.

With regard to the application of public order rather than your system has been holding several meetings with stakeholders in the Customs Department in order to arrive at how to implement this system, but there are other interested parties such as the Free Zones Corporation.
Have been addressing them formally to nominate the person concerned in order to reach a full agreement for the application of public order, knowing that the application of public order needs to be trained human cadres in addition to the equipment of various office and technical assistance from you in the draft MEDSTAT new application of this system.
With regard to foreign direct investment and services sector will be talking about my colleague from the Central Bank Mr. Malik Bani Hani.
With regard to the priorities, it is the application of public order rather than the private system, as soon as possible, as well as provide statistics for Foreign Affairs of the services sector, especially as the partner country and the type of service exports and imports, as soon as possible as well.
We also hope that the cooperation continues among us to give advice and technical assistance with regard to statistics on foreign trade sector goods and services as well as in the balance of payments.

Methodology of External Trade Division

Department of Statistics


The External Trade Division main task is to provide statistical information on the External Trade Statistics by type of trade (National Exports and Imports and Re- Exports) according to (HS) Code and other tables and provides information to the beneficiaries of the decision makers, investors and researchers through the database on foreign trade.

The Division also Extracts the results in a monthly reports and provides detailed data base as well as publishing annual publications on CDs. The data are also displayed on the Web Site ( ) for Data Users.

Aims of External Trade

External trade division aims to:

1. Issue monthly reports and comprehensive annual publication reports covering External Trade Statistics

2. Providing a comprehensive statistical database for External Trade Statistics monthly and annual reports by commodity and countries.

3 . monitoring of trade exchange between countries (The trade balance)

4.. Providing the searchers, planners and decision makers with accurate information’s about External Trade

Data sources of External Trade Statistics

1. Customs declarations issued by the Jordanian Customs Department, through the Customs offices linked to the system computerization of customs procedures which is called (AsycudaSystem).

(ASYCUDA) is an Automated System for Customs Data and aims to raise the efficiency of collection and contributing to trade liberalization by simplifying customs procedures and reduce the time needed for cargo clearance system, as it includes advanced concepts. This system also provides accurate administrative statistics and information required for good planning .

2. Customs data from the Centers not computerized (paper copies)and the monthly reports from companies such as (Potash Company, Phosphate, and the Jordanian Petroleum Refinery Company, Royal Jordanian, the National Electricity Company, and the Ministry of Agriculture and the Indian company).

The data related to the main commodities of these companies are considered as an official data by our Department .

Functions Of Workers At The Foreign Trade Division

There are (10) persons working at the Foreign Trade Division .They provide statistical information on foreign trade statistics, by bringing data from the customs offices and from the other uncomputerized offices at the Jordanian Customs Department Data are sorted by customs offices individually and by type of trade , Exports , Imports , Re-Exports and by month. These data are coded, edited, and entered into PCs for data processing. After that a final detailed listing for each of exports, re-exports and imports are extracted using the program Oracle Thus Extracted results are published in monthly reports and stored in detailed database and annual CD.

Phases and Working Mechanism Of The External Trade Division

The first stage :

Sorting of the customs declarations:-

1-Customs data ( on Paper copy " and Coding ):

A team from the External Trade Division carry out a process of sorting the paper copy of customs declarations, by types such as (imported, exported, re-exported and transit) by year, month and Customs office.

2-Guide tariff ( HS), to be issued in the last year of work where all amendments and changes should be taken into consideration .Since the establishment of the Department of Statistics , the Eternal Trade Division has been using the old tariff (BTN) of the Customs Cooperation Council, until the end of the year 1993, when the DoS has switched to use the new customs tariff system ( HS ) issued by the World Trade Organization since the beginning of the year 1994 till now, leading the situation to be clarified and more detailed of the goods and this also led to the ease in the classification of goods and identify customs duties which led to reduced controversy between the traders and the Customs Department .

3-Directory of countries.

4- Customs Offices Guide.

5-Guide for Measuring of Quantities.

6-Guide for Means of Transport and Nationality.

7-Guide for the Currency used.

Sorting of computerized customs data (ASY): -

The programmer in the IT Directorate at the Department ,after receiving the file of External Trade Statistics from the Customs Department transfers the Text File into a program based Oracle. After selecting the statistical fields from that file, the programmer sorts the information contained therein into exports, imports, re-exports and transit and by year, month and Customs office.

Second stage

Checking the data at the Office:-

Checking the data is done at his Division in case of detecting of errors related to the process of coding, or country of origin. This is done for the data sent by the offices where data are not computorized. As for the computerized data, they are checked and corrected through linking with the Modem (connected to the main Server at the Jordanian Customs Department ).

Third stage

Data entry:-

The coded Customs Declarations are entered into PCs by data entry staff using pre-designed program (Oracle), where data listing is extracted .

For the monthly reports provided by the large companies, (Potash Company, Phosphate Company, the Jordan Petrolium Refinary Company, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Royal Jordanian, the Indian company, the National Electricity Company ) these reports will be coded and tabulated and to be incorporated with the other data .

Main Types of the implemented classifications used by the Department

1. Standard International Trade Classification (SITC)

It is classified by the United Nations and covers all commodities in international trade.

2. The international standard industrial classification of all economic activities

(ISIC) International Standard Industrial Classification

The classification by type of activity (industry, agriculture, electricity, construction) the United Nations.

3. The classification of goods as economic objectives for Foreign Trade-United Nations

(BEC) Broad Economic Categories.

4. (CPC) Central Products Classifications-United Nations.

5. Harmonized System of classification of goods (HS) Harmonized System

This classification covers all goods is issued by the World Customs Organization.

Forth Stage :

FIRST :- Extracting monthly report

The Monthly Report Contains:-

Introduction:-included in the total value of exports and imports and re-exports and the growth rate and the trade balance deficit for the month period, includes: -

1-Table of national exports by most countries exported to.

2- Table of national exports, as the most important commodities exported to.

3- Table for Re-export as most countries

4- Table for Re-export the most important commodities exported to

5- Table of imports by major importing countries.

6- Table of imports as the most important commodity

Summary report and analysis of foreign trade during the period from the beginning of the year until this month for the current year, compared with the same period of last year and during the current month compared with the same month last year, said the most important countries in respect of goods (exports national re-exports, imports).

A brief report on the balance of trade during the period from the beginning of this year until this month, compared with the same period of last year and this month for the current year, compared with the same month last year.

And be provided by the competent authorities, and is also compiling these reports to be used in the annual bulletin issued annually in the three structural parts distributed to the owners of the relationship.

Second:-Annual Bulletin: -

The bulletin includes three structural parts on the statistical tables of national exports and re-exports and imports as tariff chapters and economic objectives and modes of transport and clearance centers, in addition to the statistical tables of national exports by brand and the country of destination and the country of destination and brand, and exported as a hostile brand and country Destination, and the brand and imports by country of origin and country of origin, type, the bulletin also contains statistical tables and other Transit Jordanian Foreign Trade for several years.

Thank you for your attention


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