The Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) is a church and Community based organization of the Diocese of Brooklyn. It consists of a cooperative union of an Administrative Staff, Operational Volunteers, Pastors, PAR’s, AD’s, Coaches, and Parents with the common purpose of promoting and maintaining the mission and philosophical goals of CYO.
Inspired by the Good News, the Catholic Youth Organization emphasizes the following values:
1. To encourage our young men and women toward Christian leadership, growth in social awareness, and the development of sound Christian values;
2. To encourage fairness, compassion, truth and cooperation through recreational activities;
3. To encourage and challenge our youth to participate and serve those more needy in their Parish and Community;
4. To encourage a respect for authority, a sensitivity for the rights of the individual and a loyalty to one's team and parish;
5. To encourage sportsmanship and self-control in the face of adversity;
6. To encourage the growth of each participant as a player, and avoid a 'win at all costs' attitude;
7. To foster respect and cooperation among all people.
The Catholic Youth Organization serves the youth of the Diocese of Brooklyn. It endeavors to help young people be more Christ like in the way they live.
Through the varied mediums of Sports and other programs for youth, C.Y.O. promotes participation and sportsmanship, with the leadership necessary to form a well rounded individual, who will be prepared to live in society, with honor, dignity and Christian values, promoting Church, Family, Unity, and Community.
The goal of the C. Y. O. is to assist parishes in creating an opportunity for youth to participate in programs and activities which will enable them to grow and assume leadership roles in the church and community.
The C.Y.O. establishes leagues and programs for the sports and recreational programs of parishes of the Diocese of Brooklyn.
The CYO Director implements the rule, regulations, and directives of the CYO Board of Directors, He also acts to implement the Philosophy, Goals and Mission of CYO. He supervises the day to day operation of the CYO, determines operating procedures, and. he also serves as the final arbiter in all disputes.
The CYO Staff includes Supervisors, Sport Coordinators, and administrative staff. Under the CYO Director, they respond to the daily needs of participating parishes and provide the services which maintain CYO activities. CYO Staff responsibilities include, but are not limited to: produce and distribute Fact Sheets for each sport, collect Entry Forms and Fees, produce and distribute Schedules, conduct Playoffs and Championships in each sport, rule on Eligibility and Disciplinary issues, and acts to assist the Director to implement the Philosophy, Goals and Mission of CYO.
1. Sports Committees The CYO Director shall appoint a committee in each sport to advise on the conduct of that sport. These committees may comprise of Pastors, Parish Athletic Representatives, Athletic Directors, and coaches of the particular sport, in addition to the CYO Sport Coordinator, and shall advise the CYO on rules, regulations and procedures to be in force for the conduct of the sport. Each Sport Committee will assist in reviewing rosters and waivers, reviewing rules, and recommending changes updating rules for the sport. Membership on the committees will be selected by the director in a manner to ensure broad representation.
The CYO, in conjunction with the parish, strives to bring young men and women to the forefront of Christian witness in the church and community. Roman Catholic Parishes of the Diocese of Brooklyn are the sponsors for teams and individuals for CYO programs and competition.
1. A sponsoring Parish must establish a structure for the proper operation and supervision of its program.
2. CYO recognizes that circumstances may make it difficult for some parishes to field and support teams based solely within the parish. In order to better serve the youth of the Diocese of Brooklyn, adjoining parishes may combine for the purpose of forming teams. Combined Parish Teams are recommended by the particular Sports Committees and require approval from the CYO Director.
