Derby Cycling Group, 19.30 (7.30pm), Tuesday 5th May 2009, the Brunswick Inn (Function Room), Railway Terrace, Derby DE1 2RU


Ian Alexander (IA), Mark Brown (MB) Chair, Martin Aldred (MA), Dave Clasby (DC), Alistair Johnson (AJ), Simon Lysaczenko (SL), Martin Quarton (MQ), Barbara Rathbone (BR), Tony Roelich (TR), Amanda Salt (AS), Paul Southam (PS), John Stubbs (JS), Dave Waldram (DW)


Alan Locke (AL), Mike Madin (MM), Rob Snodin (RS)

1Minutes of April Meeting


2Matters Arising


3-5 Parks Ride

The Chair welcomed Amanda Salt (CTC Community Cycling Development Officer - Cycling Champions) to the meeting, who began with an overview of her work. AS explained that she is working with hard-to-reach groups such as women, the disabled and ethnic minorities to get them cycling. Currently she is involved with the Derbyshire Association for the Blind on a tandem bike project; with the Deaf Community Club to get deaf children cycling; with an Asian ladies group; a Heels on Wheels scheme to get businesswomen cycling to work; and with Derby City Council on a workplace travel plan called Decide to Ride. The aim is to increase the number, rather than the length, of cycle journeys.

AS then moved on to the subject of the 5 Parks Ride. The ride is part of the Big Cycle Weekend on 11th/12th July 2009, with the ride being held on the 12th (Sunday). Rides will be every half-hour from 10am to 1pm, with extra rides being incorporated if enough participants and volunteers turn up. Posters and sign-up forms (which were circulated around the committee) have been distributed to schools, libraries, leisure centres, etc and have been posted on the internet ( Nigel Clough and Rammie will open the event.

There will not be any police marshals this year so the role of the volunteers is even more vital. Once people have received the volunteer request letter, they need to contact Amanda to inform her that they wish to volunteer. The registered volunteers are requested to attend a briefing meeting that is to be held at the Jonty Farmer at 7pm on Wednesday 8th July. All details are in the volunteer request letter.

Slap bands will be orange to mark the 4th year of the event.

After the event a meeting will be arranged to review and evaluate this year’s ride.

4Letter in Derby Evening Telegraph / Need for Press officer

The Chair stressed the urgent need for a Press Officer especially after the recent publication of a letter hostile to the DCG in the Derby Evening Telegraph

Dave Clasby (DC) volunteered for the post. It was agreed that if any member spotted a cycling/DCG related item in the media then they should contact DC to inform him.

5Report on LTP Steering Group (24th March)

No report

6Internet Service Provider

The Chair stated that individual members have difficulties sending out e-mails and that they should be done via the website. AJ stated that e-mail via the website with the present provider was insecure and even though he had been in e-mail contact with the provider – Pete Connolly – they had been unable to resolve the matter. SL asked if the DCG made any payment to Pete Connolly. The following was agreed:

(i) The Chair and AJ to confer on the matter of the website.

(ii) SL to contact BR for Pete Connolly’s contact details.

(iii) SL to contact the Treasurer to establish details of payments to Pete Connolly and what the payments are for.

7AGM Matters (12th May)

(i) 15 Committee members to be elected as below

1 / Chair / Mark Brown
2 / Secretary / Simon Lysaczenko
3 / Treasurer / John Palmer
4 / Membership Secretary / Barbara Rathbone
5 / Newsletter Editor / Graham Collis
6 / Webmaster / Rob Snowdin
7 / Event Co-ordinator / Martin Quarton
8 / Campaigns Co-ordinator / Tony Roelich
9 / Press Officer / Dave Clasby
10 / Railway Station Liaison / Martin Aldred
* / School Liaison / Post deleted
11 / County and South Derbyshire Liaison / Dave Waldram
12 / CTC Representative / Ian Alexander
13 / Derby Cycle Forum / Vacant
* / EMTARS / Post deleted; e-mail address for minutes
* / Travelwatch East Midlands / Post deleted
14 / Non-portfolio member
15 / Non-portfolio member


(i)TR informed the Committee that Derby City Council wanted the DCG’s views on the proposals for bus lanes on Kedleston Road and stated that a response was needed by 15th May. It was agreed that the DCG supported the principle of bus lanes in general, but that the DCG had reservations on the outbound section of the proposed bus lanes.

(ii)DC proposed that the DCG should sponsor the screening of a film (about climate change) entitled Age of Stupid by Pete Postlethwaite to 16-18 year olds at Joseph Wright College as a means of raising the profile of the DCG. Agreed unanimously. DW suggested a follow-up event would be needed to capitalize upon it.

(iii)DC proposed that the DCG should purchase 2 Cyclehoops, which are plastic items that attach to lampposts to form immediate cycle stands. Cyclehoops cost £196 each. Decision deferred to June meeting.

(iv)The Chair raised the fact that the DCG was approaching its 30th anniversary and that an event/events should be organised. Agreed to discuss at June meeting.

Meeting closed 21.25

Next Meeting: AGM 19.00 (7.00pm), Tuesday 12th May 2009, Friends Meeting House, St Helens Street, Derby, DE1 3GY