February 14, 2013



Bill, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 9am.


Absent:Carolyn Sessom

Dee Zachry

Tammy Hensarling

Arnold Padilla

Ethel Bluitt

Mike Lopez received an excused absence at the October meeting. Wayne Pollard, Legislative representative for TX NAHRO was present.

Stan moved to approve the excused absences, Monica Moneymaker seconded, and the motion was approved.


Monica moved to approve the minutes of October 26, 2012, Ben seconded, and the motion was approved.


Robby reported the expenses show the conference. Texas Municipal League money comes in March. The cash flow is good

Monica moved to approve, Meg seconded and the motion was approved.


Cal reported the committee reviews the By Laws before the conference. A discussion was held to change to have two meetings a year. One meeting would be at the conference. Tina moved to change the number of meetings in the By Laws, Johann seconded. The change should be included in the business meeting at the conference.


Wayne Pollard introduced Eric Woomer, Legislative Consultant for TX NAHRO/THA. Mr. Woomer tracks legislation relating to housing and he informed the membership of these:1)the state appeal process to terminate clients of their housing, 2)scoring of TDHCA applications, 3)resident board representatives of small housing authorities can serve more than 2 years, 4)at risk tax credit housing that needs to be rehabbed would receive more funding, 5)TDHCA sunset rule is to eliminate funding for manufactured housing unless it is proved to be relevant.

Mr. Woomer said the surplus of funds the state holds is earmarked for infrastructure.

Wayne emphasized the need to communicate with the legislators to streamline regulations that SEVRA has put forward. Monica says the “position paper” is being revised to catch attention.

The discussion of the By Laws resumed. The motion was withdrawn. Stan suggested the new members attend the meeting at the conference. Under Article 1Xb delete the October meeting, add the August conference meeting. Bernie moved to approve the changes, Jo Ann seconded, the motion approved. The change should be presented to the members.


Cal explained there are mandatory and elective classes available and by putting them together THA can certify employees. Certification should have a limit of three years. This is a voluntary program and classes are being offered in Dallas and San Antonio.

Bernie moved to adopt the certification from THA, Monica Moneymaker seconded, and the motion was approved.


A report was provided by each region.


Linda asked if having ads from vendors would be acceptable when she sends out emails or to help pay for the Commissioners book or the Administrative book.


Ben moved to adjourn, Nora seconded, and the meeting adjourned at 10:50am.

Respectfully submitted: Shirley Hensley, Secretary