1. Moderator The CYO Moderator is the Parish Pastor/Administrator, or an Associate selected by the Pastor, to bring a Catholic presence to parish athletic programs, and to develop an awareness of fairness and sportsmanship. The Moderator appoints the Parish Athletic Representative (PAR), and oversees the attainment of philosophy, goals, and mission of CYO. The Moderator maintains an active presence and communication regarding the operation of the program
2. Parish Athletic Representative The PAR oversees and supervises all sports programs and teams sponsored by the parish. The PAR imparts the goals, philosophy, and mission of the CYO and insures compliance with the rules and regulations of the CYO. The PAR supervises the Athletic Directors and Coaches, and is accountable to the Moderator. The PAR is responsible for all administrative matters and compliance with CYO rules. His/her functions include:
a. The coordination of the athletic programs registered with the CYO, particularly with other parish activities and organizations;
b. Selecting Athletic Directors and Coaches with the approval of the Moderator;
c. Knowledge and understanding of all CYO Rules and Regulations;
d. Receiving and responding to all communication from the CYO Director and Staff;
e. Timely and accurate submission of all Entry Forms. Fees, Rosters, Waivers and other forms to CYO Staff by required dates;
f. Distribution to Athletic Directors of schedules and other important communication received from CYO Staff;
g. Participation in CYO meetings and on CYO committees;
h. Ensuring that all coaches and volunteers associated with the program have completed Virtus training before participating
3. Athletic Director The Athletic Director (AD) is a specialist in a particular sport at the parish level. A parish may have an AD for each sport in which it has a participating team(s). The AD will oversee administrative details which insure a consistent and fair interpretation of CYO rules. His/her functions include:
a. Participation in CYO committee meetings as requested by the PAR;
b. Knowledge and understanding of all CYO Rules and Regulations;
c. Knowledge of the rules of his/her particular sport;
d. Assisting the moderator and PAR in the selection of coaches;
e. Distribution to Coaches of schedules and other important communication received from CYO Staff;
f. Assuming the administrative duties of the PAR upon request.
4. Coach The coach should personify Catholic values that young people can relate to and use as a model. He/she should possess the maturity to handle stressful situations sensitively, understand the needs of the individual without losing the team concept and encourage the growth of each participant, both as a player and a Christian. All head coaches must be 18 years of age. He/she must adhere to the rules of conduct described below. The coach must oversee administrative details which insure a consistent and fair interpretation of CYO rules. His/her other functions include:
a. Knowledge and understanding of all CYO Rules and Regulations;
b. Knowledge of the rules of his/her particular sport;
c. Attending meetings as necessary;
d. Attending coaches training programs conducted by the CYO.
All PAR’s, AD’s, coaches, and volunteers must successfully complete Virtus Training before beginning interaction with youth in this capacity.
Competition is between parish sponsored teams, and is regulated by established age divisions. Eligibility is open to all persons regardless of religious affiliation. When space is limited, preference may be given to parish members.
A Parish Eligible Athlete is:
1. Parish Resident (PR) A person who has his/her primary residence within the parish boundaries. Primary residence is the address of the person according to the records of the school he/she attends at the time of registration with the parish CYO for a particular activity. If the residence is not the same as the address shown in school records, the parish must demonstrate the validity of the address presented to CYO
2. Parish School (PS) A person who is a non-resident of a parish but attends the parish school or a diocesan academy located in the parish. This person may compete for either his/her parish of residence, or the parish of the school. If the parish of the school is selected, the person will be considered a Parish Eligible Athlete of the parish of the school. If the person subsequently wishes to change his/her parish of eligibility to the parish of residence, he/she may do so once, but will no longer be able to compete again as a Parish Eligible Athlete for the parish of the school.
3. Non-Resident Parish Member (PM) A person who neither has primary residence within the parish boundaries, nor attends the parish school, but whose family are registered parishioners and who actively worships and participates in other activities in the parish.. A Parish Eligibility Request Form must be submitted to and approved by CYO Staff in order to participate in CYO as a Non-Resident Parish Member.
4. Continuity (C) A person who is a non-resident of a parish but has previously competed for that parish as a Parish Eligible Athlete in any CYO sport for the immediately previous two years, may continue to compete for that parish as a parish eligible athlete in that sport, as long as he/she has not broken continuity by:
a. Failure to compete in that sport for the previous two consecutive years;
b. Competing for another parish in that sport since last participating as a parish eligible athlete.
