Being in ‘Residence’ at Oxford

2.1 The Academic Year

At Oxford, the academic year is divided into three terms – Michaelmas, Hilary and Trinity. ‘Full term’ (in which lectures and tutorials take place) lasts for eight weeks. You will often find that dates are referred to as ‘Tuesday of 3rd week’ or ‘Friday of 7th week’. This system is logically extended to the weeks prior to the start of term (‘0th week’) and after the end of term (‘9th week’). Please note that Oxford weeks begin on Sundays.

You will need to be in Oxford beyond the eight weeks of full term. Undergraduates must be in residence by Thursday of 0th week (there are often College exams on Friday of 0th week), and graduates must return by Sunday of 0th week. University examinations will sometimes continue into 9th or 10th weeks: you will receive prior warning if this is the case.

Residence Requirements: In order to take your degree, you are required spend a certain number of terms ‘resident’ in Oxford. This does not necessarily have to be in College accommodation but must be within 6 or 25 miles (for undergraduates and graduates respectively) of the city centre. The number of terms varies according to the degree you are reading for: you can consult the Examination Regulations ( full details.


Michaelmas Term
Sunday 0th Week / Sunday 1st October 2017 / All post-graduate students normally to be in residence by this day
Tuesday 0thWeek / Tuesday 3rdOctober 2017 / Undergraduate Freshers arrive
Thursday 0thWeek / Thursday 5th October 2017 / All undergraduates to arrive on or before this day
Sunday 1st Week / Sunday 10th October 2017 / Start of Full term
Saturday 8th Week / Saturday 2nd December 2017 / End of Full Term
Hilary Term
Sunday 0th Week / Sunday 7th January2018 / All post-graduate students normally to be in residence by this day
Thursday 0th Week / Thursday 11th January 2018 / All undergraduates to arrive on or before this day
Sunday 1st Week / Sunday 14th January 2018 / Start of Full Term
Saturday 8th Week / Saturday 10th March 2018 / End of Full Term
(1styr Law students will have to stay for exams until 18th March. Some PG courses will also have exams during vacation)
Trinity Term
Sunday 0th Week / Sunday 15th April 2018 / All post-graduate students normally to be in residence by this day
Thursday 0th Week / Thursday 19th April 2018 / All undergraduates to arrive on or before this day
Sunday 1st Week / Sunday 22rd April 2018 / Start of Full Term
Saturday 8th Week / Saturday 16th June 2018 / End of Full Term
EXAMS OUT OF TERM TIME: Please note that many undergraduate and graduate subjects will have exams scheduled after 17th June. You must check with your tutor before making travel arrangements.

For term dates in future years and dates of Extended Terms for 4th year Chemistry and Biochemistry students please see . Please also check these dates before making holiday plans.

2.2 Being away from College

Students are required to be in residence for the duration of full term, weekends included. However, there is some flexibility within the residence requirements so, provided there is no adverse effect on your work, you may normally occasionally absent yourself from College for one night. If you do need to leave Oxford during full term you must get permission from your tutor in advance.

If you live in College accommodation you must inform the Lodge that you will be away overnight, so that your absence can be accounted for should there be a fire alarm or other emergency. Do this by leaving with the lodge a sealed envelope showing on the front your name and the date on which you will be absent. Put inside the envelope the address at which you will be staying and telephone number. This will only be opened in an emergency. You can retrieve the unopened envelope when you return.


The College needs to have up-to-date contact details for both term time and vacation so that we can contact you in an emergency. You are asked to update your contact details when you register online each year, but please also let the College Office know directly of any changes. It’s also a good idea to leave a forwarding address at the Lodge during vacations.