Parish of Wareham St. Martin


For a Meeting in The Sandford Community Hall, Keysworth Drive, Sandford, Wareham - On the 11th June 2018

1.  Dorset County Council –

  1. Dorset County Council and Natural England have been approached about the replacement of the Sandford Drive sign which contractors damaged when cutting back the rhododendrons along Sandford Road.

2.  Sandford Heritage Hall – A swarm of bees gained access to the Vestry through the air bricks and a bee keeper visited to try and remove. No queen could be seen and most of the honey bees had died. The air bricks have now been covered but they continue to go into the wall from outside. Complaints from neighbours have prompted the care home to bring in their pest control officer to deal with them. A new mortice lock has been requested and all hirers have been asked not to use this lock when using the hall.

3.  Purbeck Film Festival – A showing of The Darkest Hour will be screened in the Sandford Heritage Hall on the 24th October 2018 with nibbles. Tickets will be available nearer the time. This is being sponsored by the Pine Martin Grange care home and the parish council.

4.  Sandford Organ – A very successful visit from two gentlemen from Holland which gave them the opportunity to play the organ. Mr N Webb then took them on a tour of other organs in the area.

5.  Labour Field – The 2 benches have now been installed and the waste bin cemented in. Mr John Williamson worked with a contractor and provided the use of his trailer for this and other works over 2 days. The contractor also erected the safety contact sign by the garages.

6.  Sandford Heritage Community Group – There will be a presentation on the history of Sandford House and the Rodgetts/Filleul families on the 25th June 2018.

7.  War Memorials – The Royal British Legion has generously donated money for the relaying and repointing of the slabs around the war memorials. This work has now been completed and the site looks much tidier.

8.  Station Road – The new noticeboard has been installed by a contractor and Mr J Williamson opposite the main Admiralty Park entrance. This replaces the small one that used to be on the first gates of the site. The metlocks have not been used and Mr D Hawkins has agreed to return the items.

9.  Sandford Heath – A report was made of a gate swinging open by the bridge on FP 7 because the latch has broken. This report has been sent to Natural England for repair.

10.  Dorsetforyou – If any resident sees a road defect, pothole, blocked drain, street light not working, etc., please remember you can report it by telephone on 01305 221000 or on the website of