Appendix1:Summary of empirical studies comparing fish assemblages inside and outside of no-take marine reserves in the Indo-pacific region. Information is organised by general region of the Indo-pacific. Studies were sourced using the ISI and Scopus Databases with the search terms Marine Reserve/Marine Protected Area for each of the regions. The scientific method used and the depth(s) each study sampled at, are shown.

Location / Author(s)
(year) / Method Used / Depths Studied (m)
East Africa / (McClanahan 1994) / UVC / < 1.5
(Watson & Ormond 1994) / UVC / 5, 10
(Jennings et al. 1996) / UVC / 3-13
(McClanahan & Kaunda-Arara 1996) / UVC / 0.2-10
(McClanahan 1997) / UVC / < 1.5
(McClanahan et al. 2007) / UVC / 0.5-3
(Tyler et al. 2009) / UVC / 3 Zones
Fiji / (Jupiter and Egli 2011) / UVC / 0.5-2, 5-8, 12-15
Great Barrier Reef / (Ferreira & Russ 1995) / Catch Tag Release / N/A
(Zeller & Russ 1998) / Catch Tag Release / N/A
(Graham et al. 2003) / UVC / 7-11
(Evans & Russ 2004) / UVC / 5-10
(Williamson et al. 2004) / UVC / 4-12
(Russ et al. 2008) / UVC / Not Stated
(Evans et al. 2008) / UVC / 4-9
Hawai’i and Line Islands / (Friedlander et al. 2003) / UVC / 1-5, 6-13
(Tissot et al. 2004) / UVC / 7, 15
(Williams et al. 2006) / UVC / <2
(Friedlander et al. 2007) / UVC / 0.5 – 31
(DeMartini et al. 2008) / UVC / 10
(Friedlander et al. 2010) / UVC / 5, 10, 20
New Caledonia / (Wantiez et al. 1997) / UVC / Not Stated
(Sarramegna 2001) / UVC, Catch Data / Not Stated
(Chateau & Wantiez 2005) / UVC / 3 Zones
(Ferraris et al. 2005) / UVC / 0.7-1.5, 8.4
(Kulbicki et al. 2007) / UVC / Not Stated
(Bartlett et al. 2009) / UVC / Not Stated
NW Australia / (Westera et al. 2003) / BRUVs UVC / 2
Papua New Guinea / (Jones et al. 2004) / UVC / 2 Zones
(Cinner et al. 2005) / UVC / 2-4, 6-8
(Cinner et al. 2006) / UVC Catch Data / 3, 7
(McClanahan et al. 2006) / UVC / Not Stated
Philippines / (White 1988) / UVC / 6-7
(Alcala 1988) / UVC, Catch Data / Not Stated
(Russ & Alcala 2003) / UVC / 2-7
(Alcala et al. 2005) / UVC / 2-17
(Russ et al. 2005) / UVC / 2-5, 10-12
(Abesamis et al. 2006) / UVC / 10-12
(Samoilys et al. 2007) / UVC / 1-5, 7-11
Red Sea / (Roberts & Polunin 1993) / UVC / 15
(Galal et al. 2002) / UVC, Catch Data / 0-2, 3, 10, 17
(Ashworth & Ormond 2005) / UVC / 1, 3, 10
Solomon Isl. / (Aswani et al. 2007) / UVC / 20


Abesamis RA, Russ GR, Alcala AC (2006) Gradients of abundance of fish across no-take marine reserve boundaries: evidence from Philippine coral reefs. Aquat Conserv 16:349-371

Alcala AC (1988) Effects of marine reserves on coral fish abundances and yields of Philippine coral reefs. Ambio 17:194-199

Alcala AC, Russ GR, Maypa AP, Calumpong HP (2005) A long-term, spatially replicated experimental test of the effect of marine reserves on local fish yields. Can J Fish Aquat Sci 62:98-108

Ashworth JS, Ormond RFG (2005) Effects of fishing pressure and trophic group on abundance and spillover across boundaries of a no-take zone. Biol Conserv 121:333-344

Aswani S, Albert S, Sabetian A, Furusawa T (2007) Customary management as precautionary and adaptive principles for protecting coral reefs in Oceania. Coral Reefs 26:1009-1021

Bartlett CY, Pakoa K, Manua C (2009) Marine reserve phenomenon in the Pacific islands. Mar Policy 33:673-678

Chateau O, Wantiez L (2005) Comparison of coral reef fish communities between two fished and one protected reefs in New CaledoniaSouthLagoonMarinePark. Cybium 29:159-174

Cinner J, Marnane MJ, McClanahan TR, Almany GR (2006) Periodic closures as adaptive coral reef management in the Indo-Pacific. Ecol Soc 11:34

Cinner JE, Marnane MJ, McClanahan TR (2005) Conservation and community benefits from traditional coral reef management at Ahus Island, Papua New Guinea. Conserv Biol 19:1714-1723

DeMartini EE, Friedlander AM, Sandin SA, Sala E (2008) Differences in fish-assemblage structure between fished and unfished atolls in the northern Line Islands, central Pacific. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 365:199-215

Evans RD, Russ GR (2004) Larger biomass of targeted reef fish in no-take marine reserves on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Aquat Conserv 14:505-519

Evans RD, Russ GR, Kritzer JP (2008) Batch fecundity of Lutjanus carponotatus (Lutjanidae) and implications of no-take marine reserves on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Coral Reefs 27:179-189

Ferraris J, Pelletier D, Kulbicki M, Chauvet C (2005) Assessing the impact of removing reserve status on the Abore Reef fish assemblage in New Caledonia. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 292:271-286

