Central Dauphin East High School

STEPS Classroom

2010-2011 School Year







Classroom STEPS Team

Ms. Terra Blaisure, Teacher

Ms. Lynda Garlock, Paraprofessional

Mrs. Kristen Killinger


Table of Contents

I. Program Overview

II. Description of behavior management system

III. Targeted Behavior Areas

IV. Level Description

V. Exit Process

VI. STEPS Discipline/Consequences

VII. Classroom Paperwork

a.  Individual Programming

b.  On-Notice Form

VIII. Signature Sheet

IX. Contact Information


I. Program Overview

The STEPS classroom is a self-contained emotional support classroom located in Central Dauphin East High School. It contains five levels with level one having no privileges and level five having the most privileges. When a student reaches level five, the STEPS team begins to plan and implement the student’s transition back into the high school. Each student’s transition into the high school is handled on an individual basis that is dependent on each student’s needs and strengths. As the student begins to transition into the high school, the STEPS staff will maintain close contact with the student’s teachers in order to ensure the most successful and positive transition possible for the student.

·  Note: If a student has received an out of school suspension, they will automatically drop to Level 1 no matter what level they are on when the suspension occurs.

II. Behavior Management System

The STEPS classroom behavior management system is based on a point system. Each student can earn up to 10 points per period with a total of 80 available points for the day. The only period that a student does not earn points is during lunch. Even when a student begins to transition out to classes, the STEPS team will maintain contact with their teacher(s) and record the student’s points. There are five areas that are targeted:

1.  Task- Stay on task and complete all assigned work, activities, etc

2.  Interactions- Ignore negative behavior and focus on interacting appropriately with staff and other students.

3.  Directions- Follow directions given to you by any staff member.

4.  Area- Be in your assigned seat or area at all times.

5.  Language- Use appropriate language and manners throughout the school day.

Staff will go over student’s points with each student at the end of each period. Students will be asked to give their viewpoints and input regarding each targeted area. Staff will process with students about the choices that they have made that allowed them to gain points.

*Note: if a student walks out of the classroom without a staff member’s permission, the student will automatically be suspended until a tem meeting is held.
III. Targeted Behavior Areas:


Stay on task and complete all assigned task(s).

In order to gain all points in this area a student must:

·  Sit up

·  Face forward

·  Work and complete all assigned task(s)

·  Have all necessary utensils at their desk (paper, books, writing utensil, etc)

·  Listening to directions

·  Raising hand to answer questions, ask for help, etc.


Ignore negative behavior and focus on interacting appropriately with staff and other students.

In order to gain all points in this area a student must:

·  Respect staff’s or other classmate’s choices

·  Ignore inappropriate/negative behavior or language

·  Respect personal space

·  Ask to use/have/borrow staff’s or classmate’s items

·  Conduct school appropriate conversations

·  Use active listening


Follow directions given to you by any staff member.

In order to gain all points in this area a student must:

·  Follow staff’s directions

·  Pay attention to staff and classmates

·  Gathering needed materials for each class (book, writing materials, paper, etc)

·  Completing class work/activities

·  Completing homework

·  Asking questions in an appropriate manner if directions are not understood.


Be in your assigned seat or area at all times.

In order to gain all points in this area a student must:

·  Be seated facing forward

·  Have all legs (chairs, desk, students) firmly planted on the floor

·  Be in their seat when the bell rings

·  Remain in your assigned area at all times

·  Have chair in its designated area.

·  Ask for permission to remove, look, have items on staff’s desk


Use appropriate language and manners throughout the school day.

In order to gain all points in this area a student must:

·  Use manners (please, thank-you, you’re welcome, etc.)

·  Use an appropriate level and tone of voice

·  Talk about school appropriate topics

·  Talk by using school appropriate language

IV. Level Description


A student must earn at least 56 points (70% of the total points) for 5 days plus 2 consecutive days (maintenance days) in order to progress to Level 2. Total = 7 days. Level 1 is the most restrictive level.


On level 1, a student will only have assigned and supervised breaks. All breaks will take place in the STEPS classroom. Students on Level 1 will not be able to buy anything from the STEPS store, but will be able to accumulate “money.”

·  None

·  Student must independently work at their seats during 10 minute break on activities that have been predetermined by staff members.


A student must earn at least 60 points (75% of total points) for 12 days plus 2 consecutive days (maintenance days) for a total of 14 days in order to progress to level 3.

Students will be placed on notice if they fall below 60 points for two days during a school week. Failure to gain 60 points or more on the next day will result in the student dropping back to level 1. Privileges do not apply on days that the student does not earn at least 60 points.


·  Students will be able to purchase items from the STEPS store

·  Students may choose an activity to work on during therapeutic breaks but the activity must be completed independently and at the student’s desk.

·  Students may use the computer for 10 minutes during therapeutic breaks for designated tasks or activities if students have purchased computer time.

·  Students will have the opportunity to earn tickets to audit classes (the description of this is on page 9) when they reach level 3 and 4.


A student must earn 64 points (80% of the total points) for 14 days plus 2 consecutive days for a total of 16 days in order to progress to level 4. Along with maintaining the necessary 64 points, students must have at least a 75% in all academic classes (English, Math, History, and Science).

Students will be placed on notice if they drop below 64 points 2 days during a school week. Failure to gain 64 points or more on the next day will result in the student dropping back to level 2. Privileges do not apply on days that the student does not earn at least 64 points.


·  All privileges of Level 2

·  Lunch out in the cafeteria with the general education population- Lunch rules apply

·  Bell breaks- Bell Break Rules apply

·  Staff chosen snack


A student must earn 68 points (85% of the total points) for 16 days plus 2 consecutive days for a total of 18 days in order to progress to level 5. Along with maintaining the necessary 68 points, students must have at least and 85% in all academic classes in order to gain level 5.

