Minutes of the November 2, 2009Executive Committee Meeting
In Attendance:
A quorum was present.
Alan Coxie, Patsy Brison, Lisa-Gaye Hall, Heidi Stewart, Mae Creadick, James Ellis, Bill Christy, Tikkun Gottschalk, Jason Peltz, Jason Gast, Cindy Holman, Howard Gum and Doug Tate.
Approval of Minutes:
Minutes from the October 5, 2009 meeting were reviewed. Mr. Coxie pointed out two typos in Wills for Heroes notes. Ms. Holman moved for approval of the minutes as corrected, Mr. Gottschalk seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report:
Ms. Plemmons reviewed the Treasurer’s Report. She presented the balance sheet to the committee and reported on our assets and liabilities. There was discussion regarding an overdraft charge, and a suggestion from the Bar Administrator that the Treasurer be allowed to make on-line transfers to prevent future problems. This issue was tabled for the next agenda.
Ms. Plemmons informed the committee that the money market account is due on November 15, 2009. After a brief discussion, Mr. Ellis moved that we roll over the Bar’s funds in the money market account for another 6 months with Home Trust Bank. Mr. Peltz seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Tate moved to accept the Treasurer’s report, Mr. Coxie seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Committee Reports:
Pro Bono:
Mr. Ellis reported that Pro Bono Week has been a success. The kick-off event at the courthouse went well, and the stakeholder’s meeting was well-attended.
Task Force Reports:
Mr. Christy stated that the rest of the year is covered for programs.
E-News and Communications:
Ms. Stewart reported that the committee is almost ready to unveil the new and improved 28th JDB website. The Bar Administrator stated that Bar Briefs will be out this week.
Other Business:
Retiring Judge Portraits
Ms. Creadick presented the EC sub-committee’s proposed policy for recognition of retiring judges and court officials. Mr. Tate suggested adding appellate court justices to the policy. The EC agreed any judge who resides BuncombeCounty should be included. The EC discussed and agreed that a judge shall be on the bench for 8 cumulative years to receive a Bar sponsored retirement party, and 16 cumulative years to receive a Bar sponsored retirement party plus $500 towards a photographic portrait. Additional funds may be raised by individuals to create a painted portrait. Ms. Brison moved to accept the policy with these changes, Mr. Christy seconded and the motion carried unanimously. The amended policy is attached and incorporated by reference.
Wills for Heroes
Mr. Coxie informed the committee that the Wills for Heroes event was a success: 48 law enforcement officers and fire fighters were served, and 20 attorneys volunteered. There were several good comments on the Pisgah Legal Services space provided for the event. Mr. Coxie reported that there are many more that could benefit from Wills for Heroes, and hopes to make this an annual event.
Bar Holiday Party
Ms. Hall reported that the jazz trio won the vote for the holiday party. The Venue reduced their price as we had hoped. So far there is a shortfall for pledges to provide alcohol for the party. Ms. Hall has advised the Bar of the shortage via e-news. The EC agreed to provide Ms. Hall with firm administrators to contact for donations.
One Million Trees Project
The One Million Trees Project is a nationwide public service project of the American Bar Association. Ms. Creadick reported that she spoke to the Housing Authority for the City of Asheville and they would gladly accept trees for their property. If provided, HACA would involve the tenants and their children in planting the trees to promote pride and ownership in the community. There was discussion that while this is a worthy project, the EC should not use mandatory dues to provide the trees, but rather seek to raise the funds from the Bar. Ms. Hall agreed to put a request in the next Bar Briefs for attorneys to donated time and/or money to this project.
Mock Trial Sponsorship
Ms. Stewart reported that our line-item for such sponsorships is $500, and the Mock Trial group is seeking $3,500. After brief discussion, Mr. Christy moved to provide $500 to sponsor the Mock Trial group, Mr. Tate seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Office Space
Ms. Stewart reported that office space has been selected with Pisgah Legal Services for our Bar Administrator. Ms. Brison moved that the Executive Committee approve the Bar’s entry into a lease wherein the lessor is Pisgah Legal Services, a not for profit NC corporation, the lessee is the 28th Judicial District Bar, a subdivision of the NC State Bar, the location is 62 Charlotte St., Asheville, NC 28801, the term is one year with renewals, the area is 130 square feet (includes office and some use of conference room), unit cost of $4.23/sq ft/mo (includes office and shared facilities including lobby, kitchenette and conference room) including all utilities except telephone, for annual rental of $6600.
After some discussion from the committee, Ms. Brison amended her motion to add that further action to effect this vote’s intent be taken without further committee vote. Mr. Christy seconded and the motion carried unanimously. Ms. Creadick, Mr. Tate and Mr. Ellis abstained.
Bar Cares
Ms. Stewart led the discussion regarding the investigation into other options for Bar Cares. A pilot program was proposed to provide coverage to all NC Bar Association members who are not covered by insurance or in a Bar Cares district. Additionally there is free 1 year membership for attorneys in their first year of practice. The pilot program estimates that 25% of our Bar would need coverage, costing us approximately between $530 and $1,200. Ms. Hall informed the committee that she has scheduled meetings with other potential providers including Pisgah Institute. The committee discussed tabling this issue for further investigation. Mr. Christy moved to table, Mr. Ellis seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Action Steps:
- Ms. Hall will continue to investigate other cost effective plans as an alternative to the Bar Cares program.
- Ms. Hall will solicit contributions from the Bar for the One Million Trees Project.
- The EC will provide Ms. Hall firm contacts that can assist her in soliciting funds for alcohol for the Bar holiday party.
- Ms. Plemmons will roll over the Bar’s funds in the Home Trust money market account for another 6 months.
Next Meeting:
The next regular EC meeting will be ______at ______.
There being no further information coming before the Committee, the meeting was adjourned. These minutes are respectfully submitted on the ___ day of ______, 20__.
M. Mae Creadick