Mog’s Christmas Calamity

1 - What kind of video is this?

An advertisement/advert/ad

A commercial

2 - What is it for?

for Sainsbury’s a big grocery/food store/ a supermarket

It is their ad for Christmas

The story of an accident-prone cat

3 - Now watch the video again and, in pair, reorder these statements

  1. It was Christmas eve
  2. All the family was dreaming sweet dreams
  3. Becky and Debbie were dreaming about what Santa would bring them.
  4. Mr. Thomas was dreaming of a new bat
  5. Mrs. Thomas was dreaming of…something else
  6. Mog was having a nightmare
  7. A ball fell and turned on the oven
  8. The turkey was burning
  9. Mog dialed 999
  10. Mog jumped on the table and all the plates fell on the floor
  11. Mog landed on the clock, the clock fell on the presents
  12. A present hit the plug and there was a short circuit
  13. The tree collapsed and Mog ran out
  14. The firemen arrived and saved the turkey
  15. Mog saved the day
  16. The house was covered with soot
  17. The neighbors arrived to help clean up
  18. They all shared their Christmas dinner.

What is the message of this advert?

Xmas is about happiness/ friendliness/ a moment of joyfulness AND sharing good food from Sainsbury’s!!

Is it really an advert?

It’s a children’s story like a tale which sums up the spirit of Christmas.

How is usually your own Christmas?

Mog’s Christmas Calamity

1 - What kind of video is this?

2 - What is it for?

3 - Now watch the video again and, in pair, reorder these statements

a)A present hit the plug and there was a short circuit

b)Mog jumped on the table and all the plates fell on the floor

c)Becky and Debbie were dreaming about what Santa would bring them

d)All the family was dreaming sweet dreams

e)Mog dialed 999

f)The turkey was burning

g)Mrs. Thomas was dreaming of…something else

h)Mog landed on the clock, the clock fell on the presents

i)Mog was having a nightmare

j)The house was covered with soot

k)They all shared their Christmas dinner.

l)A ball fell and turned on the oven

m)The tree collapsed and Mog ran out

n)It was Christmas eve

o)The firemen arrived and saved the turkey

p)Mog saved the day

q)The neighbors arrived to help clean up

r)Mr. Thomas was dreaming of a new bat

What is the message of this advert?

Is it really an advert?

How is usually your own Christmas?

Mog’s Christmas Calamity

1 - What kind of video is this?

2 - What is it for?

3 - Now watch the video again and, in pair, reorder these statements

a)A present hit the plug and there was a short circuit

b)Mog jumped on the table and all the plates fell on the floor

c)Becky and Debbie were dreaming about what Santa would bring them

d)All the family was dreaming sweet dreams

e)Mog dialed 999

f)The turkey was burning

g)Mrs. Thomas was dreaming of…something else

h)Mog landed on the clock, the clock fell on the presents

i)Mog was having a nightmare

j)The house was covered with soot

k)They all shared their Christmas dinner.

l)A ball fell and turned on the oven

m)The tree collapsed and Mog ran out

n)It was Christmas eve

o)The firemen arrived and saved the turkey

p)Mog saved the day

q)The neighbors arrived to help clean up

r)Mr. Thomas was dreaming of a new bat

What is the message of this advert?

Is it really an advert?

How is usually your own Christmas?