5. Change in Parish of Eligibility. A player establishes his/her Parish of Eligibility the first time a roster for competition with his/her name on it is submitted to CYO for any sport, and the person’s parish eligibility is accepted. The person will be considered a Parish Eligible Athlete for that parish until or unless
a. A change of primary residence to an address in a different parish. The person may then compete for the new parish of residence (PR), for the parish of his/her school (PS), or continue for the previous parish of residence (C). If the change of residence is after the person has already participated in competition in a particular sport that season, he/she cannot change parish of eligibility until the following season.
b. A change in the school of attendance. If the person competes as a parish eligible athlete for the parish of the school he/she attends (PS) and then enrolls in a different school, the person may then compete for the parish of his/her new school (PS), for the parish of residence (PR), or continue for the parish of his/her previous school (C). If the change in school is after the person has already participated in competition in a particular sport that season, he/she cannot change parish of eligibility until the following season.
c. A change in the parish of membership. A person who has previously competed as a Parish Eligible Athlete for the parish of residence (PR) or parish of school (PS) may not change parish of eligibility to compete for a different parish as a Parish Member (PM) until the first season after 12 months have passed from the date of registration with the new parish and 12 months have passed from the last date of competition as a Parish Eligible Athlete for the parish of residence (PR) or parish of school (PS).
d. If the person has established his/her parish of eligibility for a parish that does not have a team in the person’s age, or one year above, in a particular sport, he/she may compete as a Parish Eligible Athlete, in that sport, for a different parish, provided he/she meets one of the other criteria. The person’s Parish of Eligibility does not change for those sports for which there are teams in the person’s age or one year above.
The CYO may grant exceptions to the parish eligibility requirement. Players who are not Parish Eligible Athletes may qualify for competition through the use of Waivers. Waivers are intended to augment rosters where an inadequate number of parish eligible athletes have registered for a team. Waiver eligible athletes, therefore, cannot take the place of parish eligible athletes. The procedure to be followed is a waiver application. A waiver is a written authorization by CYO allowing a person to compete outside the parish of eligibility. There are three types of waivers. Waiver players must be noted on the team roster form under Player Status by the type of waiver. A Waiver Request Form must be submitted for all waiver players, except Grandfather Waivers, at the time that rosters are submitted to CYO. Waiver players are not eligible for competition until approved.
1. Regular Waivers (RW) Anyone who resides in a parish where no CYO program exists, or where a CYO program does exist, but there is no team in the age group or the age group one year above, may compete as a Regular Waiver for a parish immediately adjacent to the parish of residence. The Waiver Request Form must be signed by the Pastor in the parish of residence if there is no CYO program, and additionally by the PAR if there is a program. Regular Waivers are reviewed and approved by CYO office staff.
2. Exception Waivers (EW) Exception Waivers are required for players seeking to compete for another parish not immediately adjacent to the parish of residence, and/or for players with a team in their parish, in the age group or one year above. The Waiver Request Form must be signed as with Regular Waivers, and additionally by the AD and coach in the parish of residence, if there is a team in the age group or one year above. Exception Waivers must be approved by the CYO Sports Committee for that particular sport and by the CYO Director.
3. Grandfather Waivers (GW) Players who compete as an approved Waiver Athlete for two consecutive seasons for the same parish, may continue to compete for that parish as a Grandfather Waiver provided continuity is not broken. A Grandfather Waiver does not require a Waiver Request Form and is automatically approved for competition upon confirmation of Grandfather status by CYO Staff. Grandfather Waivers do count toward allowable waiver limits except when noted otherwise on the sport fact sheet. Once a player becomes a Grandfather Waiver, he/she needs a release from the Grandfathered parish and approval of the CYO Sports Committee to compete for another parish in that sport.