“Zion Place Mall”

6:30 PM – 8:30 PM

As Enrichment Counselor, I would like to thank you for agreeing to help us with the Relief Society Birthday Enrichment Night in March. The night’s message is “The Master is in Charge.” The theme is based around the “mall” and the entire place will be decorated accordingly. The plan is to have different stores around the mall and we are asking that you help us with the following store and spiritual message:

NAME OF STORE:Shoe Fitters (Shoe Store)

SPIRITUAL MESSAGE: “Don’t Judge Others—Walk a mile in her shoes.”

We are asking that you:

  1. Decorate your room to look like your store.
  2. Prepare a short “sales pitch” which gives a spiritual message (listed above) related to the type of store (3 minutes or less). Remind sisters that the “Master is in Charge”—based on the scripture: John 15:5 (I am the avine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without bme ye can do nothing). I am making a handout to give them at the end with this reference.
  3. Provide a handout or giveaway of some kind—something for sisters to put in their shopping bags, take home, and contemplate later. The YW are invited too, so we are asking you to prepare 80 handouts/giveaways.We will give you up to $10 for anything you need to purchase.

Ideas from a ward that held a mall enrichment activity are as follows:

The rooms were decorated by the “Store Owners” with amazing results.One had a grand opening, another had an Easter madness sale going on, etc. Each “store” was decorated with miscellaneous things pertaining to the message being taught in that store that the sisters (store owners) decorated themselves

Example: The “Journeys”shoe & clothing store is about being a happy person and “enjoying the journey no matter where you are in life. Maybe you’re not blessed with children the positive side would be that you can play with other children…get them all riled and then give them back to their parents and you can go home and (have uninterrupted) sleep, read a good book, watch a classic movie, write a letter, and/or just relax, while the parents are still working with their children.There are many avenues that one could go through here, so just have the store owner be open to everything, just look at the positive and find the positive instead of the negative.

We will provide large signs of the store logo for you. If you need anything printed with color ink contact or would like to use materials such as crazy scissors, stamps, etc. so you can make your handout spectacular, let us know and we will try to get some of these things for you. If you need more input, you may reach our enrichment leader, (name).

Cheryl Jorgensen

Relief Society Enrichment Counselor