Students will be placed on notice if they drop below 68 points 2 days during a school week. Failure to gain 68 points or more on the next day will result in the student dropping back to level 3. Privileges do not apply on days that the student does not earn at least 68 points.


·  All privileges of level 2 and 3

·  Pre-approved visit with a staff member Ability to purchase items from school vending machine with own money

·  10 minute computer time after work is completed


Students must earn at least 72 points (90% of the total points) for 20 consecutive days. Students will be placed on notice if they drop below 72 points 2 days during a school work. Along with maintaining 72 points, students must also have at least a 90% in all academic classes (in the STEPS room) in order to begin to transition out into the high school. Failure to gain 72 points or more on the next day will result in the student dropping back to level 4. Privileges do not apply on days that the student does not earn at least 72 points.


·  All privileges of level 2, 3, and 4

·  Celebrate reaching level 5 with a restaurant lunch in school, with a staff member.

·  Assist other staff with classroom jobs

·  Unlimited use of computer during scheduled breaks

·  Gym time

·  Student choice of snack

V. Exit Process

When a student reaches level 5 and meets the 20 day mark, the student will begin to transition out of the STEPS classroom.

Below is a sample of a transition. Note: this is a sample transition only; each transition will be based on the individual needs of each student.

First Week: Student will spend one period in a special education or mainstream class.

Second Week: Student will spend two to three periods in a special education or mainstream classroom.

Third/Fourth Week: Students will be in special education or mainstream classes based on the discretion of the STEPS team.

During the transition period, the student will return to the STEPS classroom for one to two periods everyday for affective skills.

At the end of the transition period, the student will take all academic classes in the special education or mainstream classes.

VI. STEPS Discipline/Consequences

Consequences can include but are not limited to:

·  Redirection

·  Loss of opportunity to earn points

·  Time out in the classroom

·  1:1 discussion with staff member

·  Walk and talk with staff member outside of the classroom

·  Time out in the STEPS classroom

·  Parent contact (Email, phone call, progress report, etc)

·  Talk with school based probation officer if applicable

·  On Notice (written notification when daily points fall below required amount)

·  Office referral for: detention, in school suspension, out of school suspension

·  Individual Programming (IP)

·  ______anything else that is felt to be an applicable consequence as determined by the STEPS team.

If necessary, additional district consequences may be imposed for more serious infractions.

VII. Classroom Paperwork

a. Individual Programming

Central Dauphin East High School

STEPS Classroom

Notice of Placement in Individual Programming

Date: ______

Dear Parent/Guardian(s):

______has been assigned a session in our Individual Programming room. His/her session will be approximately ______class period or day(s) long. Failure to meet all the required criteria for the Individual Programming session will result in additional time.

Your child was assigned Individual Programming for the following reason(s):

Rules they did not follow:

_____ Work to my maximum potential

_____ Be on time, enter the room orderly, and be prepared to learn.

_____ Show respect for other’s right to learn.

_____ Display respect’s for adult’s authority.

_____ Accept responsibility and perform the consequences for my actions.

Reason the student received Individual Programming: ______







Individual Programming was assigned immediately. ______.

Individual Programming is scheduled for ______from ______to ______. STEPS classroom staff will closely monitor students placed in IP. Academic and behavioral goals will continue to be addressed with each student.

If you would like to discuss the incident with staff, please feel free to contact the STEPS classroom staff by email at or via phone by calling (717) 541-1662 ext. 400. Thank you,

STEPS Classroom Staff

Individual Programming (IP) rules

Enter the Individual Programming (IP) room upon arrival to school or when directed by staff members.

Sign this paper to indicate an understanding of the rules and procedures for the IP room.

Stay seated unless directed otherwise. Keep the desk in its pre-arranged location.

Keep the door open.

Refrain from displaying any inappropriate behaviors or noises that would be considered distracting to the rest of the classroom.

Staff members will check on your frequently during each class period. Please direct all questions to the staff at check in times only.

Complete all academic work given to you by staff members. All work must be neat, organized, and show effort. Any work that is determined to be inadequate will be reassigned for proper completion.

The STEPS classroom staff will determine all breaks (restroom, drink, etc).

You must participate in a one on one processing session to discuss reason fro placement in IP.

All classroom rules and the level systems are still in effect while the student is in IP.

*STEPS classroom staff will meet with you each period to discuss your progress and exit criteria for the IP room. When you have met all the requirements you will be exited from your IP session. Failure to comply with the rules and staff directions will result in additional class periods in IP.

** Any disruptions by students placed in IP and/or failure to follow the rules will result in an administrator being called.

Student Name:

Student Signature

Staff Signature


VII. STEPS Paperwork

B. On-Notice Form

Central Dauphin East High School

STEPS Classroom



Please note that you have been placed ON NOTICE for failure to maintain at least ______points. This is the minimum amount of points required to continue on Level ______and progress towards Level ______. You must earn a minimum of ______points for the next two days or you will drop back to Level ______.

STEPS agreement


I ______(student’s name) have received and read the STEPS level program and agree to follow the procedure of the classroom. I am aware of the consequences of all actions and that choices that I may make in regard to school and classroom regulations.


Student Signature


My parent(s)/guardians have also reviewed the STEPS level program and agree to support me in my choices and actions that may occur in the classroom and school setting.

______Date ______

Parent/Guardian Name


Parent/Guardian Signature

Contact Information:

Terra Blaisure

Lynda Garlock

Kristen Killinger

School Number: 717-541-1662

STEPS voicemail: Ext 400

Homework Hotline: Ext 1400