List Serv Information

What is a listserv?

A listserv is an e-mail list that requires users to subscribe. The listserv is free and available to all who have an interest with EMS related issues. The purpose of each listserv is to allow a message to be sent to all who have joined (subscribed). The list of users is maintained and managed electronically at UVM (University of Vermont).

What local listservs are available for EMS?

The following listservs are available:

·  VTEMSD3 - for related issues in the Vermont EMS District 3 area

·  EMSISSUES - for all other EMS related issues state-wide in Vermont

·  NEEMSC - for pre-hospital providers interested in EMS pediatric initiatives

·  VTEMSIC - for training officers and instructors in Vermont who wish to share information related to courses and training opportunities, this is a state-wide listserv.

How to subscribe

1) Send e-mail to:
2) on the first line of the body of the message type the following: sub VTEMSD3 <your first name> <your last name>
do not include the < or > (these are to indicate your name). An example, if Kent Hurt wishes to subscribe, the following would be included in the body of the message:
sub vtemsd3 Kent Hurt

3) FOR SUBSCRIBING ONLY: If you use an automatic signature generation with your mailer turn it off - listservs won't understand your signature lines and will just give you error messages. Don't use your mailer's confirmation of reading or auto-reply features, these are also not understood by the listserv.

4) Once UVM receives the request to subscribe, a confirmation message will be returned. This confirmation must be replied to within 48 hours. To confirm, either reply to the confirmation message with the word "ok" in the body of the message (do not include the quotes), or if you have access to the WWW simply visit the site provided in the confirmation e-mail. You will not receive messages from the listserv until confirmed, and if you do not confirm within 48 hours your name will be dropped from the list.

How to unsubscribe

1) Send an e-mail to:

2) Leave the subject line blank.

3) Type the signoff command (unsub will also work) as the first line of your message with the list name. For example:

·  signoff emstrain

·  signoff emsissues

·  signoff neemsc

·  signoff vtemsic

4) Send the message

Etiquette for sending messages.

These listservs are a public forum. Messages sent will be seen by all who have subscribed. As in any other public forum, proper conduct is expected. Use appropriate language that includes both tone oflanguage as well as the words used. Although "tone", and in some cases the choice of words, are subjective please use the following rule ofthumb: be respectful of others and refrain from profanity.

Each listserv has a specific purpose. Do not use these forums for non-EMS related issues or for the solicitation of goods for personal profit other than those services sanctioned by the VTEMSD#3 Board (i.e. please do advertise the sale of puppies or a used light-bar). These listservs are moderated by Greg Thweatt, through the kindness of the University of Vermont. Please forward questions regarding the use of this listserv to Greg at: ).

Archives of listserv messages

All messages sent on the listserv have been archived by the host (UVM) on a month-by-month listing. Note that a keyword search feature is provided when searching for specific messages via these archives. To view an archive click on VTEMSD3 or EMSISSUES or NEEMSC or VTEMSIC


Vermont EMS District #3 12/17/08