Missouri Cancer Registry
Using Web Plus for MCR Death Clearance – 2012
- Log in to Web Plus with the following link:
At the Login Screen enter your MCR assigned ‘Username’ and ‘Password’. After you’ve logged in, select “Follow-back Requests,” and the following screen will be
availablelisting the DC follow-back forms for resolution. Before getting started,
PLEASE NOTE thatWeb Plus automatically times out after 30 minutes of inactivity, so
remember tosave your work frequently.
- Select “Open” to view the patient’s information as reported by the death certificate. Please complete the Web Plus fields as completely as possible.NOTE: This is not an abstract- there are no required coded fields or edits on this program but please enter any available information you do have that would help us progress to clearing the case. A brief but concise notation in the ‘comments box’ or ‘reject follow back request box’is required for every case to explain why a specific resolution was selected and to direct us toward information that will help us determine if the patient was diagnosed anywhere prior to the death certificate diagnosis. If cases are submitted without brief/concise explanations they may be returned for clarification, duplicating and slowing the process.
- Determine the case resolution status for each record, after thorough review of your hospital’s main patient data system and any available medical records for each patient.
- If the patient has never been to your facility and there is absolutely no information,rejectthe case and indicate “not our patient” in the “reject follow back request” box (see #6 for screen shot). Occasionally the death data that we receive from the Bureau of Vital Statistics is incorrect, however, we have found in many cases that the individual was a patient in your hospital and that information was missed during the initial search.
- If the patient has been to your facility and should have been reported, please complete the ‘diagnosis date’. In the comments box state “missed case”. Complete the abstract as you normally would (in your own software) and submit to MCR with your next data file submission. Low-volume facilities must fax the chart to MCR as soon as possible.
- If the patient has been to your facility with a previously diagnosed malignancy or reportable benign tumor but the disease was not treated there, or there is a stated past hxand currently NED,please review the medical record and if the diagnosis date, orapproximate date (year is acceptable) can be determined, enter the diagnosis date (or approximation) in the ‘diagnosis date’ and document the information in the ‘comment box’, (ex. “no dx/tx here, but info says dx carcinoma lung 12/2002” or “Dr says mantle cell lymphoma dxd five years ago”). If the dx date can’t be determined reject the case and in the “reject follow back request” box provide any known tumor specifics and the name of another facility or physician we may contact (see #6 for screen shot). Include the physician’s complete name and address if possible.
- If the patient has been to your facility for a condition other than a malignancy or reportable benign tumor and you cannot provide any details regarding the death certificate diagnosis,reject the case and in the “reject follow back request” box provide the name of another facility or physician we may contact (see #7 for screen shot). Include the physician’scomplete name and address if possible.
- If the patient has been to your facility for a condition other than a malignancy or reportable benign tumor and there is NO INFORMATION about the death certificate diagnosis or other facility or physician, reject the case and indicate “No information on death certificatedx and no follow back info” in the “reject follow back request” box (see #7 for screen shot).
- Place any other additional comments/explanations in the comment box that you feel may direct us toward clearing the case.
- Save the completed record.
- The screen below appears asking if you want to release the case. You may either release the individual abstract as you’ve completed it, or you may release all abstracts at the same time. IMPORTANT: The information does not reach us unless released.
- Here is the screen you’ll see if you are rejecting the case. Again, please fully explain your reason and provide specific details for other follow-back sources if available.
- When you go back to the list of cases, you’ll see the status for each case (incomplete, complete, released or rejected). Two screen shots for this.
8. For those cases shown as incomplete, open and complete all necessary information and release to MCR; for those shown as complete, release to MCR.