


TheEmergencyAssistanceFund is available to sisterstoassistpeopleina time ofcriticalneed.Personshavea criticalneed when theyrequire immediatefinancial helpand have noother sourcefromwhichassistancecan be obtainedquickly.This emergency assistance fundwillbe administeredbytheMinistry Office. The amount available forthisfinancial assistanceis determined by the Community Leadership Team and is budgeted annually.


  • Nootherfundsarereadilyavailabletoalleviate theneed.
  • Assistancewillbefordirect,immediateneed onlysuchasfood,clothing,shelter, utilitybills,medicine


  • Sistersareencouragedtomakedirect payment to landlords,utilitycompanies, pharmacies,etc. ratherthan distributingfundstorecipient.
  • Theamountthat mayberequestedbyasisterislimitedto $1,000annually.
  • Iftheamountrequired islessthan $1,000, asistermay applymore than once

duringafiscalyear(July1– June 30).Additionalrequestsmaybemadeuntilan

accumulatedtotalof$1,000isreached withinthefiscalyear.

  • Once the loan requests for the year totals the allocated amount, no further applications can be received for that year.
  • Sisters are encouraged to know the person for whom she is requesting the application. This is helpful in order to verify the need for the emergency assistance.
  • An individual or family may only receive assistance once annually. This is to help ensure that more persons have access to the assistance.


  • A committee of sisters has been established to review the applications and approve or deny the request based on the criteria listed above.
  • Applications for requests for emergency assistance are available on the Intranet under the ministry section or through the ministry office.
  • Thesistersubmitsthe completedapplication describingthe critical need, reason,amountdesired, and relationshiptoperson(s)inneed to the ministry office. Please be sure to provide sufficient information to enable the committee to process the application.
  • Sisters may not request emergency funds for West Midwest employees. There is another process in place for them.
  • When the application is received and all the information requested is complete,request will be sent to the Emergency Fund Committee for approval.

The sister making the application will be notified as to whether the request is approved or denied.

  • Upon approvaloftherequestbyMinistryOffice,thesistermayissuepayment to theappropriateentityforthepersonin need and requestreimbursementfor payment.
  • Thesisterwillreceivereimbursement throughhercentralbankingaccount.The account and distributionnumberstobe credited shouldbenotedontheApplicationForm.

Sisters ofMercyWestMidwestCommunity


Application Form

Mercy Sistersubmitting request:

Name Address City/State/Zip Telephone Number
Email Address

Central Banking Reimbursement Only:Acct.No. Distribution No.

Amount Requested$


(Recipient’s name will be held in confidence)

List funding sources sought outside the Mercy Community:

Describe yourrelationship with person(s)in need:

WMW Employee

Yes NO

Give briefsummary ofthe reason forrequest and the need being addressed: [Be sure to provide sufficient information regarding the need. This will help those reviewing the application to clearly understand the need. Includeapproximate numberofpersons beingserved and who else(Sisters and/orothers)will be involved in implementing use ofthemoney granted].



To submit request,contact:

Kathy Thill, RSM

(402) 881-4922

Mailing Address:

Ministry Office

Sisters ofMercy West Midwest Community

7262 MercyRoadOmaha,NE 68124-2389