Minutes of the meeting of the FULL COUNCIL held at 7.30pm on 16th September 2014, in the Radlett Centre, Radlett.

Present: Councillors N Payne (Chairman), Mrs G Balen, T Butwick, Mrs V Charrett, J Howley, Mrs J Lefton, Mrs E Samuelson & C Wilkins.

Officer: P Evans (Parish Council Manager).

Cllr S. Khawaja was not present.

548.  Apologies for absence

Apologies were received from Cllrs D Lambert, G Walton & R Worthy.

549.  Declarations of interest on any item on the Agenda – None.

550.  To adjourn the meeting for members of the public to address the Council (in accordance with Standing Order 1d)

There were no members of the public present.

551.  To approve and adopt the Minutes of the Full Council meeting held on 22nd July 2014.

These minutes were signed as a true record by Cllr N Payne, and adopted by the Council.

552.  To receive the Manager’s Report (for information only)

This had been previously circulated and is attached for reference purposes.

553.  Chairman’s Announcements

Cllr N Payne stated that he had attended the ‘Limitless’ & ’Films in the Park’ events which he felt were excellent. He thanked Cllr Mrs E Samuelson for all her efforts.

He had also attended three services at Christ Church on 3rd August to commemorate the start of the First World War. He laid a wreath on behalf of the Council at each service.

On 10th August he had attended the World War 1 event at Letchmore Heath organised by B Hyde.

Cllr N Payne advised members that the second ‘local councillors’ meeting had taken place earlier in the month, attended by himself, Cllrs Mrs E Samuelson, Mrs V Charrett, Bor Cllr C Goldstein & County Cllr Mrs C Clapper. Again this had been a very useful meeting with topics discussed such as CiL, planning call in procedures etc.

554.  To consider a response to the following HertsCC ‘Bus Service’ consultation.

Members were very concerned that, by reducing the bus service to Watford, especially so early in the evening, that this will affect those working, at school or socialising in the Watford area. Other concerns were raised, especially as the Council had not been provide with actual usage figures and the extent of the subsidy each service that went through the parish. As the consultation period ended before the next Council meeting and more information had been asked for it was;

Resolved that this matter be delegated to the Planning Committee to respond on behalf of the Council.

555.  To receive a report from the Youth Council.

A report from the outgoing Chairman of the Youth Council had been circulated prior to the meeting. Members felt it had been written well and looked forward to receiving the minutes of this year’s Youth Council.

556.  To decide on the location of the public conveniences in Phillimore Recreation Ground.

A report outlining three possible locations had been circulated prior to the meeting. These were

·  Outside the depot at the MUGA end.

·  Near the field gate from the car park

·  On the slab currently occupied by the catering unit.

Members discussed each area as well as the recommendations from the PCM. Those present agreed that these buildings (unless specifically built) were not ascetically conducive to this rural area. After further discussion it was


a)  That a modular building, similar to the depot in style and clad in green, be located at the MUGA end of the depot land.

b)  That the PCM obtain quotes for this type of public convenience with a budget of £15,000 from reserves, and for the work to proceed as soon as the necessary sewage works was in place.

557.  To receive an update on the Section 106 funds available to APC and decide what projects these may fund.

The PCM had circulated a report on this matter prior to the meeting. The report asked for a strategic plan to be agreed for Phillimore Recreation Ground including the allotments, as this would ensure that there were no

piecemeal individual projects which could lead to extra expense for the Council.

The PCM added that this was partly as a result of the decision to demolish the Pavilion. He had included a grid of what Section 106 monies had been allocated to the Council, and the final plan would include what these funds could be spent on.

Areas covered in the report included

·  Pavilion demolition

·  Bowls Green groundstaff entrance, banks and pathways.

·  Football pitch drainage

·  Car Park

·  Waste products dispersal

·  Allotments -- water provision, Council compound and allotments use, and car park.

Members discussed the report at length with various ideas discussed before it was


a)  To adopt the strategy in principle, and to delegate it to the P&OS Committee to discuss each area in detail, with recommendations for the Full Council.

b)  That the implementation date of the plan is October 2015, except the allotments’ water supply, which the PCM is asked to obtain quotes asap in order for works to commence over the winter period.

c)  That where possible Section 106 funds are used.

558.  To receive a verbal report from the ‘Common Costs’ Working party and decide the next steps.

Cllr N Payne reported that the working party met on 12th September. The meeting was very productive and a formal recommendation will be tabled at the October RCT & APC meetings.

559.  The Full Council is asked to receive and adopt the minutes and approve publication on the Council website of the following Committees (In accordance with Standing Order 6.4.8).

Resolved to adopt the following minutes and recommendations;

a)  Planning Committee meetings of 21st July 4th & 18th August 1st September 2014.

b)  Community Development Committee meeting of 4th September 2014.

c)  Strategic Planning Committee meeting of 5th September 2014.

560.  Financial

a) To authorise the payment of accounts (in accordance with Standing Order 6.4.10).

Resolved that all payments as appended to these minutes are approved.

b) To receive and approve the external’ auditors report for the annual return 2013/14.

This had been circulated prior to the meeting and was noted. Members thanked the PCM & Accounts officer for their help in achieving an un-qualified audit report.

561.  Items of interest from Minutes of other authorities (for information only)

Cllr Mrs E Samuelson reminded members that the next CSP meeting is to be held at Newberries School on 29th September 2014.

Cllr N Payne reported that the RCT AGM was held on 23rd July 2014. S Nagler had been appointed the Chairman and two new Trustees were appointed. The new Chairman was arranging a strategy ‘away day’ for the board on 20th September 2014.

Cllr Mrs G Balen reminded members that flu vaccinations would be available at the Red House during the week commencing 22nd and 29th September (Mon – Fri).

562.  Date of and any items for the next meeting 21st October 2014 at 7.30pm.

Cllr N Payne stated that HAPTC wanted to discuss Councillor recruitment for the 2015 elections.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.25pm

Chairman ………………………………………………… Date ……………………………...