

Night Final Unit Test


Directions: Answer each question with as many details as possible from the novel.

1. Describe Elie Wiesel's father.

2. Describe Moshe the Beadle.

3. Why was Moshe the Beadle important to Elie Wiesel?

4. What did Moshe the Beadle tell the people on his return from being deported?

6. What was the setting and the year for the first section of the book?

7. Who did Elie Wiesel begin to hate because they were his community's first oppressors?

9. To what did Wiesel compare the world?

10. What did Madame Schächter see in her vision?

12. What did the Jews in the train car discover when they looked out the window?

13. What did Wiesel say about the travelers' illusions?

14. Which notorious SS officer did they meet at the concentration camp?

15. What was Elie's main thought as the men and women were being herded from the train?

16. Were people reciting the Kaddish, the prayer for the dead, for themselves?

17. What happened after the gypsy struck his father?

19. Describe Elie’s experience with the dentist.

20. What did Elie Wiesel do when Idek hit his father?

21. What did Franek want from Elie? Did Elie give up an item to Franek to keep Franek from tormenting his father?

23. How did the men feel after the air raid?

24. What happened to the young man from Warsaw?

25. How did Elie say the soup tasted the night the pipel (young servant boy) was hanged?

26. How did Elie feel as he observed the prayer service?

27. What was Elie's decision about fasting on Yom Kippur? Why did he make that decision?

28. What was Elie's inheritance from his father? Why was his father giving it to him?

30. What did Elie dream of when he dreamed of a better world?

31. What happened to the patients who stayed in the hospital instead of being evacuated?

32. What was the last thing the head of the block ordered the men to do before they evacuated?

33. What was the weather like during the evacuation?

34. While running, an idea began to fascinate Elie. What was the idea?

35. What did Elie realize about Rabbi Eliahou's son just after the evacuation?

36. How many men started out in the train? How many were left when they arrived at Buchenwald?

37. What happened to Mr. Wiesel, Elie's father?

38. What was Elie's only desire when he left the camp?

*Make sure to look over your vocabulary packet, there will be vocab questions on the test.*