9am -11:00am / Tuesday
9am -11:30am / Wednesday
9am -11:30am / Thursday
10am -11:00am / Friday
9am -11:30am
AM / Stay and play
Drop-in for families with children under 5 years
Come and play in an environment that supports active learners explore and discover the world around them, with their parent’s and carer’s encouragement
Ending the session with a Story and Rhyme time
Music for Change
11am – 11.30am
This project is designed to explore the impact of a specially devised programme of weekly music sessions on the all-round development of children. this will include a collaboration between Creative Futures and Speech and Language Therapists
Mondays 13th,20th 27th June
4th and 11th July / Stay and play
Drop-in for children under 5 years
Come and play in an environment that supports active learners explore and discover the world around them, with their parent’s and carer’s encouragement
Ending the session with a Story and Rhyme time / Stay and play
Drop-in for children under 5 years
Come and play in an environment that supports active learners explore and discover the world around them, with their parent’s and carer’s encouragement
Ending the session with a Story and Rhyme time / Active Verbs
with music & movement for 2 - 3 year olds
Keep fit and Healthy, learn new words and have lots of fun.
Talking, understanding others and knowing what to say are important skills. They help children make friends’, learn and enjoy life to the full.
9th,16th,23rd and 30th June
7th,14th, and 21st July / Baby and me
under 18months
Come and play in an environment that supports active learners explore and discover the world around them, with their parent’s and carer’s encouragement
Ending the session with a Story and Rhyme time
PM / Breastfeeding support
Midwife led Breastfeeding Support / Closed
No Stay and Play session / Closed
No Stay and Play session / Closed
No Stay and Play session / Closed
No Stay and Play session