Saints Souls Mass – Tuesday, November 1 at 8:10 am

Our annual celebration to remember the Feasts of All Saints All Souls will take place on Tuesday, November 1, 2016 with Mass at 8:10 am.

During Mass, we would like to highlight the Communion of Saints by inviting students to dress in simple costumes as their patron or favorite Saint of the Church. They will walk in the opening procession, as the Litany of Saints is sung.

Children must come to Church already dressed in SIMPLE costumes…not elaborate outfits that will be too warm to wear or so complicated that the message of the Saints’ simple lives will be lost to our students. (Please note: our office will not be able to assist with costumes.) A GROUP PHOTO will be taken at the end of Mass and parents will be able to take a photo too. Parents will then assist their children to change into their school uniforms and take them back to class.

If your child is interested in participating in this event, please have them come to the foyer of the Church beginning at 7:30 am on that morning. Please create a nametag with the Saint’s name, as well as your child’s grade on it. We will line up the children by grade level for the procession into Church.

The Book of Life

We will also be continuing the tradition of remembering our loved ones in a special way during this Mass. Our Book of Life will be displayed near the altar again this year. This book has been a special tradition here at MBS School and contains all the names of our deceased relatives and friends submitted over the last thirteen years.

If you have lost a loved one since November 2015, fill in the form below and we will add it to the Book of Life for this year. In order to have the Book of Life ready for the Mass, we will need to have ALL names submitted by Thursday, October 27, 2016. Have your child bring the form to their homeroom. They will be forwarded to our office.

The Book of Life contains all of the names previously submitted over the years. Please do not send names that already have been placed into the Book of Life.

If you have any questions concerning our Saints and Souls celebration, please call David Planche at 751-5867.


Detach and Return by Thursday, October 27, 2016


I would like to add the name to the MBS School BOOK OF LIFE for 2016. If there are any questions about this deceased family member or friend, I may be reached during the day at this phone number:

Parent Name (Please PRINT)

Please Note: If needed, additional names can be added to the back of this form. Thank you.