Hello from Terri and the PSHER Horses!!!

Summer is here!!! (well, almost!)

The horses are doing very well. Manny has really put on the weight, and is almost ready for his trial ride. If he does as well as I expect him to do, he will be ready to place in a permanent home before the end of summer. He is an experienced barrel horse, so we will look for a home that is interested in that discipline. Butterscotch is really beautiful. She is fat and healthy, and will be doing her trial ride within the next week or so. She is supposed to be saddle trained, but until we try her out, I really can’t say for sure. Gray Dawn is ready to find her own forever home. She has been with the trainer, and would be considered green broke. She will be wonderful for an experienced older child, or an experienced smaller man or woman. She is not real big, but she is tough, and she sure is pretty!! Chico is still recovering from his leg injury. He is NOT lame, he just needs to finish healing, and will be kept bandaged until he is well. If he would just quit hurting himself, he would get well faster!! He will begin working with the trainer this weekend. We do not know if he is saddle trained or not, but he is a really pretty gelding! Scout is slowly improving. He looks really good if you ignore the top of his hindquarters! Dr Andrea Cecur is working on him using Chiropractic, and he is on high doses of vitamin E to try to help the muscle atrophy and nerve damage. He is such a friendly boy, and loves to be loved on! He represented the Rescue at Muttfest, and was a real gentleman.

Bowl For the Horses

Our first Summer Sizzle Bowl for the Horses will be held Sunday, July 29th, 2:00, at Western Bowl! We need team captains and bowlers that want to come out for an afternoon of good fun to help us provide for the horses. We will have a bake sale, and a number of raffles and door prizes. Each team will bowl 2 games, and a team consists of 5 people. Entry fee will be $100.00 per team. Shoes will be available at no extra charge. If you want to bowl but do not have a team, come out anyway, we will have a place for you!!! Our first bowling fundraiser was so much fun, and really helped a lot of horses. Come help make this one even better!

Garage Sale

We held our annual garage sale May 18 &19. We had lots of people come out to look at the items that were donated, and we raised almost $500.00 after paying for storage and ads. Thank you to everyone that donated stuff to help. Every year I say I won’t do another one, but somehow it always happens anyway!! Thank you to Carol and her kids, they spent a lot of time setting up.

I would like to say a final THANK YOU to the Animal Rescue Shelter. They allowed us to use their property for the horses for a year. Because of them, we were able to help about 15 horses that otherwise we would have had to turn away. Thank you for helping us save the lives of those horses!!


We have been able to place 13 horses in forever homes so far this year.

Carol Cronk from Apple Valley, California adopted Princess, and is competing and WINNING speed events on her. She had known and cared for her before we accepted her, and got in touch with me as soon as she heard we had her. As soon as Princess had regained the necessary weight and health, Carol adopted her and had her shipped to California in style! I LOVE it when we find the perfect placement for the ones we care for!

Prim Betancourt adopted Willie, and then adopted the mare (Lace) and foal (Levi) saved from the kill truck. He also has Sissy and Little Bit. He is a really nice guy, and he and his family love the horses! (he is also my boss at Advance Auto Parts, and yes, I am sucking up!!!)

Garret and Meredith adopted Copper and Snickers together. They came to us from the same place, and were bonded pretty closely, so it was very nice to be able to keep them together. They also adopted little Mia when she was ready. Garret is working with Gray Dawn, and she is riding fairly well. He will be working with Chico and Butterscotch as soon as he can, but Meredith thinks having their baby at any time should take priority. Go Figure!!!

Connie Olson has adopted Callahan, aka Diesel. He is growing like a weed, and is a truly beautiful young gelding. Connie had sponsored him for several months, and now has him at her place.

Kim Campbell adopted Crickett to be a friend to Mr. Ed, then adopted Grandpa when Eddie passed away. It is such a blessing to have someone that loves the old ones, and is willing to help care for them for whatever time they have left. They are always well cared for and loved at Kim’s place!

Denyce and Lacey Crain adopted Krickett (Mia’s mom). Lacey is riding her, and is improving her training. Krickett gained her weight back rapidly, and is doing very well.

Trail Ride News

Our 9th annual spring trail ride was held on April 21, 2012. We rode at Boys Ranch, near Channing, Tx. again this year. We had nearly 30 riders, and another 15 or so from Boy’s Ranch. Everyone seemed to have a good time. We especially thank the young ladies from the WTAMU Horseman’s Association for their amazing help. They came out and set up the silent auction, and also helped set up and serve lunch. I am not used to having time to sit and visit, so I had a really nice time. David Hanzlick was ride leader, and he did a wonderful job. Also thanks to Mel Phillips, he did a short interview segment on talk radio 710 for us. I had several calls because of that interview.

Plans for our fall ride are being developed. We are looking at several locations, including Pole Canyon Ranch and Paint Rock Ranch. We do not have a final location or date yet, but we will advertise when we do. If you have suggestions for location, feel free to let me know.

The Great Hay Hunt !!!

We are looking to the future, and our hay needs for next winter. At the rate we have used hay this year, we will need at least 400 bales of good grass hay for the horses. We now have storage for a LOT of hay. The wonderful folks at the I-40 RV Storage are donating our space now, and we sure hope they know how much we appreciate their generosity. The hay is slightly less expensive than last year, at least for now. We need to raise at least $3000.00 in order to get the hay we need. Donations are tax deductible, and we will be happy to accept the money for the hay, or the hay itself!

We still have a very nice saddle that was donated to the rescue. We are selling it to raise money. It is an original Dale Martin roping saddle. It is 151/2+ inch seat, and is in almost new condition. It is a beautiful saddle. We are asking $1750.00 for it, negotiable. Call me at 806-681-5161 to see it.


Thank You!!! Without the help we receive from people like you, we would be unable to continue working to help the horses!

Connie Olson Michelle Cook Karen Richardson Teresa Schley Libby Harton

Charlyn Carr Susan Heady Lucy McGowan Clayton & Kathy Stallings

Cindy Mech B & J Welding Supply Johnny & Janet Cooper Kim Campbell

Jaclyn Esposito Brandy Lyles Mr & Mrs Bobby Morris Ron & Carolyn Dutton

Ann Crouch Jane Noble Frank Ladd Frank R Foster Laurie Higgins

I-40 RV Storage MVP Casey Phillips Johnny & Phyllis Hicks Dr Jeff Young

Loretta Compton Jean Coffin Hope Vet Clinic Ayne Sharp Debbie Mims

We appreciate everyone that has helped us help the horses over the past years. There is no way we could do this without your help.

Wish List

Property for the horses

Small square bales of coastal or other good grass hay

Alfalfa, small squares

Round bales of coastal or prarie hay

Funds on account at Foust, Robinson’s Feed or Rancher’s Supply would enable us to purchase the feed and hay we use. If you shop at one of these stores, you can leave money for our use, Panhandle Safe Hayven Equine Rescue.

We know that the economy is really bad right now. This makes our work much harder. The feed and hay for the horses is expensive. With donations WAY down, we are very limited in the number of horses we can help. While we hate to turn horses away, we will not accept them if we cannot afford to feed them. Please help us take care of them!!!

All donations are Tax Deductible!!!

Our website is www.panhandlehorserescue.org