Logic and Algorithms

Lab, HW, & Misc. Procedures

(keep this sheet – you will refer to it often)


·  You may work on answering the questions with your partner, however, each person must type/write his/her own set of questions, diagrams, truth tables, etc.

·  Always turn in lab on time with all questions answered, all truth tables filled out, and all diagrams drawn with software.

·  At the top of your questions page goes the following (one per line) in order:

o  your name

o  your class period

o  the lab #

·  If you don’t have all signatures before the due date, that’s ok. Still turn in the questions with the truth tables filled out and diagrams drawn. When you get it back, it will have 10 pts. subtracted. Once you get the signatures, you turn it back in and get the points back.

·  If you turn in a lab LATE, you will earn a 0 and it may not be made up.

·  If you are not here when your partner gets the lab signed, you’ll have to bring the board with the wiring to me as well. I will only sign labs that are accompanied by a wired lab.

·  When answering lab questions, write the question out. Then, on the next line type the answer.

·  When you come to me in line during lab, you must have your truth tables filled out and your name on your sheet. Please read the “Procedure” part of the lab and do things in order, coming to me after each part (where it says Get Instructor’s Signature). This will all make the line move faster.

·  If you lose, eat, break, fry, or otherwise need a chip I already gave you, a nominal fee of 20NT will be charged per IC.

·  Please staple the answers to the questions on top of the lab sheet.


·  Please check that you have the following integrated TTL chips in your kit when you get it.

7400 (2)



7432 (2)


7474 (2)

7476 (2)