Paris - 16-18 October 2013

COST-Modernet “Paris meeting” October 16–18, 2013

Anses, Maisons-Alfort

Special focus on joint work and collaborative actions

Wednesday October 16

8.30 – 9.00 / Registration, attending list, coffee...
9.00: official beginning
Auditorium / Plenary. Welcome –Information and meeting objectives
·  Gerard Lasfargues
·  Raymond Agius
Auditorium / KeyNote speaker EU-OSHA (Elke Schneider)
EU-OSHA perspective on recognising new hazards and risks and work-related diseases
10.30-11.00 / Coffee Break
Auditorium / Plenary. Joint Work completed / Collaborative Work (Chair: Jorge Costa David) (4 x 30min including 10-15 min discussion)
·  WG1: EU existing systems recording OD/WRD à Melanie Carder
·  WG2 : Trends in incidence of some WRD across EU participating countries à Jill Stocks and Roseanne McNamee
·  WG3 : OccWatch project: Sentinel Clinical Watch System (sharing cases of potentially new WRD, and building common expertise) à Vincent Bonneterre, Serge Faye, Melina Le Barbier on behalf of WG3
·  WG4 : Special issue Occupational Medicine (London) à Claudio Colosio
13.00- 14.00 / Lunch
14.00 – 16.30
WG session / WG1-WG3
(Chair: Axel Wannag)
Evidence level for new OD
Amphi 1-2 / WG2-WG4
(chair Roseanne McNamee)
Presentation of Peter Noon : GP reporting scheme for Ireland
16.30 : official end of 1st day
(rooms remain available for working later if necessary)
Auditorium / Optional: demonstration of rvn3p new information system Christophe Paris and Mélina Le Barbier
Amphi 3 / Core group meeting
19.00 / Official Dinner – Chez Julien

Thursday October 17

9.00: official beginning
Auditorium / Plenary - Chair : Annet Lenderink (5 minutes each)
-  New participants to introduce themselves shortly and tell about their reasons to join this Action and what they expect to gain as well as add from it : Neville Callega (Malta), Stefan Gravemeijer (GER), Gerald Wanka (GER), Consol Serra (Spain), Kirsi Karvala (FIN), Daniela Pelclova (CZ), David Miedinger (SWI), Hilde Cnossen (NL), Frank de Vocht (UK), Naum Vaslievski (FYR Macedonia)
-  Short presentation of posters : C. Paris, D. Pelclova, M. Delaunay.
Auditorium / Plenary. Chair : Annet Lenderink
Key note speaker: Jorge Costa David- EU Commission and OD/WRD; issues and progress of December conference on OD
10.15-10.45 / Coffee break
Auditorium / Plenary. Joint Work completed / Collaborative Work (Chair: Elke Schneider ) (4 x 30min including 10-15 min discussion)
·  WG1: Classifications of occupations and economic activities used in MODERNET à Corinne Pilorget
·  WG2: New issues emerging from WG2 work à Roseanne McNamee
·  WG3 : Data mining applied to THOR dataset /QSAR and rnv3p à Vincent Bonneterre and Raymond Agius
·  Early signals for emerging risks in occupational safety and health à Hilde Cnossen
13.00- 14.00 / Lunch
14.00- 16.00
Auditorium / Management Committee
16.00-16.30 / Coffee break
WG session / Identifying both research needs and funding sources (proposal planning for raising funds : H2020, etc):
WG1 / WG4
(Chair : Stefano Mattioli)
‘Systematic reviews in Occupational Medicine: improving quality information before decisions’
Amphi 3 / WG2 / WG4
(Chair : Roseanne McNamee)
Improving tools to support policy ?
Amphi 2 / WG3 / WG4
(Chair : V. Bonneterre)
OccWatch realated issues and possible sources of funding “Improving surveillance & preparedness”
Amphi 1
18.00 : official end of 2nd day

Friday October 18

9.00: official beginning
Auditorium / Plenary presentation of progress in WGs and collaborative Work – Chair : Lode Godderis
·  STSM: summary, and mainly follow-up
·  WG1, WG3, WG2, WG4 : working groups leaders – Focus on H2020
10.00-10.30 / Coffee break
Auditorium / Plans for future fundings – Chair Raymond Agius: "future communications plans" (20th World Congress on Safety at Health at Work, 24-27 August 2014 in Frankfurt, ...),
·  Presentation of Dr Frank De Vocht on the role of occupational hygiene/exposure assessment (10-15 min + discussion),
·  Presentation of Dr Paul Miller on the role of Health Economics (10-15 min + discussion).
13.00 official end of Paris meeting


1-  Occupational asthma to argan powder: First evidence E. Penven, F. Herin, M. Poussel, S. Jacquenet, C. Poussel, C. Guidat, I. Thaon, A. Barbaud, C. Paris.

2-  Development of an objective method for quantification of the etiologic fraction of the occupational risk factors in the chronic lumbar vertebral column diseases – Presentation of a Project IGA Daniela Pelclova1, Marie Nakladalova2, Pavel Urban1,3, Petr Ridzon1, Jana Hlavkova3, Zdenka Fenclova1,3, Milan Richtr, Andrea Zavadilova-Lastovkova1.

3-  Occupational health data integration in a Geographic Information System (GIS) to improve vigilance and prevention - Example with Microelectronics activity sector in France. M. Delaunay, S. Faye, M. Le Barbier, V. Godard, R. de Gaudemaris, V. Bonneterre.