June 24, 2008
The Board of Adjustment of the Parish of Ascension held a Public Hearing on Tuesday, June 24 2008 at 6:00 p.m. in the Courthouse Annex Council Meeting Room 2nd Floor, 828 S. Irma Blvd.Gonzales, Louisiana for the following:
- Meeting called to order by Chairman.The Chairman called the meeting to order.
- Roll call of members.The following members were present: ChairmanHoward Dalton, Brad Walker, Bryce Cox, Mrs. Kathy Desadier and James Cecil. David LeBlanc was absent. Lance Brock, Zoning Official, Mr. Richard Crompton, Director of Planning & Developmentand Mr. O’Neil Parenton, Legal Counsel was also present.
- Public Comment Period.
No one spoke during comment period.
- Acceptance of the Minutes of the May 27, 2008 meeting.
Commission Action: Mr. Bryce Cox seconded by Mr. Brad Walker made a motion to accept the minutes of the May 27, 2008
A Yea and Nay vote was called and resulted as follows:
Yeas: Messrs. Brad Walker,James Cecil, Mr. Bryce Cox, and Ms. Kathy Desadier
Nays: None
Absent: David LeBlanc
Abstained: None
The Chairman did not vote
4 Yeas, 0 Nays,1absent and the motion carried.
- Acceptance of the Written Decisions of theMay 27, 2008 meeting.
Commission Action: Mr. Bryce Cox seconded by Mr. Brad Walker made a motion to accept the minutes of the May 27, 2008
A Yea and Nay vote was called and resulted as follows:
Yeas: Messrs. Brad Walker,James Cecil, Mr. Bryce Cox, and Ms. Kathy Desadier
Nays: None
Absent: David LeBlanc
Abstained: None
The Chairman did not vote
4 Yeas, 0 Nays,1absent and the motion carried.
- Public Hearing to consider the following Variances:
- Zoning Review ID 1894.08 for Martin Padial
Located on the south west corner of Old Jefferson Highway and Ascension Parish Road to request a variance of the Ascension Parish Development Code, Section17-202. Off Street Parking Standards (A) (3).
Mrs. Tracey Vaci, agent, presented this variance to reduce the minimum parking spaces from 116 to 86. The variance requested is thirty spaces. The stated hardship was to preserve green space.
Mr. David Ellis, owners of Ascension Family Dentistry adjacent to this property, stated that he was against this variance. He also read a statement from Blair Gremeion, adjacent property owner, who could not attend the meeting. He was also against the variance due to the limited amount of parking in that development.
Ms Danene Dudley, co-owner of Jump N Jive, stated that she was against this variance due to the limited amount of parking in this development.
Ms. Tiffany Wheat Dison, co-owner of Jump N Jive, stated that she was against the variance due to the limited amount of parking. in this development.
Commission Action: Mrs. Kathy Desaider, seconded by Mr. James Cecil, made a motion to deny the variance as written due to the fact that there was no apparent hardship due to the fact that building could be built.
Yeas: Messrs. James Cecil, Mr. Bryce Cox, and Ms. Kathy Desadier
Nays: None
Absent: David LeBlanc
Abstained: Brad Walker,
The Chairman did not vote
3 Yeas, 0 Nays, 1 Absent and 1 abstained the motion carried.
- Zoning Review ID 1895.08 Lot 13 of the Colonial Superb Village Subdivision for Shana Sullivan
Located on the west side of Grace Street approximately 30’ south of Second Colonial Street to request a variance of the Ascension Parish Development Code, Section 17-156 Setback and Yard Requirements: Residential.
Ms. Shana Sullivan, owner, presented this variance to reduce the minimum rear setback from the property line.
During the public comment period, no one spoke for or against this variance.
Commission Action: Mr. James Cecil, seconded by. Mrs. Kathy Desadier made a motion to approve this variance toreduce the minimum rear setback from the property line due to the fact that it was in harmony with the surrounding area.
A Yea and Nay vote was called and resulted as follows:
Yeas: Messrs. Brad Walker,James Cecil, Mr. Bryce Cox, and Ms. Kathy Desadier
Nays: None
Absent: David LeBlanc
Abstained: None
The Chairman did not vote
4 Yeas, 0 Nays, 1 absent and the motion carried.
- Zoning Review ID 1896.08 for Angelia Decouteau
Located on the south side of LA Highway 42 approximately 1300’ east of HH Wilson Road to request a variance of the Ascension Parish Development Code, Section 17-156 Setback and Yard Requirements: Residential.
No one appeared to present this variance to the Board of Adjustment
Commission Action: Mr. Bryce Cox, second by Mrs. Kathy Desadier made a motion to move this item to the end of the meeting.
Commission Action: Mr. Brad Walker made a made a motion to defer this item to next month’s meeting. Mr. Walker withdrew his motion
A Yea and Nay vote was called and resulted as follows:
Yeas: Messrs. Brad Walker,James Cecil, Mr. Bryce Cox, and Ms. Kathy Desadier
Nays: None
Absent: David LeBlanc
Abstained: None
The Chairman did not vote
4 Yeas, 0 Nays, 1 absent and the motion carried.
- Zoning Review ID 1897.08 - Lot 16 Retreat at Ascension for Greg English
Located on the north side of Retreat Lane approximately 300’ west of Swamp Road to request a variance of the Ascension Parish Development Code, Section 17-156 Setback and Yard Requirements: Residential.
Mr. Mark English, representing the owner, presented this variance to reduce the minimum rear setback from the property line.
During the public comment period, no one spoke for or against this variance.
Commission Action: Mrs. Kathy Desadier,seconded by Mr. Brad Walker, made a motion to approve the variance with the condition that the drainage drains to the rear of the property and the building remain an open aired structure.
A Yea and Nay vote was called and resulted as follows:
Yeas: Messrs. Brad Walker,James Cecil, Mr. Bryce Cox, and Ms. Kathy Desadier
Nays: None
Absent: David LeBlanc
Abstained: None
The Chairman did not vote
4 Yeas, 0 Nays, 1 absent and the motion carried
**********Deferred Item *************
Zoning Review ID 1896.08 for Angelia Decouteau
Located on the south side of LA Highway 42 approximately 1300’ east of HH Wilson Road to request a variance of the Ascension Parish Development Code, Section 17-156 Setback and Yard Requirements: Residential.
No one appeared to present this variance to the Board of Adjustment so it was deferred to the end meeting. At the end of the meeting no was present to present this item.
Commission Action: Mr. Brad Walker, second by Mrs. Kathy Desadier made a motion to defer this item until the July 22, 2008 Board of Adjustments meeting.
A Yea and Nay vote was called and resulted as follows:
Yeas: Messrs. Brad Walker,James Cecil, Mr. Bryce Cox, and Ms. Kathy Desadier
Nays: None
Absent: David LeBlanc
Abstained: None
The Chairman did not vote
4 Yeas, 0 Nays, 1 absent and the motion carried.
12. Adjourn.
Commission Action: Mr. Bryce Cox seconded by Mr. Brad Walker made a motion to adjourn the June 24, 2008Board of Adjustments meeting.
A Yea and Nay vote was called and resulted as follows:
Yeas: Messrs. Brad Walker,James Cecil, Mr. Bryce Cox, and Ms. Kathy Desadier
Nays: None
Absent: David LeBlanc
Abstained: None
The Chairman did not vote
4 Yeas, 0 Nays, 1 absent and the motion carried.
Howard Dalton, Chairman