Word version of the large grants Expression of Interest online form (≤£50k)

This form is to help you prepare and save your answers, before copying them into the online application form. You must apply online by 5pm March 26th, using the unique weblink that has been emailed to your main church contact.

Your details
Name of Church
Deanery ID ((Please use the format 6.05)
Name of Contact Person for this application
Contact's position in the Church
Email address for correspondence
Proposed work & the benefits, if implemented
Very brief (one sentence) summary of the purpose for which funds are requested and how this will benefit your church.
Which specific AECOM audit recommendations are you interested in progressing and why? (Please include the action number(s) and names as listed in your AECOM report.)
Which parts of your church building(s) would this affect?
Do you have any future development plans for these buildings, which would affect the environmental benefits of the work over coming years?
What reduction in greenhouse gasses are predicted from implementing these recommendations? (You will find this information in your AECOM report.)
What reduction in church running costs are predicted from implementing these recommendations? (You will find this information in your AECOM report.)
How will you measure the environmental impact of this work/project? (Note: All large grants require a commitment to repeating the Diocese of London Energy-saving benchmarking.)
Does your project have the written support of the Head of Environment & Sustainability at the Diocese of London? / Yes / No(Note: you will be asked to upload this)
Please comment here on your church’s wider commitment to environmental sustainability and the part this project would play in achieving this.
Comment here on your church’s capacity to develop this project from a Stage 1 “Expression of Interest” to a full Stage 2 application by 15th October. Who would lead on this, and do they have time?
Comment here on your church’s capacity to manage and implement thework if you received a grant at Stage 2. Who would project manage it, and do they have time?
Does this Expression of Interest have PCC support? / Yes / No
-Date discussed at PCC
-Please copy here the paragraph from the relevant minutes
If you were successful at Stage 2 (decisions by Dec 2018), please indicate when you expect the work to commence.
Please indicate when you expect the work would be completed.
Will it require a faculty and / or planning permission? / Yes / No
If required, please briefly comment on where you are in the process of applying for faculty and/or planning permission, and therefore how likely the project is to proceed to implementation.
A : Outline total project/work costs.
-Please tell us how you have arrived at this figure. (You can use the AECOM costs, or you can get quotes. You should add to the AECOM figures those additional costs required for the project to progress e.g. scaffolding, expert advice, staff costs.)
B: Potential amount of this total cost that you anticipate applying to for Cloudesleyfor, if you reach Stage 2 (up to £50,000).
-What plans do you have for sourcing the additional funding required, either from church reserves or from fundraising?
If you are selected at Stage 1, what costs would you incur to develop this project to a full Stage 2 grant application? e.g. Any fees or expert advice. How will these costs be met?
What support do you need from Cloudesley, the Diocese, and/or the Deanery to develop this project to a Stage 2 grant application?
Any other comment?