Tracy Ag-Education Department Moodle Classes
Letter-grade, quarter credits
Each On-line Moodle class, when completed successfully, generates one-quarter (0.25) of high-school credit. All classes generate letter grades to be added to the student's transcript. Students need to work closely with their teacher to earn the letter grade they expect. Tracy Ag-Education does NOT offer pass/fail credit for any class. As soon as the proctored final test is taken and passed, the final grade earned in the class is entered as an official quarter credit.
TAHS Ag-Education On-Line classes take time
Experience tells us it takes about 50 hours to complete a quarter credit class, or about 200 hours for a full credit. Some classes require more.
Classes are rigorous
The courses are rigorous and require dedication and self-motivation by our students; however, each credit-granting class has an Ag-Education teacher to mentor students for success.
On-Line students abide by the honor code
"As a student of the Electronic High School, I agree to turn in my assignments in a timely manner, do my own work, not share my work with others, and treat all students, teachers, and staff with respect."
Work at your own pace
We expect students to complete a quarter class within the time frame of each 9 weeks grading period and to submit work consistently - at least weekly - to remain on class rolls.
Can I do my work from home?
Students must schedule one class period a day to be present in the Ag Classroom. This allows the student access to the Ag Instructors, and gives the student one-on-one contact and assistance as needed.
Outside of the Ag Classroom, you can work on your class from any computers connected to the Internet, no matter where you are.
At the end of each class, you must take and pass a proctored exam at Tracy Area High School. When a student is ready for a final test, the Ag-Education teacher and the student may arrange the date and time to take the class final test.
MOODLE CLASSES Offered by the Tracy Agricultural Education Department
Intro to AgEd 101 – ¼ Credit
Description: In this introductory course, students will explore modern agriculture. They will learn about the different sectors in the agriculture industry. Topics include defining Agriscience, global needs of agriculture, exploring agricultural careers, what biotechnology is, and an introduction to FFA.
Food Science and Technology – ¼ Credit
Description: In this introductory course, students will explore the modern food industry and its relationship to agriculture. They will learn about the different sectors in the food industry. Topics include food products from crops and animals, food safety, inspection, processing and handling. Also career opportunities in the food industry will be explored.
Theory & Principles of Small Engine Operation - ¼ Credit
Course Description - This is a prerequisite course for Small Engines Lab. Students will learn the theory and principles of the operation of small engines. Included in this course are the identification and function of all parts of a small engine, tools required for repair and trouble shooting, fasteners, sealants, and gaskets. Discussion of two-cycle and four-cycle engines and engine performance will also be covered.
Intro to Crop Science – ¼ Credit
Course Description - This class provides an introduction to the fascinating world of crop science. Students will learn about the origins of cultivated plants, structure and anatomy, photosynthesis, respiration, propagation, the basic requirements for plant growth, genetic engineering, biotechnology, soils, production of major agronomic crops, and more.