Monday, April 16 2013

10:30 a.m.

Semcac Office – Conference Call

Rushford, MN


Bobcalled the meeting to order. A quorum was determined.


Present:Bob Carlson, Sandy Wright, Tom Kaase


Staff Present:Gerry Krage, Cindy Vitse and Vonda Budde


Gerry updated the board on the status of the project. Still hoping to have the closing in August 2013. General Contractor is Schrom Construction, and the architect is Blumetals, the same two companies that worked with the HRA on the Springstone projects. Staff is meeting weekly with the funders and with Cynthia, new person with MHP. MHP is providing technical support to Bluff Country HRA staff. We are currently waiting for an appraisal to be ordered by MN Housing. The appraisal for Vesterheim will be the first one done through the new implementation.

Gerry explained the reason for this meeting was to go over and approve/sign some legal documents that MN Housing required. MN Housing required a single asset entity be set up. The Vesterheim project is now known as the Bluff Country Housing and Redevelopment Authority – Vesterheim Manor LLC. The LLC uses the same board and by-laws as the HRA.

First form is the Bluff Country Housing and Redevelopment Authority – Vesterheim Manor LLC making a resolution for Gerry to sign as the Organizer for the HRA.

Sandy made a motion to pass a resolution authorizing Gerry Krage to sign the Written Action of the Organizer Written Document agreeing to its contents (see attached), Bob seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Second form is the Written Action of the Sole Member. Sandy made a motion to pass the resolution authorizing the signature of authorizing the board to sign the Written Action of the Sole Member Written Document, agreeing to its contents, seconded by Bob. Motion carried.

Other Business:

  1. Bob’s signature is needed again on the budget for RD.
  2. Nothing still has been decided on the best way to approach Fillmore County regarding an annual $5,000 appropriation for the HRA. This would match the amount Houston County has already approved.
  3. SEMMCHRA – Joe Wheeler tried to by-pass counties to get a tax levy directly from the State for the counties. The author of the bill that this would have been included with found out more information about this and then decided to remove that part from the bill.

The next meeting will be held on Monday, May 20, 2013 at 10:30 a.m. at the Semcac Office in Rushford. Sandy made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Bob. Motion carried.