Student Leadership Team of Carolina Ministries

This is an application for those interested in serving on the student leadership team of the Carolina Ministries. The student leadership team is open to all students from the ninth grade up to a senior in High School. However, to be eligible, the student must have been nominated by a pastor for the team and most importantly professed his or her faith in Christ. Also, demonstrated positive leadership in his/ her own student ministry, two recommendations and a desire to be committed to this team for two years.

*preference will be given to juniors and seniors.

General Information:

Name: ______

(Last, First, Middle Initial)

Date of Birth: ______, ______

(m, day, year)

Address (1): ______

Address (2): ______

City: ______State: ______Zip: ______

Is the where you receive your mail? If no, please write your mailing address here:

Home Phone: (___)-______-______

Cell Phone: (___)-______-______

Work Phone: (___)-______-______

Email Address: ______

Facebook page: ______

School Name: ______

T-Shirt Size in adult sizes: ______

Church Name: ______Pastor: ______

Youth Pastor: ______

Parents/Legal Guardian’s Name: ______

Your Interests:

1.  What is your favorite subject in school (the one you enjoy most)? Why?


2.  List your extracurricular activities outside of school and church. Which is the most important to you?


3.  What are your plans for the future (College, career, etc.)?


4.  Consider your personality and choose from the following:

Lion: (strong willed, a voice to be heard, natural leader) ____

Otter: (the laugh of the party, always humorous, spontaneous, a friend) ______

Golden Retriever: (Sympathetic, compassionate, great listener, warm friend)

Beaver: (Quiet, perhaps shy, very organized, you lead silently, you don’t have to be the life of the party because in truth, you would rather be somewhere else instead) ______

Other (Please explain):______

5.  What do you do when you experience conflict with someone? How do you generally handle confrontation? Circle your answer.

I fight back I try to understand the other point of view

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Explain why you chose this number. ______


Your Spiritual Journey:

1.  Give a brief testimony on how you came to know Jesus as your Savior. Where were you, how old, who with, what did you feel?


2.  What are the obstacles that you have encountered along you journey with Christ, (Family issues, friends, old habbits, physical ailments, disbelief, etc…)?


3.  On a scale of 1 to 10, circle the number that best describes your spiritual journey at this time:

Feel far away from God Fell extremely close to God

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Tell about a specific event in the last six months that explains why you picked that number: ______

4.  Who is the person with whom you have the most meaningful accountability relationship with at this point in your walk with Christ? (Sunday school teacher, youth pastor, mom, dad, friend, etc.) How does this relationship help you on your spiritual journey?


5.  What does leadership mean to you, why?


6.  Why do you want to be part of the student leadership team and what would you like to see the youth of Carolina Ministries be more involved in?



Home Church Reference

Name: ______

Occupation: ______

Phone Number: (____)-______-______

Outside Reference

Name: ______

Occupation: ______

Phone Number: (____)-______-______