St. Padre Pio Parish
Saturday, January 16th Vigil
5:00pm/OLP Joseph & Viola Malench
By Ron & Marie Franceschini
June Riland
By Craig, Michele & Trevor Redziniak
Marie Melini
By Louis, Joanne & Louis E. Ferrari
Joseph Pedrick
By Carmen & Cesarina Croce
Helen Noto
By Gerald & Gloria Noto
Sunday, January 17th 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:30am/OLP People of the Parish
Eda Ziller
By John & Augusta Cerana
Deceased Bertonazzi Brothers
By Mickey & Mae Grotti
Charles Freas
By Rob & Ruth DePasquale
Larry Hennessy
By Kevin & Nancy Sherwood
Richard Ferrari, Sr.
By Donnie & Judy Fiocchi
9:00am/OLP Theodore Mercurio, Sr.
By Josephine, Carmele & Frankie Scarpa
10:30am/OLP Joseph Waldron
By St. Padre Pio Staff
Monday, January 18th St. Charles of Sezze
7:00pm/Chapel Angelina Tolotti
By Alfred & Mary Iezzi
Tuesday, January 19th St. Wulstan
8:45am/Chapel Santina Cantillon
By Judy Fries
Wednesday, January 20th St. Fabian & St. Sebastian
8:45am/StM Raffealla “Raffie” Capizola
By Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Riggione
Thursday, January 21st St. Agnes
8:45am/Chapel Gloria Miller By St. Padre Pio Parish Senior Club
Friday, January 22nd Day of Prayer for Unborn Children
8:45am/StM LeRoy Periconi
By Tony & Renee Campana
Saturday, January 23rd St. Marianne Cope/Vigil
5:00pm/OLP Helen Rodevick
By Joe Mish
Joseph & Viola Malench
By Ron & Marie Franceschini
Rosa & Michael Conenna
By Mr. & Mrs. Roberto Brunetti & Family
Josephine Rice
By Edie Thayer
Angelina Tolotti
By Johanne Bylone
Sunday, January 24t 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:30am/OLP People of the Parish
Paul Lucchesi, Sr.
By Bob, Anne Marie & Kaitlyn Ternay
Melissa Headley
By Margaret Bik & Marcella Morrow
Rose Serra
By Bik Family
Richard Ferrari
By Lawrence Moratelli
Andrew Creaturo
By Mr. & Mrs. Steven Bertonazzi
9:00am/OLP Eda Ziller
By John & Augusta Cerana
10:30am/OLP Marie Melini
By Jeff & Jen Francesconi
January 23rd & 24th
Readers: 5:00 PM OLP L. Cristelli, S. DeMarchi
7:30 AM OLP L.A. Rohs, Sister Louisa
9:00 AM OLP S. Descalzi, N. Derr
10:30 AM OLP M. Bylone, B. Bertonazzi
E.M: 5:00 PM OLP J. Camardo, L. LaTorre, P. Murray,
D. Ploch, Deacon Sampson
7:30 AM OLP M. Bik, Sister Charles, T. Wagoner
9:00 AM OLP M Bergamo, L. Tiemann, B. Bergamo,
B. Sopranzetti, M Sopranzetti
10:30 AM OLP K. Celebre, B. Hammerstedt, Deacon
Sampson, D. Wagoner, Volunteer
Altar Servers:
5:00 PM OLP E. Anglani, M. & A. Camardo, I. Consalo
7:30 AM OLP C. Bik, P. Coyle
9:00 AM OLP E. & G. Descalzi, D. & D. Merighi
10:30 AM OLP M. Dawkins, D. Farinaccio, A. Santini, Volunteer
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in Holy Child Chapel
Tuesdays – 9:15am – 3:00pm. Evening prayer and Benediction at 3:00pm. Please come to adore the Lord.
Sunday, January 17th
2:00 pm ~ St. Mary’s Church
I want to offer my sincere thanks to everyone who thought of me this Christmas season through your greeting cards, cookies, gifts and other remembrances. You are in my prayers and will always be part of
my family. Peace and all good
things, Fr. Peter
The Parish Office will be closed on Monday, January 18th
Martin Luther King Day.
Vineland, NJ
Our Sick
Helen Gager, Linda Walck, Tilly Scaglia, Matthew Gagliardi, Joyce Forrest, Jackie Gross, Diane Ingenito, Otello Nezzi, Adela Campisi, Charles, Sherry, Charles Jr. & Mike Cestaro, Donald Kinkade, David Giglio, Ed Bergamo, Jim McMahan, Frank & Frances Buono, Emil & Rita Milano, Ed Sutter, Walter & Margaret Cherniak, Carol Piersimoni, William Ryan, Jennifer Riccardi, David Giglio, Kathy Milano, Linda Nocito, Jessica Flaim Salerno, Mary D’Ottavio, Jason Thomas Myers, Kaycee Ryan Knuth, Sr., Philip Manfredi, Brandy Johnson, Deanna Murphy, Bud Catalano, Todd Weaver, Andrea Cheli, John Cheli, Anthony Riggio, Lina Pustizzi, Page Parker, Jacob Ruga, Sandy (Bertonazzi) Caporale, Ericka Blank, Gloria Noto, Joan Casey, Michele Manetas, Allison Krischer, Howard Jay, Geraldo Trabel, Tom Emerson, Joseph Letizia, Dee Dobson, Audrey Bradley, Minnie Gilliam, Sharon Speziali, Ron Figarole, Anthony Tramontana, Delores Flaim, Paul Milano Sr., Paul Milano, Jr., Allison Winkler, Carmen & Cesarina Croce, Sheryl Soboloski, Vito Fantini, Gus Colon, Sue Fuentes, Marilyn (Smaniotto) Siravo.