Ferreira BP, Russ GR (1995) Population structure of the leopard coralgrouper, Plectropomus leopardus, on fished and unfished reefs off Townsville, Central Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Fish Bull 93:629-642

Friedlander AM, Brown E, Monaco ME (2007) Defining reef fish habitat utilization patterns in Hawaii: comparisons between marine protected areas and areas open to fishing. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 351:221-233

Friedlander AM, Sandin SA, DeMartini EE, Sala E (2010) Spatial patterns of the structure of reef fish assemblages at a pristine atoll in the central Pacific. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 410:219-231

Friedlander AM, Brown EK, Jokiel PL, Smith WR, RodgersKS (2003) Effects of habitat, wave exposure, and marine protected area status on coral reef fish assemblages in the Hawaiian archipelago. Coral Reefs 22:291-305

Galal N, Ormond RFG, Hassan O (2002) Effect of a network of no-take reserves in increasing catch per unit effort and stocks of exploited reef fish at Nabq, South Sinai, Egypt. Mar Freshw Res 53:199-205

Graham NAJ, Evans RD, Russ GR (2003) The effects of marine reserve protection on the trophic relationships of reef fishes on the Great Barrier Reef. Environ Conserv 30:200-208

Jennings S, Marshall SS, Polunin NVC (1996) Seychelles' marine protected areas: comparative structure and status of reef fish communities. Biol Conserv 75:201-209

Jones GP, McCormick MI, Srinivasan M, Eagle JV (2004) Coral decline threatens fish biodiversity in marine reserves. ProcNatl Acad SciUSA 101:8251-8253

JupiterSD, Egli DP(2011) Ecosystem-based management in Fiji: successes and challenges after five years of implementation. Mar Biol 14 [doi: 10.1155/2011/940765]

Kulbicki M, Sarramegna S, Letourneur Y, Wantiez L, Galzin R, Mou-Tham G, Chauvet C, Thollot P (2007) Opening of an MPA to fishing: Natural variations in the structure of a coral reef fish assemblage obscure changes due to fishing. J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 353:145-163

McClanahan TR (1994) Kenyan coral reef lagoon fish: effects of fishing, substrate complexity, and sea urchins. Coral Reefs 13:231-241

McClanahan TR (1997) Primary succession of coral-reef algae: differing patterns on fished versus unfished reefs. J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 218:77-102

McClanahan TR, Kaunda-Arara B (1996) Fishery recovery in a coral-reef marine park and its effect on the adjacent fishery. Conserv Biol 10:1187-1199

McClanahan TR, Marnane MJ, Cinner JE, Kiene WE (2006) A comparison of marine protected areas and alternative approaches to coral-reef management. Curr Biol 16:1408-1413

McClanahan TR, Graham NAJ, Calnan JM, MacNeil MA (2007) Toward pristine biomass: reef fish recovery in coral reef marine protected areas in Kenya. Ecol Appl 17:1055-1067

Roberts CM, Polunin NVC (1993) Effects of marine reserve protection on northern Red Sea fish populations. Proc 7th Int Coral Reef Symp 2:969-977

Russ GR, Alcala AC (2003) Marine reserves: Rates and patterns of recovery and decline of predatory fish, 1983-2000. Ecol Appl 13:1553-1565

Russ GR, Stockwell B, Alcala AC (2005) Inferring versus measuring rates of recovery in no-take marine reserves. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 292:1-12

Russ GR, Cheal AJ, Dolman AM, Emslie MJ, Evans RD, Miller I, Sweatman H, Williamson DH (2008) Rapid increase in fish numbers follows creation of world's largest marine reserve network. Curr Biol 18:R514-R515

Samoilys MA, Martin-Smith KM, Giles BG, Cabrera B, Anticamara JA, Brunio EO, Vincent ACJ (2007) Effectiveness of five small Philippines' coral reef reserves for fish populations depends on site-specific factors, particularly enforcement history. Biol Conserv 136:584-601

Sarramegna S (2001) Contributions to the study of marine protected areas in the south western lagoon of New Caledonia: Influence of different status of protection on fish community structure. Cybium 25:200-200

Tissot BN, Walsh WJ, Hallacher LE (2004) Evaluating effectiveness of a Marine Protected Area network in West Hawaii to increase productivity of an aquarium fishery. Pac Sci 58:175-188

Tyler EHM, Speight MR, Henderson P, Manica A (2009) Evidence for a depth refuge effect in artisanal coral reef fisheries. Biol Conserv 142:652-667

Wantiez L, Thollot P, Kulbicki M (1997) Effects of marine reserves on coral reef fish communities from five islands in New Caledonia. Coral Reefs 16:215-224

Watson M, Ormond RFG (1994) Effect of an artisanal fishery on the fish and urchin populations of a Kenyan coral reef. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 109:115-115

Westera M, Lavery P, Hyndes G (2003) Differences in recreationally targeted fishes between protected and fished areas of a coral reef marine park. J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 294:145-168

White AT (1988) The effect of community-managed marine reserves in the Philippines on their associated coral reef fish populations. Asian Fish Sci 2:27-41

Williams ID, Walsh WJ, Miyasaka A, Friedlander AM (2006) Effects of rotational closure on coral reef fishes in Waikiki-Diamond Head Fishery Management Area, Oahu, Hawaii. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 310:139-149

Williamson DH, Russ GR, Ayling AM (2004) No-take marine reserves increase abundance and biomass of reef fish on inshore fringing reefs of the Great Barrier Reef. Environ Conserv 31:149-159

ZellerDC, Russ GR (1998) Marine reserves: patterns of adult movement of the coral trout (Plectropomus leopardus (Serranidae)). Can J Fish Aquat Sci 55:917-924