PersonnelA/PPS No. 04.01 (1.1)
Issue No. 2

Effective Date: 07/26/2018
Next Review Date: 11/01/2021

Sr. Reviewer: Athletic Director


01.01Athletics employees, including contract and non-contract coaches, will follow all Human Resources policies and procedures as provided in the university’s Human Resources policies, procedures, practices, and other guidelines, as appropriate. This policy provides guidance to assist employees in complying with these requirements. University policy will prevail in any conflicts with the information contained in this policy.


Texas State University is an equal opportunity employer. Texas State is committed to increasing the number of women and minorities in administrative and professional positions. The Department of Athletics follows the guidelines set forth in UPPS No. 04.04.03,Staff Employment regarding hiring procedures for staff positions. Managerial positions are advertised on the NCAA employment website, Women’s College Leaders in Sportsemployment website, or any other applicable employment venues. The Black Coaches Association is solicited for any head coaching vacancy in the sports which maintains an active list of candidates. A university-approved search firm may be utilized for filling certain senior administrative staff or head coach positions.


When a staff vacancy occurs in the Department of Athletics, the associate Athletic director (AD) for Business Operations is notified regarding the need to post a job with Human Resources. The hiring manager and the associate AD for Business Operations will work together to ensure that all university policies and procedures are followed.

The hiring process consists of an online review and approval application system, interviewing the appropriate number of qualified applicants, including veterans, and submitting a hiring matrix and employment history verification electronically with each hiring decision. The Office of Equity and Access has the final approval of employment. Additionally, all staff new hires must pass a criminal background check prior to any employment offer.

Once the Office of Equity and Access has approved the hiring decision and the prospective employee has passed the criminal background check, an official in Human Resources contacts the associate AD for Business Operations to notify the department of the hiring approval. The associate AD for Business Operations alerts the hiring manager, completes the New Hire Checklist and sends a welcome email to the new employee with first day instructions and their employment letter. The employment letter is signed by the employee and kept in the employee’s personnel folder in the Athletics Business Office.

01.04Student Employment

Positions will be filled using the guidelines set out by UPPS No. 07.07.03, Student Employment Procedures. The assistant Athletics business manager in the Athletics Business Office will work with the account manager or their designee to complete the hiring process. Student employees are held to the same standards, regarding maintaining the Department of Athletics’ vision, and are expected to demonstrate a sincere willingness to abide by NCAA, Conference, and university rules.

Once a hire is recommended by the account manager or their designee, the applicant must report, prior to starting work, to the Athletics Business Office with their driver’s license, social security card, or other approved identification documents. Athletics Business Office staff will help the student complete all required employment paperwork.

If a student employee is deemed to be working in a security-sensitive position, the Athletics Business Office will request a criminal background check as provided in UPPS No. 04.04.17, Staff Background Checks.

Student employees will be paid in accordance with the University Pay Plan. Student wages will be set by the account manager and the Athletics Business Office by taking into consideration student wage budgets and how many hours the student is needed to work.

01.05Volunteer Workers

Volunteers must comply with UPPS No. 04.04.09, Volunteers. All volunteers must complete the Athletics Volunteer’s Release/Appointment Form. The form will be kept on file in the Athletics Business Office. Volunteer coaches must also meet with the Athletics Compliance Office.


02.01New Employee Welcome(NEW) Part Iis a program held the first work day of each week. All new employees will attend Part I on their first work day to obtain information needed immediately such as parking, payroll, timekeeping and benefits.

New Employee Welcome(NEW) Part IIis a program held monthly. All new employees will attend Part II within 30 days of their hire date to obtain required training and additional information needed for successful employment at Texas State.


03.01Full explanations of benefits such as group insurance, accident insurance, disability income insurance, hospitalization insurance, retirement plan benefits, workers’ compensation, educational opportunities, employee reimbursements for Texas State course fees, etc., are available through Human Resources. It is the responsibility of the individual to notify the appropriate office of his or her desire to participate in these programs.


04.01All personnel are subject to university regulations in UPPS No. 04.04.30, University Leave Policy, governing vacation and sick leave. These regulations, which are similar to those governing travel, are included in state law. Employees are encouraged to contact Human Resources (JCK Building, Room 360) regarding these provisions as well as all others regarding employee benefits. The Department of Athletics is responsible for maintaining sick leave and vacation records on file for its personnel.