To have a loved one listed on the prayer list in the bulletin, a request form will have to be completed or email us at . The name will remain on the prayer list for eight weeks unless you remove the name before that time.
Person for Sick List______
Person submitting name______
Phone# ______Date______
In Memory of
Angelina “Lee” Tolotti
By Joanne Hofstetter
This candle burns perpetually as a reminder
that Jesus is present in the tabernacle.
The flowers in the Sanctuary are in memory of Albert, David and Richard Siciliano from their loving family.
The roses by the Tabernacle are in loving memory of Sam Brunozzi from Ed and Joanne Petrini and Family.
(Flowers may be placed in memory of loved ones by calling Johanne Bylone at 691-3669 or Judy Fries at 825-0594).
The cemeteries of St. Mary’s and Our Lady of Pompeii will be cleaned beginning February 1st. Please remove any decorations you wish to keep prior to that date.
…All Diocesan Cemeteries will be removing decorations from grave sites beginning, Monday, January 18th. Anything you wish to save should be removed before this date. Thank you for entrusting us with the care of your loved ones. We wish you all a healthy and happy New Year. The South Jersey Catholic Cemeteries Staff
01/17 – Italian Mass, St. Mary’s Church, 2:00 PM
01/19 – St. Joseph Society Meeting, Rosary Hall, 7:00 PM
01/25 to 28 – Liturgical Publication Bulletin Sales Ad Representative
02/01 – Life-Line Screening, Rosary Hall, 9:00 AM
02/03 – Meeting with Farmers, Rosary Hall, 7:00 PM
02/27 – St. Mary School “Uncorked”, Greenview Inn @ Eastlyn
03/06 – Senior Club Bus Trip, “Spreading It Around” at Hunterdon Hills Play
House Dinner Theater, Hampton, NJ, Depart 11:30 AM
03/12 – First Penance, OLP Church, 10:00 AM
03/14/15/16 – Parish Mission, OLP Church, 7:00 PM
03/17 & 18 – Passion Play, Guaracini Center, 7:00 PM
03/20 – Palm Sunday Macaroni Dinner, Rosary Hall, 11:30AM to 5:00 PM
03/29 – Senior Club Bus Trip – “Italian Feast of St. Joseph” at Doolan’s
Shore Club, Spring Lake, N.J.
04/01 – Jerry Blavat Dance (New date) Rosary Hall, 6:00 PM
04/30 – First Eucharist, OLP Church, 10:00 AM
05/01 – Grandparents’ Breakfast & Bake Sale, St. Mary School, 8 AM-Noon
05/01 – Senior Club Bus Trip to Hunterdon Hills Playhouse Dinner Theater,
“Train of Love”: A Tribute to Johnny Cash.
05/07 – First Eucharist, OLP Church, 10:00 AM
05/11 – Confirmation, OLP Church, 5:00 PM
05/14 – May Crowning, OLP Church, 5:00 PM
Stewardship Gifts Irreplaceable: “To each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit.”
(1 Corinthians 12:7) St. Paul tells us that God has blessed each of us for a reason. How has God blessed you? Are you using your Stewardship gifts according to God’s plan; helping to do His work here on earth? Remember that if you don’t do the work God planned for you, no one else can do it.
1/10/16 – Collection: $9,091.00 Candles: $211.00
TAX CONTRIBUTION STATEMENTS FOR 2015 will be mailed out upon request. If you need a statement of your church contributions, please call the parish office during regular office hours.
Gross Income: $100,028.10
Expenses: $ 51,870.40
Net Profit: $ 48,157.70
We welcome into our parish family through the sacrament of Baptism, Adrianna Capri, daughter of Anthony & Stacey Cast Fanucci.
Welcome to the Parish
David & Denise Homiak
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Sunday at the 9:00 AM Mass
“Singing God’s Praises”
Children’s Choir: Tuesday, 6:30 to 7:15 p.m. Grades 2 to 8.
Adult Choir: Tuesday at 7:30 p.m.
Children’s Choir Liturgy: Sunday, January 17th & 24th, 9:00 am.
…School Closed – Monday, January 18th, Martin Luther King Day.
