Sources of Carbohydrates, Fats and Protein
Name: Date:
Assess how much carbohydrates, proteins, and fats you get in your diet.
• Review the table shown here.
• Answer the questions that follow.
• File this worksheet in the correct section of your notebook.
Our body needs carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Too little of any of these nutrients causes problems.
Nutrient and Food Source / Function / Effects of DeficiencyCarbohydrates
/ • sugars supply instant energy
• fibre helps move food through digestive tract / • lack of energy
• weight loss
/ • provide energy
• insulate
• absorb fatsoluble vitamins
• enable cells to function / • lack of energy
• weight loss
/ • build and repair tissue
• regulate chemical activity
• provide energy only when carbohydrates and fats are not available / • lack of energy
• slowed growth
• weakened immune system
• poor body function
1. How do each of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins help the body?
2. What happens if the body gets too little of any of these nutrients?
3. Which nutrient provides the body with the most efficient energy conversion?
4. Which nutrient will the body convert into energy last? When might this be an advantage?
5. Evaluate the lunch you ate today.
(a) In your Science Log or notebook, write down the name of each food or ingredient in each dish, and how much you had.
(b) Identify each food as a carbohydrate, protein, or fat. If it has more than one of these nutrients, consider what fraction of each nutrient it contained.
(c) Use the information from (a) and (b) to consider what percentage of your lunch
consisted of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.
6. What percent of each of the above nutrients should a good diet have? What can you do to improve your diet?