Faculty Meeting Agenda

Global Leadership Center

October 20, 2017

1)  Tom Knecht called the meeting to Order 3:37

2)  Devotional: Psalm 119. Amanda Silberstein described the study of science as an opportunity to engage the work of God directly and in doing so offer a profound act of worship.

3)  New Faculty Introduction: Rebekah McNamara

Through the lens of her research as a scholar of medieval narratives Rebekah shared her heritage, her study at Baylor University, Oxford, her role as Jr. Dean of Exeter College, and continued her work at the University of Sydney. Her research focuses on suicidal impulse in Medieval London. She has recently moved from teaching at UCLA and is excited to engage with mentorship, research, and teaching here at Westmont.

4)  The Minutes from September 15, 2017 were approved.

5)  Report from the President. Gayle Beebe reported on several successful recent events including

a)  Wallace Emerson Conference. Don Patterson was the featured speaker

b)  Dedication of the GLC. Reported over 400 attendees.

c)  A successful homecoming and 80th anniversary Gala, Honoring Roger Voskyl.

d)  Irene Neller has accepted the position as the VP of Enrollment, Marketing, and College Communications.

He also informed the group of upcoming events and searches:

e)  The Campus Pastor Search committee has been assembled. It is co-chaired by Gayle Beebe and Edee Schulze. Members include John Blondell, Charlie Farhadian, Chandra Mallampalli, Kristen Moore, Ben Peterson, Serah Shani, Michael Shasberger, Lesa Stern, and Maria Velasquez.

f)  New Capital Campaign -- $250M endowed student scholarships, endowed faculty chairs, endowed institutes and centers, and a student success center.

g)  Upcoming Board of Advisors

h)  Mosher Center Event

i)  Legal and Government Relations (Assembly Bill 21 approval will require development of a policy for relating to ICE officers.)

6)  Introduction to the Global Leadership Center (GLC)

a)  Edee Schulze presented the vision from the development of the GLC and its mission to foster “Meaningful global experiences into lifelong global engagement.”

3 Aspects: Facilitated by Anna Fletcher

i)  A place to land (re-entry of global liaisons)

ii)  A place to learn (globally themed programs, curricular and co-curricular)

iii)  A place to launch (assist in preparation for our students to go abroad, develop internships and work as a liaison with programs abroad)

b) Stu Cleek described the design priorities for the facilities.

i)  The preservation of the oak trees was a priority.

ii)  The design of the facility is meant to promote community and offer flexibility for multiple campus uses.

(1)  No internal hallways

(2)  Each room is designed for 3 people.

(3)  Special attention was given to developing indoor and outdoor spaces.

(4)  Coffee Shop

(5)  Shared Kitchens

7)  Updates from the Provost

a)  English Department Hire: New Colleague Kya Mangrum joins Westmont faculty in the fall.

b)  Continued Faculty searches: Biology, Kinesiology, Physics, and Computer Science.

c)  Trailhead Program: The successful program enters year 2 and will offer Academic Credit.

d)  Academic Retention Team: identifies students at risk through the CARE team. Introduction of Sonya Welsh

e)  Library tutoring for first year courses: Mary Logue shared an initiative to offer support for GE classes. This has taken the form of peer led tutoring, study sessions, workshops, and partnership with English Comp and Perspectives on World History.

f)  Commission on Teacher Credentialing visit: March 18-21

i)  Celebration of the Education Dept. achieving 98% placement rate of our student teachers into positions after graduation.

g)  Global Program Updates:

i)  No Westmont in Northern Europe next year considering Westmont in East Asia for Fall 2019

ii)  WSF: Possible cohorts, summer program

h)  National Survey of Student Engagement report:

i)  Our scores from this report note some areas for improvement.

(1)  Lower Marks of Quantitative literacy and use of numbers, statistics, and Data to Make Decisions

(2)  First-year scores relatively lower than senior scores

(3)  Oral Presentations scores

(4)  Culminating Senior Experiences (Thesis, capstone projects, senior research)

(5)  Making Values Consistent with a Christian Worldview.

ii)  Mark Sargent commends the strong scores received for Global Education.

8)  The Meeting was adjourned at 4:34.

9)  Tours of the GLC or the Guatemalan Exhibit