Request for Proposals

NAADA Conference Host

Please submit complete proposals to:

NAADA – RFP Response

1000 Westgate Drive, Suite 252

Saint Paul, MN 55114

General Information

  1. Name of host institution:
  2. Contact Person:
  3. Telephone:Email:
  4. Year of conference:
  5. Proposed dates for conference:
  6. Are these dates flexible?
  1. Why does your institution want to host this conference?
  1. If your institution is not selected to host the conference for the year indicated, are you willing to be considered for another year? Y/N


  1. Proposed location of conference:
  2. Closest major airport:
  3. Distance from major airport:MilesMinutes
  4. What type (list suggested types) of transportation is needed if the Conference is not located near a major airport?
  1. List carriers:
  1. Name of suggested conference hotel:
  2. Number of sleeping rooms available:
  3. Is there an overflow hotel nearby?
  4. Does the conference hotel provide transportation to and from the airport? Y/N
  5. What is the estimated room rate per night at the host hotel?
  6. What is the estimated cost for meeting room / facilities rental at the host hotel?
  1. Does the hotel have meeting space sufficient to accommodate up to six concurrent meetings ranging in size from 12-50 participants?
  1. Does the hotel have onsite dining? If not, please indicate plans for meals
  1. Is seating available for 250+ individuals in the main dining room?


  1. Who will serve as conference chair from your institution?

  1. Is this individual willing to commit to a three-year term on the NAADA Board of Directors as a conference chair and fulfill the responsibilities of that position? Year 1/Future Chair – immediately preceding conference year; Year 2 /Current Chair – conference year; Year 3/Past Chair – year following conference (see Standard Operating Procedure statement for more detail)
/ Y / N
  1. List a back-up conference chair should your first choice be unable to fulfill his/her obligations:

  1. Is your proposed conference chair’s supervisor willing to provide support and release time as necessary to organize the conference?
/ Y / N
  1. Who will serve as sponsorship chair from your institution (1 year term)?
  1. Will your institution make it a priority to send the conference and sponsorship chair to NAADA board meetings during this three year period (meetings held annually in the fall, spring and during the conference)?
/ Y / N
  1. In addition to the NAADA staff who will work with you to plan the event, will you be able to form a committee from your institution of at least 8 to help plan the event?
/ Y / N

Conference Information

  1. What is the proposed theme for your conference?
  1. How does the proposed theme support the mission of NAADA?
  1. List 3-5 goals for the conference.
  1. How are the conference theme and goals strategic to NAADA? How will they help build capacity for NAADA members?
  1. What are your ideas for building an inclusive conference, one that will meet the needs of the various areas of advancement, members’ range of professional experience, institution size, diverse cultural backgrounds, etc.?
  1. What are your ideas for educational conference tours and/or other educational activities? How do these support the conference theme and goals? Please list the distance from the Conference activities or hotel.
  1. What other activities, tools and programming will use to create a comprehensive conference experience that reinforces the conference theme and helps achieve the conference goals?
  1. What opportunities are available to involve local alumni and donors of NAADA member institution in the conference? (ie. Colors Night, conference tours, etc.)
  1. The NAADA Sponsorship committee works to identify and secure national sponsorship each year to subsidize the cost of the conference. Is your institution willing to engage local industry contacts to secure sponsorships for the conference?
  1. Please attach a proposed schedulefor your conference.

NOTE: Time must be provided in your proposed conference agenda for the following activities:

  1. Minimum of four / max. of seven educational track sessions (60-90 minutes each/ 420 minutes total minimum) (organized by the Education Committee in close collaboration with the host institution)
  2. Pre and post-conference business meetings, including board (organized by the Executive Secretary, Education Committee)
  3. First-timers session (organized by Membership Committee)
  4. Plenary session(organized by the Education Committee in close collaboration with the host institution)
  5. Keynote address – “Robert and Lee Bickford Lecture”(organized by the Education Committee in close collaboration with the host institution)Awards program (organized by the Awards Committee)
  6. Publications and Projects recognition program (organized by P & P Committee)
  7. Annual Town Hall meeting (organized by the Executive Secretary)
  8. Colors Night activity or other Evening Event (organized by host institution)
  9. Educational tours (organized by host institution)
  10. Pre or Post Conference workshops (organized by the Education Committee in close collaboration with the host institution)
  11. Invitation lunchhighlighting the future conference (content organized by the future host institution)
  1. Is your institution willing to host the springboard meeting the year prior to your conference? Y/N
  1. If your institution is selected to host a conference, are you prepared to take programmatic responsibility for hostinga conference-themed invitational lunch the year preceding the conference you host? Y/N
  1. Beyond the strength of your proposed program, what special reasons can you give to support why the NAADA Conference should be held at your institution?
  1. Please provide any additional comments or materials you feel will be helpful to the selection committee as they review your application:


Hosting the NAADA Conference requires a significant investment of time and resources by the host institution. If your institution is selected as the host, a signed host agreement(see sample, attached) will be required to confirm your responses to this RFP.

Signature of Proposed Conference ChairDate

Signature of the Dean of the CollegeDate

Revised 1/2016 1