All vacation time must be approved by the employee’s immediate supervisor. Employees should see the Athletics Administration administrative assistant for a Texas State Faculty and Staff Application for Leave Approval form. Employees who are absent for any reason must report such absences to conform to state law. The applicable forms are available from the administrative assistant which must be completed to comply with this regulation.

Student Timekeeping (see UPPS No. 07.07.03, Student Employment Procedures):

All student employees are limited to an average of 25 hours per week or less during the fall and spring semesters. When classes are not in session, student employees can work a maximum of 40 per week. If a student has multiple positions, the hours per week limits apply to the sum of hours worked in all positions (each position does not get 25 hours per week).

Student time is entered into and approved by the supervisor in SAP. Student employees are paid according to the student hourly schedule established by the Payroll and Tax Compliance Office.


05.01FLSA Overtime – earned at the rate of 1.5 hours for one hour worked. This overtime is earned by classified staff only after 40 hours of actual hours worked in one work week (12:01 a.m. Sunday through midnight Saturday).

05.02State Compensatory Time – earned at the rate of one hour for one hour worked. Both exempt and non-exempt employees are eligible for compensatory time. This time is earned when the number of hours actually worked plus the number of hours of paid leave is in excess of 40 hours in a work week.

05.03Hours Worked–includes all time during which an employee is required to be on the premises or at a designated work place and all time during which an employee is suffered or permitted to work. Work time is to be recorded and rounded to the nearest one-quarter hour.

NOTE: Federal law includes not only the time permitted to work but also any time that an employee works with or without prior permission. Federal law does not require prior permission, hence the “suffers or permits” language in the statute. Only university policy requires prior permission. The university must still pay overtime, even without prior permission. Failure to receive prior permission may become a performance issue, but the department must still pay the overtime.


06.01Department policy is generated from information found in UPPS No. 04.04.11, University Classification and Compensation and UPPS No. 04.04.16, Overtime and Compensatory Time Policy.

06.02Supervisor Responsibility

It is the supervisor’s responsibility to monitor and manage work schedules to avoid having classified staff work in excess of 40 hours per week. FLSA overtime and state compensatory time work is not permitted on a voluntary basis and must have the prior authorization of the immediate supervisor. A supervisor may take disciplinary action up to and including dismissal of a classified employee if the employee fails to receive prior approval. Supervisors have total discretion on whether to vary an employee’s work schedule during the workweek to avoid accrual of FLSA overtime and state compensatory time. Program budgets will assume the financial liability of overtime hours accrued. It cannot be overstated that supervisors must actively prevent overtime from occurring in the first place if they want to limit overtime liability. Once it is earned, it is owed.

06.03Employee Responsibility

Prior to working overtime, an employee must receive prior approval from his or her immediate supervisor. A supervisor may take disciplinary action up to and including dismissal of a classified employee if the employee fails to receive prior approval.

06.04Limits and Payments

The following rules apply to FLSA Overtime:

  1. The department may allow the employee to take FLSA overtime off at the rate of 1.5 hours for each hour over 40 worked during the workweek.
  1. Department employees may carry an FLSA balance up to, but not beyond, 100 hours.
  1. Once an employee has accrued the maximum FLSA overtime and has not used it as leave, all additional FLSA overtime must be paid in cash at the employee’s regular rate in the pay period immediately following that in which it was earned.
  1. The program for which the employee works will be held financially liable for payouts of overtime hours.

The following rules apply to State Compensatory Time: state compensatory time must be taken during the 12-month period following the end of the workweek in which the compensatory overtime was accrued or it lapses.

For unclassified employees, state compensatory time should be recorded for purposes of energy conservation days as legislated by theuniversity administration. State compensatory time earned may not be used for paid leave other than energy conservation days, unless approved by the director of Athletics.


07.01All athletic department staff members and coaches are required to follow the guidelines set in UPPS No.04.04.06, Outside Employment and Activities. The director of Athletics must give prior approval for any outside employment (paid or unpaid) including, but not limited to, camps, national sports festivals, or Olympic trials. Department of Athletics employees should submit their Request for Outside Employment or Activity online through the SAP Portal.

