Primary Responsibilities / Calendar of Activities / Activity Detail
Assists and confers with President / January and on going / Assists the President as needed, maintains close communication with President
Shall be bonded; is signatory on all bank activity, checking, CDs, Savings, etc. / January / Accompanies Treasurer, President, and any other appropriate persons to bank to sign documents to authorize 2nd signatory on checks.
Assumes duties of President in the absence of the President / January and on going / Should President be unable to serve, assumes role of President
Attends Audit Committee / January / Assist President as directed
Attends Budget Committee / November / Confers with President, Treasurer, Officers, Committee Chairs regarding budget opportunities and needs
Establishes NMQA role at NM State Fair / January / Meet with State Fair Home Arts Superintendent; ascertain dates of Fair as soon as possible
Write Quill articles / January and on going / Write articles for Quill on any topics related to Pres. Elect duties (State Fair, etc.) or as directed by the President.
Contracts for State Fair Quilt Show and Challenge Contest judge / February / Contacts judge, organizes contract for judge.
Coordinates activities on Judging Day at the State Fair / August and September / August:
A. Recruit workers for judging day, two shifts, 6-8 workers per shift.
B. Coordinate judging of Challenge Contest with Challenge chairs. Challenge Quilts can be judged the day of or the day before the State Fair judging (depends on the judge’s preference or the number of Challenge Quilts entered)
Obtain copies of judge’s comment form
C. Advise volunteers that lunch will be potluck with fair workers. Both shifts are invited.
D. Provide cold bottled water for the workers, pencils, judging comment forms
E. Assigns one person the responsibility of writing the names of winners for Challenge Quilts Contest and winners of NM State Fair Quilt Show
F. Prepares letter for first place winners to be attached to quilt allowing a free NMQA membership for one year. Letter needs to include that if the person receives more that one first place, the person will receive only one free NMQA membership.
G. Delivers the names of the first place winners to the State Fair competition to the NMQA membership Services Chair for receipt of a oneyear membership as part of the first place award
H. Orders and purchases ribbons for the NMQA Challenge Contest and the NMQA State Fair Quilt Show (NM State Fair provides ribbons on its quilt show).
Negotiates, list dates, signs contracts for Membership Meetings, Board Meetings building managers)
Writes Presidents Corner article/letter for handbook/roster
Arranges information sent to handbook/roster preparer
Writes Quilters’ Quill Article / October
December / Membership Meetings: Contact Beth Horan, UNM Continuing Education: 277-2527, calendar of meetings will be agreed to, 4th Monday except: April (UNM has meeting in our room), sometimes May meeting is on 3rd Monday, and November (Thanksgiving) Check meeting dates with Programs Chair
Board Meetings: (first Monday, January, March, May, July, Sept, Nov., Dec.)
Send article, information to roster/handbook preparer; and to publicity
Send article to Quill writer