Bucks and Bags BINGO
Hosted by the St. Mary School PTA on Friday, January 22nd, St. Mary School Gym; 7:00pm (Doors open at 6 PM). The cost is $30.00 per person. Come out for a fun evening of BINGO for Designer Brand Bags such as Burberry, Coach, Michael Kors, Dooney and Bourke, and many others. There will also be cash prizes! There will be one Special game, a Chinese Auction and 50/50. Food is available at an additional cost. You must be at least 21 years of age to attend. For more information, call 856-692-8537, ext. 324.
All Toddlers Welcome!
Thursday, January 21st
10:30 to 11:30 a.m. ~ St. Mary School
Come and meet new friends.
For more information call:
856-692-8537 x 324
On Saturday, February 27th, at The Greenview Inn at Eastlyn,St. Mary School is hosting one of their largest fundraisers of the year, Uncorked, featuring fine food, fine wines and microbrews along with premium basket auctions, live and silent auctions, live entertainment featuring Father Rob and his band as well as a D.J. Doors open at 6pm. Tickets are $50pp and are available at the school and will also be sold after some Masses in the coming weeks. Thank you for your support!
Religious Education
Classes will be held on Tuesday, January 19th, 4:30 to 5:30 pm
Grade 6 ~ Sunday, January 24th ~ 9:00 AM Mass
Our Lady of Mercy Academy in Newfield, an all-girls Catholic School, grades 9-12, has an open position for aPrincipal. For complete details visit
The Padre Pio Players will soon begin preparing to perform the Passion of Jesus Christ at the Guaracini Center on March 17th and 18th. Anyone who has the gift of song, dance and speech or feels that they would just like to be a part of this tremendous experience is invited. Children in 3rd grade and up are very welcome. A meeting will be held on Friday, January 22nd, 7:30 pm at Our Lady of Pompeii Church. If you are interested, whether you performed in the past or this is your first time out, please contact Gracie Hoffner (856) 213-6748 or . Positions needed to be filled are soloists, apostles, Joseph, Judas and young boy. Looking forward to seeing you, God Bless!
Please bring in your palms from last year by February 8th, to be burned for Ash Wednesday.
World Youth Day will be held in July, 2016 in Krakow, Poland. Bishop Sullivan would like to take our diocesan seminarians to WYD. He is convinced that this would encourage these young men in their vocation to our diocesan priesthood. A matching fund has been established where all money contributed will be matched dollar for dollar. If you are willing to give a donation, please do so through On that website, you click on the Diocese of Camden logo and fill out the form. Please enter “Seminarian” as the name of the scholarship recipient. You are also welcome to send a check directly to Diocese of Camden, Attention Bishop Sullivan, 631 Market Street, Camden, NJ 08102. Please remember our seminarians in your prayers.
Kathy Buck will be working onsite the week of January 25th to 28th at the parish office setting up the advertising sponsorships for the bulletin. We need and appreciate your help. If you are interested in adverting in our bulletin or would like more information, please call Kathy directly at (800) 888-4574 ext. 3429 or email .
Jubilee of Mercy: MERCY WORKS
January 17: “When it comes to immigration, the Church reminds us that in the end, all of us are children of the same loving God,” Pope Francis said during his speech at Independence Hall in September. “That makes us brothers and sisters, despite the borders that separate us. And in arguing over borders to keep people out, we need to be vigilant against erecting those same borders in our hearts.” Get involved with the Catholic Church’s efforts to make our immigration system more just. Visit to see how you can get involved.
JANUARY 17, 2016
Remember in your
Daily prayers
USAF: Stf. Sgt. Michael Rhodes; Sr.; Col. Jennifer Hammerstedt;
Gen. Michael A. Fantini, Sr., Captain Elizabeth Golden
Air Force National Guard: Stf. Sgt. Joseph R. Tolotti
Army: Wes Jarrell; Lt. Col. Stephen P. Dondero; Sgt. Thomas Riggio;
John Caccia; Stf. Sgt. Special Forces/Medic Rusty Waymack;
SFC Timothy M. Dobson; SFC Jason Heney; Stf. Sgt. Richard Rivera;
SPC Michael Ruga; Sgt. James Conklin; SPC Anthony Bertonazzi.
Navy: Chief Dennis Lloyd; Ryan S. Valerio
Marines: Captain Christopher Kuhlen Caldwell; PFC Elton King
Mailing addresses for some of our men and women in the service are posted in the back of church with their pictures. Please send them a note or care package throughout the year even if you do not know them.
Knights of Columbus News ~ Council #6621
Free Bus to Washington, D.C. ~ Friday, January 22nd
Bus will leave Sacred Heart Church,1010 East Landis Avenue, Vineland at 6:30 am and will also pick up at the Walmart Parking Lot, 1130 Route 77, Bridgeton at 6:55 am. We will arrive in Washington, D.C. in time for the 11:00 am Mass. Those not able to take part in the March are welcome to remain at the Basilica and pray to end abortion. The bus will leave the Basilica at 4 PM. Bring your own lunch and cash for the Metro ticket to the National Mall for the March. For more information and to reserve your seat, contact Albert Karwowski, K of C Program Director, at 856-794-3892. The Rev. Francis P. Araneo Chapter of the Knights of Columbus has chartered the 54-passenger, restroom-equipped bus.