Creating Success: Connecting People, Advancing Employment

Arkansas Disability Employment Conference

March 5 & 6, 2013 Wyndham Hotel, North Little Rock, AR



This year is APSE 3rd Annual Employment Conference to be held March 5-6 2013 at the Wyndham Hotel North Little Rock. This year’s conference theme: “Creating Success: Connecting People, Advancing Employment.” Presenters include national and state leaders in the employment industry.

The focus for this year’s conference is to enable persons with disability to compete in competitive employment nationwide by connecting and creating a comprehensive array of services for employers and job seekers. APSE will present best practice models in the areas:

  • Integrated Support
  • Micro-enterprises, entrepreneurship
  • Supported employment
  • Ticket To work
  • Micro-enterprises and Customized Employment options for individuals with significant disabilities
  • Living and working in a sensory world,
  • Work Incentives in the changing world of work.

In addition, APSE is fortunate to have this yearas presenters Sheryl Grossman, MSW, Consultant Self-Employment Motor Team from Job Accommodations Network (JAN), Deidra Davis, attorney, advocate and past Director of ADA Services for Wal-Mart stores and William Cash Director of Little Rock Area office from Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. These presentationswill provide conference participants with information on how to make the working industry possible for persons with disabilities who desire to be employed.

A highlight of this year’s conference will be our “Creating Success” luncheon. This luncheon will feature a panel of individuals with disabilities; showcasing their steps taken to secure gainful employment within this competitive working market. These individuals will represent the following area of employment: Entrepreneurship, Customized Employment and traditional Supported Employment.

Creating Success: Connecting People, Advancing Employment

Arkansas Disability Employment Conference

March 5 & 6, 2013 Wyndham Hotel North Little Rock AR

Registration Form

Please type or print legibly. Complete one form per person.

First Name______Last name______

Mailing Address______



Agency or organization you are affiliated with:


Job title: ______

___ Check here if you will need assistance or special accommodations to participate.

Please specify or call: 501-537-1080 ______

Meal Requirements: Vegetarian_____ Allergy______

Early Conference Registration fee for: Individuals w/disability $75.00 APSE members$100.00 Regular Registration $175.00

Late Registration Fee after February 22nd (depending on availability of space) for Individuals w/individuals $100.00 APSE members $125.00 Late Registration $200.00

Accompanying Caregiver: $30.00 for conference meals

Method of Payment: Checks or Purchase orders made payable to: Arkansas APSE Vendor #100170570

Send to: Pamela Cross, AR APSE President email:

c/o Central AR Disability Services phone: 501-537-1080

201 W. Broadway Suite M fax: 501-537-1082

North Little Rock, AR 72114

The Wyndham Hotel has set aside a block of rooms for $86.00 per night single; $96.00 double and $10.00 for each additional person. Please make your reservations by calling the Wyndham Hotel at 501- 371-9000.