Forest Park High School Principal’s Advisory Council (PAC)

Meeting Minutes

September 21, 2015

In attendance: 25

Administration: Principal, Richard Martinez, Assistant Principal, John Geisinger, Activities Director, Brian Parke, Steve Smith, Director of School Counseling

Teachers/Staff: Brian Dunleavy (Social Studies), Brad Parker (Social Studies, Department Chair), Dan Bredbenner (Gifted Resource, Department Chair)

Students: Katrina Perez -10th Grade, Valerie Guyant, 10th Grade

Parents: Chairperson- Ricki Guyant, Vice Chair- Carrie Webb, Secretary- Vanessa Olson, Reyna Cartagena, Darla Cardenas, Nanette Shotwell, Ingrid Entzminger, Rhonda Jackson, Kay Ziv, Terrie Lewis, Lori Hancock, Rose Card, Sharon Paul, Sevgi Rudd, Angie Carey, Troy Olson

Copies of the FPHS PAC By-Laws and minutes from the April PAC Meeting were distributed.

Welcome: Ricki Guyant called the meeting to order at 7pm

Introductions: Board Members, Teachers, Staff, and Attendees

Open Forum:

1. Sharon Paul commended the school on the recognition of Patriot Day on September 11. She raised concerns about the abbreviations on the school webpage. These [acronyms] should be spelled out for the benefit of people who are unfamiliar with the abbreviation. Concerns were also raised about the consistency of teachers putting grades into the gradebook, and the fact that attendance is not noted until 4 or 5 in the afternoon. This information should be live.

2. Brad Parker, the chair of the Social Studies Department, presented information about the Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (PBIS) program. This program seeks to improve behavior through positive reinforcement. This program is in year 1 of a 3 year roll out. At this stage the committee is developing a matrix of positive behaviors based on student PRIDE (Prepared, Respectful, Integrity, Dedication, Excellence). A draft copy of the matrix was distributed to attendees. This matrix identifies behaviors that a student should be displaying for each of the categories in different areas (Commons/Enclosed, Parking Lot, Extra-Curricular Activities/School Events, and Community/Social media. They are also working on a matrix for teachers. The committee will be looking for students and parents to join in a couple of weeks. Meetings will take place the 2nd and 4th Mondays of every month after school in Mr. Parker’s room.

3. Rhonda Jackson expressed concerns about late transfers especially as it relates to special education. She expressed concern that late transfers are being given the left over classes that do not fit into what the student needs from a transition perspective. She expressed the desire that guidance meet yearly with the special education team to look at graduation requirements.

Questions raised:

A parent inquired about a replacement chemistry teacher. Mr. Martinez responded with information that 13 candidates were interviewed, but there was not a viable candidate. The solution was that some teachers will be teaching a 6th period this year. The school will seek to fill the position for next year.

A clarification question was then asked by a parent about replacing teachers who leaves mid-year. Mr. Martinez answered that the attempt would be made to replace the teacher, but they want to ensure there is a qualified teacher hired.

What is PAC-A quick introduction was given to the purpose of the PAC. The PAC serves a two-fold purpose: representative function of gathering information from the students, staff, parents and community to represent the school and advisory function of providing recommendations pertaining to the school plan to the school principal. (See FPHS PAC By-Laws, PWCS Regulation 230.01-1 and Policy 230.01

Principals Report: Mr. Martinez gave a report providing updates on the school opening and important information for the upcoming school year. The slides will be posted on the PAC webpage.

Important dates: Touch Base: October 12 7:30-10am, and Feb 8 7:30-9:45. Graduation Ceremony will take place at Eagle Bank Arena on June 10, 2016 at 2 pm. (Note this is a Friday). A request is being submitted to allow for a 10:45 early dismissal for grades 9-11 and teachers and staff.

Homecoming is the week of October 12 with Powder Puff on Thursday, the football game on Friday, and the Dance on Saturday from 8 to midnight.

Post meeting note: Powder Puff Game will take place on Wednesday, October 14 at 6:45.

Old Business: The Minutes from the April 2015 meeting were reviewed and unanimously approved.

New Business: We will be forming sub committees to address the by-laws review, flex scheduling, PBIS, Project Leads the Way and the IT curriculum

Nominations were taken for Superintendent’s Advisory Council on Instruction (SACI) representatives. Sharon Paul and Rose Card were nominated as representative and alternate respectively.

Post meeting note:Representatives for SACI had previously been selected and submitted to the Superintendent’s staff. The PAC board was unaware that nominations were not required.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:18pm

Next Meeting: Monday October 19, 2015