Preparing to Elect Community Eligibility Provision (CEP)

Organizing Data

On the CEP School Selection Worksheet record schools (A) from highest number of students directly certified (SNAP match) (B) to lowest.

Get current enrollment number(C) for each school from district or school registrar

For each school:

Estimate CEP Identified Student Percentage (ISP) and Claiming %

  • Divide Count of DC (B) by Enrollment count (C) x 100
  • Result = ISP Estimate (D)
  • Multiply by 1.6
  • Result = CEP free % (E)

Calculate Current Free and Reduced Claiming % (J)

  • Sum lunches year to date by Paid (F), Free (G) and Reduced (H) category
  • Sum categories for Total lunches served (I)
  • Add Free (G) and reduced (H) categories together
  • Divide Free and Reduced sum by Total lunches (I)
  • Result = % of free and reduced lunches (J)


Looking at the ISPs for each school:

  • Those with an ISP of 62.5 or, more elect CEP
  • Those with an ISP of 40 to 62.49 are of interest
  • Those with and ISP of 35 – 39.9 have potential
  • Those with an ISP less than 35 must be grouped to participate

Looking at the Claiming % for schools with ISP less than 62.5:

  • If current Free and reduced claiming % (J) is higher than the estimated CEP Free claiming % (E), stay with regular claiming
  • If the estimated CEP Free claiming %(E) is higher, pursue CEP

Maximizing Student Counts

  • For schools that may be elected for CEP:
  • Determine if students currently certified for free meals by application could be certified by SNAP match, foster, migrant, homeless or run away documentation.
  • If yes by locating on accepted Identified Student documents, move them to one of these CEP identified student methods and keep document.
  • Change procedures to lists, if foster, migrant, homeless/runaway certifications are done by application.

Electing CEP

On April 1 secure a student membership list by name for each school from school officials - not the meal counting system.

If students receive meals but are not included on the membership list, add them to the list.

For each name on the list, identify one method the student is certified in a meal benefit category during the year. (Paid, Application, Extended Application, SNAP – DC, Extended DC, Migrant, Foster, Homeless/Runaway, SNAP letter, Administrative Application, Head Start/Even Start).

  • Students in Paid, Applications, and Extended Application may not be included in the ISP counts
  • Students in SNAP – DC, note the date of the DC List
  • Students in Extended DC, note the sibling on the DC list and the date of the list

Count the number of students in each CEP identified student category and record on the ODE CEP Election Spreadsheet

Count the number of students on the membership list and record as enrolled count on the ODE CEP Election Spreadsheet

Retain the following records for the duration of the four (4) year cycle plus an additional three (3) years:

  • Membership list
  • DC lists
  • Migrant lists
  • Homeless/Runaway lists
  • Foster lists or documentation from district
  • SNAP Letter
  • Administrative Application
  • Head Start or Even Start Lists

Oregon Department of EducationMarch 20151

CEP School Selection Worksheet

Claim Periods: ______

School Name / B. Count of DC / C.
Enrollment / D.
ISP Estimate
(B ÷ C)
X 100 / E.
CEP Free %
(D x 1.6) / F.
Lunches / G.
Free Lunches / H.
Reduced Price Lunches / I.
Total Lunches / J.
% Free and Reduced Lunches
(G+H) ÷ I
X 100 / K.
Consider for CEP
(E,I, P, G, N)
Sample K-8 / 183 / 355 / 51.54 / 86.46 / 6840 / 17799 / 3967 / 28606 / 76.08 / I

Identified Student Counts for CEP

School Name______

Student Name / Paid / App/
Extended App / SNAP DC / Extended DC / Migrant / Foster / Homeless/
Runaway / SNAP/ Admin Letter / Head Start

Oregon Department of EducationMarch 20151