Art in Public Places

Art in Public Placesis coordinated by Hobsons Bay City Council as a city wide event that exhibits the artwork of western region artists in unexpected places across Hobsons Bay. Over the years that the project has been running, it has enabled more than 800 artists to exhibit in businesses and various venues in Hobsons Bay and expanded to include numerous community events and organisations.

Art in Public Placesis about people getting to experience the arts in unexpected places and encourages the creation of partnerships between local artists, cultural groups and businesses right across the city.

For further details, please go to the Art in Public Place page on the Hobsons Bay website: ensure that you have read the Event Information Pack before you register.

Registrations are now open until Thursday 9 March 2017. You can register via the online form or by completing this form and sending, along with the requested documents and images to:

Art in Public Places Registration 2017

Please select one: ‘Light Up Logan’ Satellite Events Artists In Business

Artist Details

First Name * (required):

Last Name:

Address * (required):

Suburb * (required):

Postcode * (required):

Telephone * (required):


Email * (required):


Facebook Address:

Twitter Address:

Instagram #:

Submit your CV with this registration form* (required):

Exhibition/Event/Installation Details


Description of your activity. This may be used in our promotion of Art in Public Places. (100 words max). * (required):

Name of proposed location or venue:

Do you have permission to use this location/venue?

Do you need us to help you seek permission to use location/venue?

If you have been granted location permission, what are the persons contact details?

Activity Statement - this may be used to promote your event. (100 words or less) * (required)

Does your activity have any specific technical requirements (we will provide support where possible but may not be able to cover all requests):

Further comments


Please 3 low res photos of your proposed event.


Have you identified any risks associated with this activity? If so, what are they?

Do you have public liability insurance? Please send a copy of your Certificate of Currency with this registration. If not, do you need to be covered under the Capacity scheme?


Do you agree to participate in Art in Public Places 2017, during the month of September, and meet the criteria as outlined in the event information section of the accompanying document. * (required): Yes / No

Do you agree not to proceed with my proposal until I have written approval from Hobsons Bay City Council * (required): Yes / No

Would you like to receive our Arts and Culture ENewsletter? Yes / No