Many college coaches have opportunities for speaking engagements. A coach may receive an honorarium for such speaking engagements. The fee or honorarium that he or she receives is considered personal income and is accounted for by the coach for tax purposes. If travel expenses are paid by the sponsoring organization, per diem or travel expenses may not be claimed from the university.

The university must approve all radio and television shows for coaches. It is recognized that a coach may be paid to endorse certain products. All endorsements must fall within the guidelines of the NCAA and the university. Prior to signing, all outside contracts must be reviewed by the director of Athletics and in most cases, the Texas State University System associate general counsel.

Texas State does not operate and is not responsible for activities associated with camps or clinics run by members of the Athletics Department. Employment for these camps or clinics is considered outside employment. Expenses for these will not be charged to the Department of Athletics and must fall within NCAA guidelines(see Camps Policies and Procedures for guidelines on conducting institutional and external camps).


08.01Texas State provides workers’ compensation insurance for all full-time and part-time staff, administration, coaching staff and paid student workers. Workers’ compensation insurance is not provided to volunteer employees or graduate assistant coaches. Graduate assistant coaches are covered under the NACDA Athletic Team Medical and Travel Insurance for injuries that may occur on the field during practice or competition or during team travel.

Any and every injury, no matter how minor, must have a Supervisor’s Report of Incident Form completed. This form must be signed by the injured employee and by his or her immediate supervisor. This form must be on file prior to visiting an approved health care provider. The Student Health Center does not accept workers’ compensation injury claims.

Contact Environmental Health, Safety & Risk Managementfor a list of approved health care providers.


09.01Moving expenses may, as a condition of employment, be authorized for new employees. The Department of Athletics follows the guidelines in the Finance and Support Services policy FSS/PPS No.03.19, Moving Allowance. The request for payment of moving expenses must be submitted by the hiring manager to the associate AD for Business Operations. The associate AD for Business Operations will complete the university moving authorization form and submit it to the director of Athletics and the vice president for Finance and Support Services for their review and approval. Once all required approvals for the request have been obtained, the associate AD for Business Operations and the new employee will work together to ensure that all university policies and procedures are followed.


10.01Performance evaluations are completed annually as provided in UPPS No. 04.04.20,Staff Performance Appraisal Policyas a part of contract renewals and salary recommendations. Evaluations of head coaches are performed by the director of Athletics and his or her designee. Assistant coaches are evaluated by their head coaches and recommendations for renewal or termination are presented to the director of Athletics.

Administrative, professional and support staff evaluations are performed by direct supervisors. Employees should be provided a copy of his or her Performance Plan upon acceptance of employment with the department.


11.01The Department of Athletics follows guidelines set forth in:UPPS No. 04.04.40, Disciplining and Terminating Staff Employees; UPPS No. 04.04.41, Staff Employee Mediation and Grievance Policy; and UPPS No. 04.04.50, Separation of Employment and Interdepartmental Transfersregarding staff and student worker termination procedures.

The terminating employee must initiate the termination process with a letter of resignation sent to his or her direct supervisor and the associate AD for Business Operations. Upon receipt of the letter of resignation, the associate AD for Business Operations will produce a “checkout procedures” email, which will include instructions as to the university checkout process. All office and facility keys must be returned to the director of Facilities and Game Operations upon termination. The associate AD Business Operations notifies all appropriate departments of the terminating employee and will also process the EPCR to remove the employee from payroll.

Regarding student termination procedures, the assistant Athletics business manager in the Athletics Business Office creates the EPCR to terminate a student worker’s appointment. It is essential that the supervising department notify the assistant Athletics business manager as soon as a student worker vacates his or her position.


12.01Support staff members are encouraged to attend workshops sponsored by the university that will increase their skills and the knowledge necessary to perform their responsibilities. Arrangements for release time for workshops may be discussed with immediate supervisors. Attendance at workshops during the workday is considered work time.


13.01Reviewer of this PPS includes the following:


Director, AthleticsNovember 1 E3Y


This PPS has been approved by the following individuals in their official capacities and represents Texas State Athletics policy and procedure from the date of this document until superseded.

Director, Athletics; senior reviewer of this PPS